Reptiles & Amphibians For Dummies
by Patricia Bartlett
Reptiles & Amphibians For Dummies
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About the Author
Patti Bartlett began chasing lizards about 40 years ago, when her family moved to Albuquerque, New Mexico, and inviting vacant lots stretched on all sides of their house.
Those vacant lots and the lizards they contained have long since disappeared, but she still chases lizards every chance she gets. (Although the lizards are as fast as ever, the pursuer is not.)
Those lizards led to snakes, which led to turtles (the only pet you could sneak into a dorm room). Once Bartlett moved away from the desert, she discovered amphibians, a group she feels is the most beautiful of the herps. College courses in technical illustration fostered an appreciation of herps as aesthetic objects, and producing black-and-white and color artwork occupies a portion of her time (and a large portion of her workspace).
During her exploration of herps as art objects, she collected every book she could find on reptiles and amphibians. Not many of these books were available in the 1970s and 1980s, and many were purchased only for their photos, some of which were printed upside-down. Because she was living with herps that somehow ended up in almost every room of the house, she felt everyone would want to the do the same, if they only knew enough about how to take care of them. She is the author or coauthor of some 25 books on herps, as well as pet trade books on hamsters, rabbits, and basset hounds. In the meantime, she was the director of historical museums, an advertising representative for a land development company in Florida, a promotions manager for a fertility clinic, and a book editor.
Today she shares her space with her husband Dick, several dogs, and a small but very select collection of iguanas, turtles, and snakes.
For my father, Alan Pope, and my stepmom, Ethel Pope
Authors Acknowledgments
Thanks are due the many people who helped me with this manuscript. First of all is my husband, Dick, who offered advice and assistance whenever requested. Id like to thank my agent, Grace Freedson, whose knowledge and help made this book possible. Thanks are also due Frank Slavens; Allen Salzberg; Billy Griswold, DVM; Jim Harding; Kevin Zippel, Detroit Zoo; John Gannon, Philadelphia Zoo; Scott Pfaff, Riverbanks Zoo; Mike Goodwin, Cincinnati Zoo; Frank Indiviglio, Bronx Zoo; Marshall Meyers of PIJAC; Gerry Salmon; and Professor James Vaupel, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research.
Id also like to thank those hundreds of hobbyists who have shared their experiences with me over the years, and who work with herps just because they think these creatures are endlessly interesting.
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