Tissue Salts
for Healthy Living
Margaret Roberts
Published by Struik Nature
(an imprint of Random House Struik (Pty) Ltd)
Reg. No. 1966/003153/07
80 McKenzie Street, Cape Town, 8001
PO Box 1144, Cape Town, 8000 South Africa
First published in 2001 by Spearhead, an imprint of
New Africa Books (Pty) Ltd
This edition published in 2008 by Struik Nature
Copyright in text, 2001, 2008: Margaret Roberts
Copyright in published edition, 2008: Random House Struik (Pty) Ltd
Managing editor: Rene Ferreira
Copy-editor: Elsa Austin
Cover photographs: Phyllis Green
Cover design by Crazy Cat Designs
Design and typesetting by Alicia Arntzen, Lebone Publishing Services
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright owners.
ISBN 978 1 77007 773 7 (Print)
ISBN 978 1 43170 050 9 (ePub)
ISBN 978 1 43170 051 6 (PDF)
Also available in Afrikaans as Weefselsoute vir Heilsaamheid 978 1 77007 774 4
The content of this book is not intended as a substitute for consultation with a medical professional. Do not undertake any course of treatment without the advice of your doctor. The author and publishers take no responsibility for any illness or discomfort that may result from information contained in this book.
I have many people to thank for their help in my work with tissue salts. First and foremost my friend, Doreen Mankowitz, who introduced me to this wonderful way of self-help she is a life changer, having shared her bounty of knowledge with so many of us over the years. To a loyal and supportive friend of long standing, my most grateful thanks.
To Natura Homeopathic Laboratories, in particular Dr. Elsab Stoffberg and Mary Green, the manufacturers of the tissue salts I use, who warmly support us and respond to all our needs, with unstinting helpful advice and such kindness that make this sick old world a better place. Thank you for so much and for so professionally bottling all my last-minute orders. Your act is beautifully together.
For my publisher, Nicholas Combrinck, who lets me loose and free and gives me the rare chance to write a book a life changer such as this, my gratitude always.
To my editor, Rene Ferreira, who drives kilometres to collect and dispatch manuscripts and who remains always the same supportive and considerate. Thank you for not pressing and pushing the deadlines and for gathering it all together and keeping a cool head!
To my copy editor, Elsa Austin, editor of my years of magazine articles and who knows my writing so well. It has been pure pleasure to work with you, knowing youre as excited about the wonders of these salts as I am. Thank you for catching up the loose ends and for cross-indexing and keeping every fact in place!
To my three children and the farm animals and birds on whom I experimented and into whom I forced these little white pills and dabbed on to them strange pale lotions. Thank you that you so obligingly opened little mouths and snouts and beaks, and for over 30 years gave me the extraordinary experience of astonishing results that ended up in this book! And look how healthy you all are and what well-balanced adults youve all grown into!
To Annatjie van Wyk, my clever-at-deciphering typist, who manages to cram into her busy schedule the results of my 4 a.m. scribblings, my midnight scrawlings and my rush and flurry and ASAP notes. She delivers on time every time, and keeps track of everything every day. Annatjie even remembers what I wrote last month! Thank you for saving me so often and for catching the flyaway pages I drop off at the farm gate in the dark dawns.
To Phyllis Green, the photographer, who gives so much time and shares so much interest in recording a picture library of every herb and plant mentioned in this book, and for taking the cover photographs. We all enjoy working with you!
I need also to mention the huge number of students who have attended my tissue salt classes at the Herbal Centre and whose lives have improved because of the salts and who have experienced and verified what I have written here. Thank you all for so enthusiastically giving me feedback.
I am filled with such gratitude that these natural, simple remedies can make such a difference in so many ways and in so many lives. It is all because of Dr. Schuesslers research and experiments so many decades ago, we can now benefit from nature and become whole and balanced and healthy throughout all the days of our lives.
Herbal Centre
De Wildt
North West Province
South Africa
Winter 2001
This will probably be one of the most unusual books you will ever read and undoubtedly one of the most important books I will ever write.
My hope is that it will provide an enlightening and surprisingly simple, but new approach to health supplements. You may even find the outcome, after taking tissue salts, both astonishing and life-changing even mind-blowing. For that is what the precious tissue salts can actually achieve. They will literally change your way of thinking about health, and how you will cope in future with every mood, every anxiety, from the day-to-day little ailments to the bigger, more frightening illnesses that relentlessly plague us and those near and dear to us.
The twenty-first century brings with it undreamt of problems and situations. Current conditions tax our bodies, our minds our very souls as we strive to keep pace with technology and the demands of life today. As a result, we are often in a state of such anxiety that it seems well never emerge to cope with future obstacles.
What we dont realise is that, due to intense stress, our bodies and minds have become depleted. But, by selecting the specific mineral salts our body needs, and correcting our diet to include the fruits, vegetables and herbs that are predominantly rich in these particular minerals, we can attain vibrant health, and an alert and positive mindset. And, best of all, we can cope with all that life has to offer while fighting illness and debilitation.
I first learnt about biochemic tissue salts well over 30 years ago when, expecting my second baby, I was suffering from morning sickness. I have my long-time special friend, Doreen Mankowitz, to thank for not only giving me so many inspiring books to read and for stimulating my mind so constantly, but also for introducing me to tissue salts through a book written by Dr. Carey and Dr. Perry, The Salts of Salvation. Doreen generously gave me all 12 of the tissue salts and watched while I took Kali. Mur., which immediately settled my morning sickness and Nat. Mur., which quickly cleared my hay fever. I have never looked back and, while I waded through the prolific 1932 edition of the publication (originally written in 1906), I developed a total fascination that has never left me.
According to the two doctor authors, there is no human condition that cannot be helped by the specific tissue salt for that ailment. And, through the years since then, I have proved this fact over and over again not only for humans but also for animals, birds and even plants with each incidence showing an immediate and often profound response. I wondered how I ever lived without them.
What are tissue salts?
Tissue salts also called cell salts or biochemic salts are minerals, the same minerals that are found in the earths rocks and soil. These minerals should be present in our bodies in a perfect balance, which is the prerequisite for complete health and well-being.