The 60s For Dummies
by Brian Cassity and Maxine Levaren
The 60s For Dummies
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About the Authors
Brian Cassity: Brian Cassity is an assistant professor of history at Kapiolani Community College who specializes in 20th-century history, specifically the Vietnam War.
Maxine Levaren: Maxine Levaren is a writer, a personal success coach, a passionate traveler, and a lifelong adventurer. Although she hates to admit it, she remembers the 1960s well, looks back on them with nostalgia, and views herself as an unrepentant hippie. She lives in San Diego with her two dogs, Senji and Bandit.
Brian Cassity: My deepest thanks go to my wife, Kathy, and my son, Liam, both of whom inspired me to finish this project. Their love, patience, and understanding with my long hours at the computer made this work possible. I dedicate this book to them.
Maxine Levaren: This book is dedicated to my three greatest fans, Jean Haren, Michael Bruce Iritz, and Stuart Allen Iritz.
Authors Acknowledgments
Though writing a book is a solitary endeavor, publishing one is definitely a team effort. As such, we would like to thank the editors at Wiley Publishing, Tracy Boggier, who helped birth this project, Mike Baker, who kept us on the straight and narrow, and Kristin DeMint, for her way with words. Their efforts proved invaluable in bringing this work to publication. Also, appreciation to our family and friends for their support and tolerating our absence and distraction during the last few months.
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T he 1960s were a turning point in the United States. It was decade of change and turbulence that had enormous impact on peoples lives, even up to today. In almost every phase of life, from the political to the social to the cultural, you can still see the impact of these ten years.