Dela Mopwali, Meriam elder. (Bonita Mabo Collection)
Robert Victor (Bob) Miles, Koikis admired schoolteacher, in 1945 before he went to Murray Island. He taught Koiki about mainland culture and the importance of English, and learnt Miriam from Koiki.(Courtesy Joan Miles)
Koikis sister, Marinda (centre back), Wanee Mabo (front) and Betty Mabo (second front row, right) with the Akee children on Thursday Island, 1961, when Koiki and Bonita were visiting Maiga Mabo in hospital to show young Eddie to his grandparents. Wanee and Betty were adopted by Koiki and Bonita. (Bonita Mabo Collection)
The Mabo wedding, 10 October 1959. Left to right: Raymond Geesu, Monica Saylor, Koiki and Bonita Mabo, Frank Lancini, Gillian Cassady, Benny Bennyfather, Benny Devow (pageboy), Victoria Tanna (flowergirl). (Bonita Mabo Collection)
I remember wearing his hat and his big boots down the streets of Murray, pretending to be a soldier, without knowing he was my biological dad. Robert Sambo, Koiki Mabos biological father, with his second wife, Dai. (Bonita Mabo Collection)
Maiga Mabo, Koikis adoptive mother, and Bonita Mabo (back row) with Mrs A. Gesah and daughter (front) on the hospital steps on Thursday Island. (Photograph by Koiki Mabo, Bonita Mabo Collection)
Koiki Mabo with children at the Black Community School, 1980. (Bonita Mabo Collection)
Koiki Mabo at James Cook University, as guest lecturer in Noel Looss race relations course. (Mabo Collection, Department of History and Politics, James Cook University)
Koiki Mabo teaching students about Torres Strait Islander culture at James Cook University, around 1975. He is holding a weris , a fish scoop. Items of Aboriginal culture are in the background. (Mabo Collection, Department of History and Politics, James Cook University)
The Eddie Koiki Mabo Library of Townsvilles James Cook University was opened in 2008 to commemorate his role in changing the land laws in Australia and his time spent working at the university. (Courtesy of Through the Looking Glass Studio)
Mabo with his lawyers (Greg McIntyre, left, and Bryan Keon-Cohen, right) on Murray Island during the Queensland Supreme Court hearing. (Courtesy Yarra Bank Films/Photographer Trevor Graham)
Koiki Mabo, a year before his death. (Photograph by Bethel Mabo Duncan, Bonita Mabo Collection)
Bonita Mabo with daughters Bethel (standing) and Maleta at Koikis grave in 1992, just after the High Court decision. (Bonita Mabo Collection)
Bonita Mabo receiving the Human Rights Award on behalf of Koiki, with Rev. Dave Passi (left) and Barbara Hocking (right). (Bonita Mabo Collection)
Bonita Mabo with the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Robert Tickner (left), Lois ODonoghue, Chairperson ATSIC, and Prime Minister Paul Keating (right), Sydney, 26 January 1993. Koiki had been awarded the 1992 Australian Achiever medallion by the National Australia Day Council (Photograph by Maleta Mabo, Bonita Mabo Collection)
Aboriginal and Islander supporters of the Meriam march on 3 June 1995. Mick Miller, prominent Aboriginal activist, is at the centre of the Aboriginal flag with Mrs Gladys Tybingoompa of Aurukun (right) beside him. (Courtesy Townsville Bulletin )
Meriam Shark Dancers lead the march to the Townsville Mall in honour of Koiki Mabo to celebrate the third anniversary of the High Court decision and Mabos tombstone unveiling on 3 June 1995. (Courtesy Townsville Bulletin )
Bonita Mabo at the tombstone unveiling in Townsville, 3 June 1995, with Kaleb Mabo (right). Below the bust of Mabo are the Torres Strait Island pigeon and shark, totems associated with Koikis Piadram clan. (Courtesy Townsville Bulletin )
Eddie Mabo Jr with Koikis grandson Joel at the march celebrating Mabos achievements, 3 June 1995. Jim Akee, in sunglasses and hat, leader of the Mer secession movement, is behind Kaleb. (Courtesy Townsville Bulletin )
The inexpressible horror of a hatred so deep. Mabos nephew Sam Wailu, a Murray Island elder (left), with Donald Whaleboat, Koikis cousin, at the desecrated grave. (Courtesy Townsville Bulletin )
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