Spirit-Lifting Devotions for Grandmothers
ISBN-10: 0-8249-4506-9
ISBN-13: 978-0-8249-4506-0
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R emember the warmth and comfort of Grandmas hugs? The smell of the cookies you made together, flour up to your elbows, baking in the oven? Remember Grandmas prayers and words of wisdom that helped you through some of lifes rough patches? And do you remember, or are you anticipating, the birth of your first grandchild, or a grandchilds stroll down the aisle toward a new life, or some other milestone in between?
Those memoriesand God in themare what 365 Spirit-Lifting Devotionals for Grandmothers is all about. Each day these devotions bring you
a Scripture to help you focus on God and His Word;
glimpses of God in the real-life experiences of others;
prayers to pray for yourself and your loved ones.
In addition to all that, your heart will be warmed, your soul encouraged, and your imagination stimulated about keeping up with the grandchildren, near and distant; changing relationships with adult children; leaving a spiritual legacy to your grandchildren, and so much more.
Whether youre already a grandmother, expect to become one, or are still making memories with your own grandmother, this collection will encourage your heart through glimpses of God in the joys, sorrows, challenges, and life lessons passed from generation to generation.
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An old mans grandchildren are his crowning glory.
M y fiftieth year was a blockbuster. I went to Europe for the first time in my life, chaperoning twenty-six teenagers! And that summer I even water-skied behind my brothers speedboat on the Ohio River. But the most important thing that happened to me that year after I turned fifty was becoming a grandmother for the second time.
Hannah was born a month early with a head full of thick, shocking red hair. The first time I saw her she was still in the neonatal intensive care unit at the hospital, attached to all sorts of wires and monitors and sleeping in a heated bassinet. Her back seemed only a few inches wide as she snuggled into my hand. Her skinny little arms were punctuated with perfectly formed fingers that squeezed my little finger.
Holding and rocking my dainty, darling redheaded granddaughter in that hospital brought on such feelings of joy that during my two-day visit I practically begged my son, Hannahs dad, to let me go in instead of him during the few minutes each hour that one of us was allowed in the intensive care unit. Most of the time Michael gave in and stood outside looking through the thick windows of the nursery while I rocked and cuddled my precious grandchild.
As Hannah and I snuggled, I knew without a doubt that no matter what adventures I have, where I go or what I accomplish in my next fifty years, absolutely nothing can come close to the intense feelings and joy of being a motherand a grandmother.
heavenly Father, I thank You for the beautiful grandchildren who renew my life with joy.
All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching. 2 T IMOTHY 3:16 (NASB)
I was stuck in a hospital bed, recuperating from surgery. The previous patient, a little girl, had left her coloring book and crayons. When I couldnt take any more television, I picked up the coloring book.
This might sound strange, but I loved coloring the drawings of cats, and when Id finished the book, I wished there were more.
Back to the television, I thought, but then one of my daughters dropped in. I showed her the book, said how much fun Id had with it, and told her I was sorry to be finished with it.
Well, Mom, maybe youre not quite finished with it. She pulled a pocket Bible from her purse. Lets find an appropriate Scripture for each picture, a verse that expresses its feeling.
We started with a picture of two kittens lapping up milk and wrote, God shall supply all your need We had a wonderful time, and afterward I wished Id played this game with my children long before.
So, Ill have to play it with my grandchildren when they get a little older. Then theyll soon learn how to use the Bible, and theyll also learn how to look for the true feelings in lifes little moments. Andso will I.
Father, please show me new ways to bring Your Word to light.
The priests made repairs [to the wall], each in front of his own house. N EHEMIAH 3:28
O ne of Grandmas evening rituals was sweeping. Shed begin in the kitchen, careful to capture every crumb, and end on the front porch, sweeping our welcome mat with vigor. Once I asked her why she swept the porch every day, even when it didnt need it. She leaned on the handle of her broom and winked at me, as though she were sharing a secret. If everyone would sweep in front of his own door, the whole world would be clean.