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Meredith Ochs - Rock-and-roll woman: the 50 fiercest female rockers

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A must for rock and roll and womens studies enthusiasts.Library Journal
Celebrate the women who rock, with this fully illustrated tribute to 50 iconic female musicians and bands.
Award-winning radio personality Meredith Ochs takes an insightful look at 50 rock icons who indelibly shook up the music scene, whether solo or in a band. Profiling women from the 1950s to today, and from multiple genres, Ochs tells the dramatic stories behind their journeys to success, their music, and their enduring impact. More than 100 photographs make this a rich volume, and the idols include Aretha Franklin, Tina Turner, Grace Slick, Janis Joplin, Stevie Nicks, Heart, Chrissie Hynde, Patti Smith, Joan Jett and the Runaways, the Go-Gos, Karen O, Sleater-Kinney, Grace Potter, and more.

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STERLING and the distinctive Sterling logo are registered trademarks of Sterling Publishing Co., Inc.

Text 2018 Meredith Ochs

Cover 2018 Sterling Publishing Co., Inc.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (including electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without prior written permission from the publisher.

This is an independent publication and is not associated with or authorized, licensed, sponsored, or endorsed by any person, entity, or product affiliated with the artists in this publication or their music. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners and are used for edifixedtorial purposes only, and the publisher makes no claim of ownership and shall acquire no right, title, or interest in such trademarks by virtue of this publication.

ISBN 978-1-4549-3353-3

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Interior design by Shannon Nicole Plunkett

Cover design by Elizabeth Mihaltse Lindy

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PAGE VI Talent attitude and chutzpah comingle in this unofficial gathering - photo 5
PAGE VI Talent attitude and chutzpah comingle in this unofficial gathering - photo 6

PAGE VI: Talent, attitude, and chutzpah comingle in this unofficial gathering of women who rock in London, 1980: [top, LR] Chrissie Hynde (the Pretenders), Debbie Harry (Blondie), Viv Albertine (the Slits), Siouxsie Sioux; [bottom, LR] Poly Styrene (X-Ray Spex), Pauline Black (the Selecter). OPPOSITE [LR]: Joan Jett duets with frequent collaborator Kathleen Hanna in New York, 1994.


Rock n roll is built of fierce women. Blues, jazz, R&B, and country artists who laid its groundwork. Girl groups who projected a flashy, united front. Counterculture singers who protested the establishment. Punk rockers who democratized music-making. Riot grrrls who politicized it. And so many more. They all subverted stereotypes and challenged expectations, whether they set out to or not. Their rebellion is empowering and exponential.

So how does one choose the 50 fiercest? If I covered all the consequential female musicians I wanted to include, Id still be writing this book, and you wouldnt be holding it.

Every woman on the pages that follow made an original, influential, and indelible mark on music and culture. Some are famous and sold millions of albums. Others are less well-known, their impact much like whats often said of the Velvet Underground: Only a few bought their records, but everyone who did started a band. Each of these women steadfastly carved out a place for herself as an artist. They made it look easy, but, as youll soon read, it wasnt. Some battled those who told them it couldnt be done. Others fought addiction and abuse. The challenges each faced are inexorably linked with her achievements. Their stories are inspirational, and their art is timeless.

As it was impossible to condense these womens lives and careers into single chapters, I aimed instead to tell you some stories you may not have heard and introduce you to some artists you might not have met. I sought to celebrate the accomplishments of these extraordinary musicians and find the connective threads between themthe common experiences they share as women in music and the effect theyve had on one another.

To expand on that, in each chapter youll see other artists named who either influenced or were influenced by the fierce 50. I wasnt able to devote more space to them in this book, but they still deserve a place in the canon. Youll also find a selection of Deep Cutssuggested listening beyond the hits you already know (though for the more obscure artists, even their hits qualify).

Rock-and-Roll Woman is written in the spirit of exploration. Its arranged chronologically but can be read randomly; it will still make sense if you open up to any particular musician and see where that takes you. I hope you enjoy spending time with these phenomenal women as much as I did.


BORN: Rosetta Nubin / March 20, 1915 / Cotton Plant, Arkansas DIED: October 9, 1973 / Philadelphia

Sister Rosetta Tharpe playing with the Lucky Millinder Orchestra c 1938 - photo 7

Sister Rosetta Tharpe playing with the Lucky Millinder Orchestra, c. 1938.

INFLUENCES: Memphis Minnie, Bessie Smith, Ma Rainey, Jesus Christ

INFLUENCED: All of rock n roll

DEEP CUTS: The Devil Has Thrown Him Down / Strange Things Happening Every Day / Ninety-Nine and a Half Wont Do (with Katie Bell Nubin)

When the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame announced that the class of 2018 would include Sister Rosetta Tharpe, it had been a staggering eighty years since she made her first record. A one-woman ministry of American music, Tharpe brought gospel into the secular world with an ecstatic voice and canny allusion, and she wielded an electric guitar in consecrated halls. She was sanctified, amplified, and gratified. Tharpes wild style and rebellious nature influenced the earliest rock n rollers. If Elvis Presley, Chuck Berry, Little Richard, and Jerry Lee Lewis are cornerstones of rock, Tharpe is its foundation.

Little Rosetta was still in her single digits when she started performing in church, a tiny phenom with indelible power. Her mother, Katie Bell Nubin, was an evangelist for the Church of God in Christ, a Holiness-Pentecostal denomination that encouraged music as a form of spiritual expression and proselytizing. Founded by Charles Price Jones, credited with writing more than a thousand hymns, and Charles Harrison Mason, a son of former slaves who recognized the need to minister to African Americans moving around the country before World War II, the church created holy-rolling road shows that would give Tharpe her first taste of touring.

Tharpes wild style and rebellious nature influenced the earliest rock n rollers.

With her six-year-old daughter in tow, Katie Nubin left Arkansas for Chicago, part of the Great Migration. Rosetta soaked up the urban noise of her environs. In the 30s, she became one of the first to adopt a then-new electric guitar, which she played loud enough to cut through any clamor and distorted enough to heavily influence the sound of rock n roll. As a teenager, Rosetta went on a mission with her mother, traveling the country to play black churches and uplift worshipers with her bold voice and stage presence. At nineteen, she married Tommy Thorpe, an imperious Church of God in Christ pastor whod been part of their evangelical tour, but Sister Rosetta, as she was now called, was indomitable. The marriage didnt last, but she kept his name, with a slight change.

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