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Brian White - Hearty Bakery Recipes: Tempting Artisanal Bread and Pastries, Book 6

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Brian White Hearty Bakery Recipes: Tempting Artisanal Bread and Pastries, Book 6
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This is the first step to creating delicious baked goods from the comfort of your own home. Just about anything can be baked, from sweets to savory bread. If you are not familiar, baking is a cooking method that involves drying out food; there are many foods for all courses that could potentially be found in a bakery. They would also be perfect regardless of whether or not you have a busy lifestyle or a lot of time. Go ahead and dive in to begin creating bakery magic in your home.This book coversThe Basics of bakingEssential equipment for bakingBread recipesBrownies, blondies, and bar recipesCake recipesCookie recipesCupcake and muffin recipesPie and tarts recipesAnd much more!This Bakery Cookbook will fill you with flour-based baked goods and leave you in awe with all the delicious recipes. Each recipe is guaranteed to take you down a journey of creativity and deliciousness. Your whole family will be begging you to remake them over and over again. Are you ready to start your Baking Journey? We are ready when you are, so lets get our oven fired up!

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Hearty Bakery Recipes - Book 6

tempting Artisanal bread and pastries


Brian White

Copyright 2021 Brian White Copyright Page This book is under license - photo 1

Copyright 2021 Brian White

Copyright Page This book is under license which means you are not allowed to - photo 2

Copyright Page

This book is under license, which means you are not allowed to copy, print, publish distribute or disseminate the content inside. The only person who can do these changes is the author. Also, this book is for informational purposes. The author made sure that everything in this book is accurate but you still need to take every step and decision with caution.

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Gifts for My Readers My goal is to reach as many people as possible and to - photo 3

Gifts for My Readers

My goal is to reach as many people as possible and to share my recipes with them. This is because I want everyone, both women and man to learn from my skills and recipes. This is why I decided to give everyone a gift, everyone who will subscribe. I know that you wont be able to check on my latest work so with the subscription you will get informed whenever published a new book.

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httpsbriangr8com Table of Contents Introduction For every - photo 4


Table of Contents Introduction For every meal of the day people of - photo 5

Table of Contents


For every meal of the day people of different communities serve bread in - photo 6

For every meal of the day, people of different communities serve bread in diverse ways. As part of the dinner or as a single snack, it may be consumed.

There are lots of great reasons why you should make your baked goods. The only trouble is time and commitment are required. Many people have never dreamed of making fresh baked goods in their lives, but much of that has begun to change with the new advent of automated bread-making machines. Today, millions of people turn their kitchens into bakeries, and every day they enjoy their own freshly made goods at a fraction of the price they might spend in a shop.

Like someone who makes his baked goods, its a much better choice to make one at home than buying bread at a bakery or even some bakeries, where most are made with some degree of change in baking. You can select healthier ingredients when choosing which ingredients to use in your food, whether its whole wheat, organic flour, or whatever fits your preferences are.

In addition, not all of us eat the same level of sugar in our bakery items. But when you buy from the local bakery stores, you cannot ask for a customized item to suit your sugar level. To avoid such problems, you have to turn to bake at home. When you are baking in your kitchen, you can add according to your taste. You can be creative and add spices of your choice to your items. If you do not like the flavor of the vanilla, you can skip it and use strawberry extract or coffee extract. If you do not like a certain fruit, you can skip it and add a fruit you love in the recipes.

When you bake at home, you have the liberty to customize it accordingly. Try making these delicious recipes and live a delicious life.

Chapter 1: Basics of Baking

A scale is required to weigh the ingredients, at least a measuring cup. There should also be a liter measure in every kitchen. Success is only guaranteed by strict adherence to the prescribed quantities.

If you dont have a bowl holder, put a damp cloth underneath so that the mixing bowl does not shift while stirring. Use a wooden spoon (preferably with a perforated leaf) to stir. A whisk is essential for making sponge dough. A vibrating sieve is an indispensable aid when sieving flour and

Powdered sugar. A dough scraper (a square sheet, mostly made of celluloid) is very practical. You can use it to remove the last remnants of the dough from the bowl but also to spread the dough evenly on the baking sheet. In the latter case, it is dipped in milk or water beforehand so that no remnants of dough get stuck. For the pastries specified in this book, which are baked in a springform pan (unless otherwise specified), the amount of dough is sufficient for forms with a diameter of about 26 cm. All shapes (baking and cookie cutters) and baking trays should be washed and dried carefully after each use.


Only use good ingredients. Inferior ones can spoil the whole baked goods. The flour needs to be dry, not lumpy or damp. If you want to keep a small supply of baking powder or store opened parcels, make sure that it is cool, dry, and separate from strongly smelling food, e.g., baking spices, stores. It is best to use a well-closing can for this. Use as fine-grained sugar as possible, as it dissolves better and faster. Sugar that is too coarse can spoil the whole baked goods. Only fresh or perfectly preserved eggs may be used. They are whipped over a cup one at a time before use to check that they are good. Whisked sour milk or buttermilk can also be used instead of sweet milk. Where quark is used for baking, you have to make sure that it is fresh, sweet, and dry. Follow the recipes exactly when preparing and making the dough.

Oven temperatures

The oven temperatures in this book refer to an electric oven with top and bottom heating. If you prepare with convection, simply reduce the temperature by 20 degrees.

Toothpick sample

With the toothpick sample, you can determine whether the cake is ready (if you cannot see it from the outside) or whether you need to change the recipe. To do this, take a toothpick or a stainless steel stick and stick it in the middle of the cake while it is still baking in the oven. When pulling out, no dough should stick to it. This is a sign that the cake base or cake is through.

Baking tips

Make vanilla sugar yourself : Put the scraped vanilla pod with sugar in a tightly sealable glass. The pod should be well covered with sugar. Seal it and let it steep for a few days.

Spread the icing on the cake : So that the fruit on the fruit base is evenly covered with icing, spread the icing over the fruit in a spiral shape from the middle with a small soup or sauce ladle. Work quickly as the cast solidifies quickly.

For the fruity frosting : Instead of water or milk, the frosting is mixed with lemonade. This gives the icing a special fruity aroma.

Make cakes lower in calories : Replace half of the fat or butter with the same amount of cream or low-fat quark in the batter if you want to watch your line. The cake will be lower in calories.

Sponge cake : Coat the sponge cake base with crme Fraiche before placing the fruit or fruit on top. This gives the cake or tart a refreshing aroma.

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