Rick and Lanies Excellent Kitchen Adventures (with Lanie Bayless and Deann Groen Bayless)
MexicoOne Plate at a Time (with JeanMarie Brownson and Deann Groen Bayless)
Salsas That Cook (with Deann Groen Bayless and JeanMarie Brownson)
Rick Baylesss Mexican Kitchen (with Deann Groen Bayless and JeanMarie Brownson)
Authentic Mexican (with Deann Groen Bayless)
Rick Bayless
with Deann Groen Bayless
Copyright 2005 by Rick Bayless and Deann Groen Bayless
Photographs copyright 2005 by Christopher Hirsheimer
Introduction adapted from the Eating Well magazine article Eat Like a Chef by Rick Bayless.
All rights reserved
First Edition
For information about permission to reproduce selections from this book, write to
Permissions, W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 500 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10110
Manufacturing by R R Donnelley, Crawfordsville
Book design by Chalkley Calderwood Pratt
Production: Andrew Marasia, Sue Carlson
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Bayless, Rick.
Mexican everyday / Rick Bayless, with Deann Groen Bayless ; color photographs by Christopher
Hirsheimer.1st ed.
p. cm.
Includes index.
ISBN 0-393-06154-X (hardcover)
ISBN 978-0-393-24180-8 (e-book)
1. Bayless, Deann Groen. II. Title.
TX716.M4B293 2005
641.5972dc22 2005023129
W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 500 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10110
W. W. Norton & Company Ltd., Castle House, 75/76 Wells Street, London W1T 3QT
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To Bob and Jewel Hoogstoel, whove warmly and lavishly shared
their celebration of lifes beauty with so many
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I am overwhelmedhumbled, reallyas I survey the generosity of those whove helped put this book together. Deann, my wife of twenty-six years, offered copious amounts of insight, an edi tors keen eye, a partners steadfastness and encouragement and a producers abil ity to bring the job to completionbeauti fully and on time. Kirsten West left her inimitable touch on every page, having worked on these recipes from conception to perfectiontesting, refining, retesting, rerefining. Maria Guarnaschelli, my editor of many years, asked the questions that led me to deeper, better and clearer mate rial. Christopher Hirsheimer captured on film the genuine beauty of simple food, in large part, I believe, because her warm, generous spirit perceives beauty all around. Chalkley Calderwood Pratt designed an easy, elegant package for weaving together my words and Christo phers images, while Judith Sutton pol ished those words so theyd dance across the pretty pages. Doe Coover, great agent and great friend, stopped everything when I needed her, always making me feel I was her only author.
In my world of book deadlines and restaurant hubbub, Lanie, my fourteen year-old, graciously puts up with unpredictable schedules, I hope because she knows I always carve out time for us to cook together. The ever-fabulous Jen Fite moves at lightning speed through the most complicated situations with hilarity and grace; I cant imagine how Id get anything done without her organizing, advancing and campaigning for every project we tackle. Carlos Alferez, our partner and general manager of Frontera Grill/Topolobampo, and Brian Enyart, the managing chef, have afforded me, by their dedication and carefulness, the opportunity to invest countless hours in writing and testing, in order to bring the true flavors of Mexico to an ever-wider audience. Manny Valdes, JeanMarie Brownson and Greg Keller, my partners in Frontera Foods, our prepared foods company, have been generous supporters and tireless evangelists for wondrous Mexican flavors. Finally, to Rita Knorr, Sergio Rojas and Michael Horowitz, my longtime coaches in yoga, strength training and life, respectively, I owe an enormous debt of gratitude: youve offered just what I need to bring life into bal ance; youve opened the door to a whole new meaning of fun .
Chiles, Fresh
CHOOSING: Whether its the small hot ser rano , jalapeo or habanero chiles or the larger milder poblano , yellow/wax or Ana heim/New Mexico chiles, always choose ones with unblemished, unwrinkled skin.
Serrano and jalapeo chiles
Habanero chiles
Poblano chiles
Yellow/wax and Anaheim chiles
STORING: In the refrigerator, loosely wrapped in a plastic bag so that they dont dry out, fresh chiles will last a week or so.
WHERE TO FIND: Well-stocked groceries, Mexican markets, online through
Chiles, Dried
CHOOSING: No matter where you buy them, never buy dried chiles that are brit tle or crumblingdried-out chiles have very little flavor. They should be pliable and, when you open the package, they should smell like spicy dried fruit. The wrinkled anchos and pasillas should be softer than the smooth-skinned guajillo and rbol chiles , and they should smell sweeter, more prune-like.
Ancho chiles
Pasilla chiles
Guajillo chiles
Arbol chiles
STORING: In airtight containers, in a cool, dark place for 6 months or, preferably, in the freezer (to guard against any moth infestation) for a year or more.
WHERE TO FIND: Well-stocked grocery stores, Mexican markets, online through or
Chiles, Ground
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