The Case of Jeffrey Dahmer
Steven G Carley
SGC Production
Boston, Massachusetts
Steven would grow-up in a small town inBoston, Massachusetts playing with other children in hisneighborhood. Steven would lead a mostly quiet life spending muchof his time devoted to his studies. Steven would view himself moreas a curious person than as a genius. He was born on July 13, 1975,his father was a machinist and mother Beverly was daughter to amachinist. Steven liked running and climbing but most of all heliked collecting, match box cars, baseball cards, muscle menfigures, and pretty much anything else he could get his hands on.Steven would grow-up with his two sisters who as mentioned earlierwould lead a relatively quiet life.
Steven was not a very successful student during high-school and attimes would rebel at home by sneaking out of the house at night tojoin in the endeavors of locals in the neighborhood. DespiteSteven's lackluster performance in high-school he would succeedwithin University of Phoenix receiving a Bachelor of Science degreegraduating with honors. During this time Steven would author fourworks pertaining to his area of study and another on the secrets toself-publishing. He may be most known for his collection of 40+e-books. He is currently continuing his studies within the IOPsychology Ph.D. program in which he is hoping to complete hisMaster's degree by 2015 and Doctorate degree by 2018.
Table of Contents
The Case of Jeffrey Dahmer
The case of Jeffrey Dahmer discusses thelife of Jeffrey Dahmer from his disturbing acts as a child to hismurderous rampage and up to his death while a prison inmate.Jeffrey Dahmer would possess every opportunity just as the rest ofus to be a normal functioning individual. Jeffrey would hide underthe mask of his relationship with his family hiding his firstmurder at the age of 18 and the ten years to follow where JeffreyDahmer would fight the urges to kill again. Jeffrey Dahmer wouldgive in to the urges and with this the killing would become easierfor Jeffrey Dahmer. As the killing got easier so too would themurder rate of Jeffrey Dahmer increase. In all Jeffrey Dahmer wouldcommit 17 murders and be convicted on 15 of these counts. It may bethe lack of treatment for Jeffrey Dahmers paraphilias wouldcontribute to his disturbing and violent personality.
The Case of Jeffrey Dahmer
Steven G Carley
SGC Production
Smashwords Edition
2013 Steven G Carley
Author Page Steven G Carley
The birth of Jeffrey Dahmer would occur onMay 21, 1960. Jeffrey would grow-up on a wealthy estate in a suburbof Akron, Ohio. His father was a success as a research chemist andas such would blame Jeffreys behavior on medication his wifeJeffreys mother would take during her pregnancy. During the firstgrade Jeffreys teacher would write a note to his parents statingJeffrey was experiencing feelings of neglect. This neglect was notin the form of physical or sexual abuse yet instead the constanttension from his parents fighting and bickering among one another.Jeffreys parents would even fight over the custody of Jeffreysremains after his death. His mothers experience of postpartumdepression after his birth would leave him with feelings of guilthe was ever born.
Dahmer would commit peculiar acts during hischildhood which would seem even the more peculiar after his arrestfor his adulthood crimes. For one according to Jeffreys neighborshe would possess a fascination for dead animals and insects andwould listen to the heart beats of his friends placing his head ontheir chests. Dahmer would collect roadkill cutting off their headsplacing the decapitated extremity onto a pole or stick. He wouldalso dry out and remove the skin of these dead animals. Dahmersearly life experiences demonstrate he may derive pleasure from thesufferings of others. At the age of five years Dahmer wouldconvince his friend to put his hand in what he would claim to be anest of ladybugs. In reality his friend would be placing his handin a hornets nest. Dahmer gave his grade school teacher sometadpoles who in turn would give the tadpoles to another student.Dahmers feelings of rejection would cause him to punish hisfriend. Jeffrey would handle the situation by pouring motor oil inthe tadpole tank killing them. During Dahmers teenage years hewould hunt out dogs and run them over with his car. In the eighthgrade Dahmer would admit to masturbating daily and fantasizingabout other boys. Dahmers first experience sexual in nature wouldoccur in the ninth grade with his male neighbor as the two wouldfondle and touch each other. They would take part in this action afew times and stop at the risk of being caught. Dahmers dissectionof a pig in biology class would end with him taking the head home,removing the skin, and keeping the skull. This was a time whenDahmer would possess thoughts of necrophilia having sexual thoughtsof corpses. Dahmer would drink frequently during high-school evenduring school hours. Despite taking part in normal high-schoolactivities and maintaining decent grades Dahmer could be viewed asa loner. Dahmer would only be seen with a woman at his prom and hewould neither dance with nor kiss his date.
At the age of 18 Dahmers parents would bein the middle of a divorce and fighting for custody of Dahmersyounger brother. In 1978 Dahmer would fantasize of a teenage joggerwho would frequent the area and would go into the woods with abaseball bat. The boy would not show on this day but this is yetanother example of the patterns of thought and violence runningthrough Dahmer. It would be in 1978 Dahmer would first kill, hisvictim being 19 year old Steve Hicks. Dahmer who lived by himselfand had a car would be drinking and driving and make the decisionto pick-up a hitchhiker. Hicks would go to Dahmers parents housewhere the two would smoke marijuana and drink beer. The two mayhave had sex or an attempt could have been made by Dahmer. In anycase Steven would try to leave and when Dahmer would try to stophim a struggle would ensue. Hicks would be hit over the head with abarbell and strangled to death. Dahmer would proceed to take offHicks clothing and ejaculate and masturbate onto his dead body.Dahmer would bring the body to a crawlspace beneath the home of theparents cutting the body into pieces and placing the body partsinto plastic bags. Dahmer would become a drifter after his firstmurder resisting urges to kill again over the next few years.Dahmer would attend the Univerity of Ohio, spend some time in theArmy, and for a short time live on a beach in Florida. Dahmer wouldget a job at a blood plasma center in Wisconsin where he would livewith his grandmother. After being fired a year later for poorperformance he would get a job at a chocolate factory. For a periodof nine years after his murder of Hicks he would continue topossess fantasies of capturing people yet would commit no acts ofhomicide.
Upon Dahmers return from the army he wouldretrieve the body pieces of his first victim and upon smashing themto fragments would scatter the remains in the woods. Dahmer wouldbegin a pursuit for a relationship in public establishments. Dahmerwould be a homosexual date rapist going to gay barhouses andputting drugs in their drinks. He would then take the drugged manto a hotel room. While in a sleeplike state Dahmer would performanal intercourse on the man. Dahmer would leave the man, he wouldawake with very little recollection of the occurring events. InDahmers attempts to not kill, he once visited a young man who haddied in the funeral home. Dahmer was interested in digging up thebody so he could have sex with the dead corpse. Dahmer once stole amannequin and had sex with it. All this time Dahmers abuse ofalcohol would increase.
Dahmer would be arrested in 1986 the chargelewd and lascivious behavior for masturbating in the presence oftwo 12 year old boys. Dahmer would be forced into therapy for hisactions and be described as cooperative and willing to change.Dahmer would not commit any murders from the time of 1978 to 1987yet in 1989 after killing three men he would render a guilty pleato second degree assault and the enticement of a child for immoralpurposes. Dahmer would try to lure a 13 year old boy to hisapartment bribing him with $50 to see his new camera. Dahmer wouldpersuade the boy to unclothe kissing his stomach, unzipping hispants, and pulling out his penis. Dahmer explaining it would makethe boy look sexier in the pictures would touch the boys penis. Atthis time the boy would drink coffee Dahmer had placed alcohol andtranquilizers into. Upon the boys return home his parents wouldnotice the peculiar behaviors, and when he would describe theexperience his parents would press charges on Dahmer. The arrestand conviction of Dahmer would do nothing in the direction ofdiscovering Dahmer as the murderer he had become.
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