Essential Oils For Beginners
Easy Step By Step Guide With Recipes For Skin Care,Hair care, Emotional Wellbeing, Household Use And More
Coral Miller
Copyright 2015 by Coral Miller All rights reserved. No part of thispublication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in anyform or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or otherelectronic or mechanical methods, without the prior writtenpermission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotationsembodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial usespermitted by copyright law. Published by Winsome X Publishing atSmashwords 2015 Table of Contents Read Other Books By Coral Miller: Essential Oils For Kids And Babies: A SimpleGuide To Aromatherapy And Using Essential Oils For Children
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INTRODUCTION Thank you for buying this book. For a coupleof years now, I have been working with essential oils, continuouslylearning and experimenting with them and I must say they havebecome a vital part of my life. I have discovered a whole lot ofthings that essentials oils are able to do that I cannot do withoutthem and I have been better and healthier for it. For those who are new to essential oils, thisbeginners guide is for you.
It will help you to get a firm startin your journey to using and benefiting from these oils. You willalso gain detailed insight into the basics of essential oil, aswell as its usage and purpose in solving everyday problems be itaromatherapy, beauty, stress and household use. These are proven strategies and steps thatwill instill the right knowledge into you. Patiently read throughas it contains lots of guidelines to help you choose correctly. Thanks you once more for buying this book. Ido hope you will enjoy it! CHAPTER1All About Essential Oils Essential oils are natural, highlyconcentrated aromatic liquids that are extracted from the flowers,leaves, roots, fruits, shrubs, seeds, bushes of various plants.They are powerfully and beautifully fragrant, providing plants withtheir distinct aroma and enhancing their immune system.
Theyprovide plants with protection against harmful insects, disease andharsh environmental conditions. They are natural alternatives foroverall health care and general well being. Essential oils have been in use from ancienttimes; as far back as 4500 BC. The early people had stumbled intocertain plants that could cure their common ailments. They wentfurther to concentrate these plant essences into essential oilswhich they used in treating illnesses, in religious rituals and asperfumery. They passed this discovery to theirdescendants and over the years, there have been lots of improvementin its usage.
Today, research has proven that essential oils,besides being safer and more affordable, work just as well and insome cases even better than commercial products. Essential oils arenow used for numerous emotional and physical wellnessapplications. Essentials oils are not really oils in thereal sense of the word as they do not feel oily. They are not likeour cooking oils either. The reason they are called oils is thehigh number of oil-soluble chemicals present in the plant (about100-200 chemicals in one essential oil). They are highlyconcentrated, even much more potent than dried herbs.
For instance,1 drop of peppermint oil equals 26 cups of peppermint tea inpotency and 1 drop of lemon oil equals 16 lemon rinds as well! Since essential oils are extracted straightfrom parts of plants or trees, they possess a complex nature thatis hard to replicate outside of nature. Actually, some essentialoils contain substances that do not occur naturally anywhere else.Furthermore, they are not the same as fragrance oils. Fragranceoils are artificially created perfumes which have been infused withsynthetic scents for aesthetic effect. Essential oils, on the otherhand, actually provide the natural therapeutic benefits of theiroriginal plants. When purchasing essential oils, make surethey are pure and of high quality. Do not buy fragrance oils ordiluted essentials oils.
The therapeutic properties are in theactual substances and not just the fragrance. Cheap copies bringcheap results, causing problems like skin irritation or evenworsening an already existing ailment. There is no regulating bodyfor essential oils so make sure you buy from reputable sources toget your moneys worth. To test if your oils are pure, put 3-4drops on a blotting paper. Once evaporated, pure essential oilswill not leave any residue but petroleum solvents and adulteratedessential oils will. Like any other substances, safety precautionsmust be taken when using essential oils.
When using any essentialoil for the first time, carry out a skin patch test. This test willalso help you to know if you have a sensitive skin or you have anallergy to the oil. To do a skin patch test, dilute youressential oil in carrier oil. Place 1-2 drops on the inner side ofyour upper arm, cover with a bandage and keep it dry for 24 hours.If the skin turns red or feels hot, then it is unsafe for your use.Apply vegetable oil to the area to dilute the essential oil. Youcan also wash it immediately with water and mild soap but this isless effective. Do not overlook this procedure as it is essential.Additionally, do not take anybodys word for it because two peoplemay react differently to essential oil applied on them.
Alsoremember that if you are allergic to any plant, you are likely tobe allergic to its essential oil. Like regular tanning oils, essential oils ifnot carefully used can cause sunburn or even very deep burns. If itgets into your eyes, dampen a cotton cloth with sesame or olive oiland apply it to your eyelids. Be informed that some essential oilscan irritate the eyes so must be used with care. Again, a few canbe poisonous e.g. tea tree oil.
Avoid this poisonous essential oilfor mouthwash. The safest way to treat essential oil is toconsider them as medicines. This way, you will be able to lessenthe level of harm that may occur, if handled wrongly. Other Safety GuidelinesInclude : * Do not use undiluted essential oils on yourskin. With the exception of lavender and tea tree oils (Melaleuca),on no account should you use any essential oil in its pureform. * Do not use essential oil without thecounsel of your physician if you are pregnant.
Additionally,individuals with health conditions like epilepsy and asthma mustseek a doctors approval. * Do not exceed the recommended dosage foressential oils. Remember it is very strong and the smallest amountcan still get the job done. * Essential oils are flammable so protectfrom fire hazards. * Not all essential oils can be used inaromatherapy. * Keep all essential oils should out ofchildrens reach. * Keep all essential oils should out ofchildrens reach.