Teens Guide to Fun Social Distancing DuringCovid-19
Camille S. Campbell
Copyright 2020 Camille S. Campbell
All rights reserved.
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ISBN 978-1-7338672-8-3
Table of Contents
Coronavirus has dramatically alteredrealities for everyone, including us teens. Now, were staying athome more than ever, studying independently, not seeing our friendsas often, and spending a lot of time with our family. As our lifechanges, we have to adapt. That means we have to find a way to liveour best life while at home. Being a homeschooler since the thirdgrade, Ive learned valuable skills, such as how to keep in touchwith friends even if I cant always meet them (for example, videochats), explore my passions (which led to writing/publishing twofantasy books), and be close to my parents. When I first becamehomeschooled, it was a big adjustment.
Change can be hard, but it can make usstronger. As Generation Z, we face the experience of living in apandemic environment at a young age. Teens from other generationsfaced the French Revolution, the Spanish Flu, WWI and WWII, andother life-changing events that affected who they became. Maybe ourkids or grandkids will be learning history and ask us about how wegot through the COVID-19 times.
Although this is not a war, we can still beheroes by being cautious, social distancing, wearing masks (becausewe can be asymptomatic or presymptomatic and still carry thevirus), and showing other forms of responsibility. We can fight thespread of the virus by simply staying home. We can respect ourbrave healthcare workers and protect those with compromised immunesystems, our grandparents, and even those we dont know. Its easyto do what we want, but its harder to do whats right when itlimits our own desires. How can you positively impact the world?The answer to that question would be: saving lives by following theadvice of healthcare professionals and taking precautions.
While youre at home, you can also become abetter version of yourself. We teens can become authors,volunteers, app developers, musicians, songwriters, chefs, CEOs,and more from the comfort of our own homes. We will defineGeneration Z by the struggles we faced and how we came out ready tomake our futures better. From this experience, we will make apositive mark on the world. Without further ado, here are ways tohave fun at home, while safely social distancing!
The first step to coming out better fromquarantine and improving your life is by happily
coexisting with those in your household andestablishing a routine that makes you as productive as possible.You probably have never spent more time with your family than youdo right now. Since your parents may work from home, your siblingsarent in school, and youre also at home, everyone is SUPER closetogether. Some families completely ignore each others presence athome, while others get into conflicts more often than usual. Theseconflicts can make the coronavirus situation only more stressful.Thats why its essential to keep things as calm as possible andtry to keep peace with your family.
If your parents tell you about your dirtyroom all the time, put a reminder on your phone to spend tenminutes cleaning it every day. If your family doesnt communicate,then maybe its time to suggest a family game night, ask a parentor sibling to watch a movie that you would both enjoy, or make atasty dinner you can all savor. Staying together to support eachother is just as important as staying out of major conflicts. Go tothe section for some ideas on what to do withyour family.
Constantly staying home with your family is arare, perhaps once in a lifetime, experience. Even though thingsare stressful, you also have the opportunity to bond with yourfamily like never before, so dont waste this experience witharguments. Do your best to make sure this time together will be afond memory. Remember, its okay to talk about your feelings. Tellyour parents what you miss about your old life and find ways torelate to them about the situation. Opening up can draw you bothcloser together and make quarantine more enjoyable. Instead ofhiding your emotions from your parents and answering theirquestions with answers like yes or no, take time to get to knowyour family better.
Just make sure not to go OVERBOARD withbonding. Your family members can be your best friends, but, at thesame time, you all dont want to overwhelm each other. Everyoneneeds some alone time, where we can work and de-stress. Try to donice things for your family as much as you can. As Aesop said, Noact of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. Think aboutwhat act of kindness you can do for your family!
Image Credits: Pixabay
Keeping a healthy routine is essential toliving your best life at home. If youre used to going to the gymor playing a sport, staying home doesnt mean giving up physicalactivity. Play your favorite music playlist and follow along ondifferent types of dance routines, online exercise guides, and yogatutorials. Invite your friends to have an exercise session overvideo chat if you want to exercise in company. Pick a time of dayyoure most used to working out and have fun! Check out the NavyPhysical Readiness Fitness Test or West Point requirements, whichboth consist of push-ups, running, and other physical challenges.Just make sure to check with your doctor before starting toexercise.
Your routine not only means caring about yourbody but also your mind. Having cabin fever and being stressedabout the pandemic is normal. Thats why its necessary to takemental health breaks and develop a routine to cope with yourchanged life. Going on daily walks, bike rides, or jogs (whilekeeping a six-foot distance and wearing a mask when appropriate)can help you de-stress.
You may also want to plan a spa day at home,where you can make facial applications using natural ingredientsfrom your kitchen, play calming music, kick your feet up, andrelax. Aside from exercise, sketching, writing poetry, and writingabout your life can be therapeutic and take care of your mentalhealth. Go to the section for ideas and advice on whatactivities you can do from home. Pursuing a passion can be the bestthing to get through a time like this. Find out what motivates andrejuvenates you!
During the pandemic, our lives have become alot more stressful. Thats why its important to work onde-stressing methods to help us cope with the current situation.There are many articles in magazines and on the web that talk aboutdifferent ways to lower your stress levels. I will touch on a fewthat work for me. If youre feeling anxious, practice breathingexercises to calm your nerves. Watch online tutorials, includingyoga videos, to correctly learn these techniques. Other thanbreathing exercises, stretching can also positively impact yourmental health. Play your favorite songs while stretching orpracticing breathing exercises, since listening to music canimprove your mood and help you relax your body.
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