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Names: Ito, Takatoshi, 1950- author. | Hoshi, Takeo, author.
Title: The Japanese economy / Takatoshi Ito and Takeo Hoshi.
Description: Second Edition. | Cambridge, MA : MIT Press, [2019] | Revised edition of The Japanese economy, c1992. | Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2019019583 | ISBN 9780262538244 (pbk. : alk. paper)
Subjects: LCSH: Japan--Economic conditions--1945- | Japan--Economic policy--1945- | Japan--Commerce.
List of Figures
Exports and imports of cotton yarn.
Average tariff rates of Japan.
GDP level at year 2000 prices (trillion yen).
Annual percentage change in GDP between 1955 and 2015 (based on chained 2009 dollars).
Growth rates of Japan (solid line) and United States (dashed line).
Ratios of real investment to GNP and exports to GNP.
Takeoff and convergence.
Business cycle without growth.
Business cycle with a growth trend.
Composite Index: Coincident index.
Real GDP.
Unemployment rates, Japan and US, 19702018.
Industrial production index.
Stock prices and land prices, 19702018.
Flow of funds: Direct financing and indirect financing.
Changing flow of funds, financial surplus/deficit as a percentage of GDP.
A bank balance sheet.
Writing off NPL resulting in losses.
Deposit Insurance Corporation general account reserves.
The Japan premium: 19951999.
The change of the financial regulatory structure in Japan.
NPLs (risk management loans) 19962009 (100 million yen).
Number of Japanese banks in the worlds ten largest banks.
Overview of the inflation rate from 1958 to 2019.
Interest rates in Japan from 19711975.
ZIRP, QE, and exit, 19992006.
Balance sheets of four major central banks (January 2007 = 100).
The effect of Abenomics on the dollar/yen exchange rate in response to events from July 2012 to November 2016.
The effect of Abenomics on the Nikkei 225 stock price index in response to events from July 2012 to November 2016.
Expenditure, revenue, and new bond issues of general account (central government).
JGB outstanding, and its ratio to GDP from 1975 to 2018.
General government gross financial liabilities of the G7.
General government net financial liabilities of the G7.
Major revenue items: General government and general account, Japan versus the US.
Time series of major tax revenues.
International comparison of Effective Corporate Tax rate, 2018.
Major expenditure items: central government, general account (Japan); federal government (US).
General account expenditures by function (actual).
General government financial balances in the G7 countries from 1990 to 2018.
Gross debt versus net debt over two periods of time.
Government expenditures, deficits, and growth rates for Japan and the US.
Structure of FILP (before April 2001).
Structure of the new FILP.
FILP outstanding: 20012009 (trillion yen). The amount of the FILP funds outstanding declined dramatically from over 400 trillion yen to a little more than 200 trillion yen in eight years from 2001 to 2009.
FILP plan (flow): 20012011 (trillion yen).
Saving: household, (nonfinancial institution) corporate, and government.
Household saving rate: G7.
Life-cycle model.
Population pyramids.
Projections of long-run total population (All) and working-age population (age 2064).
The young/elderly population ratio and the workers/retired ratio.
Comparison of the elderly support ratio of the G7 countries.
Employee pension (Kosei Nenkin) contribution rate.
Bank consolidation: From six keiretsu groups to three megafinancial groups.
The average proportion of shares in a firm held by other firms whose shares are held by the first firm.
Use of the leniency system.
Employed, unemployed, and not in the labor force.
Unemployment rate in the US and Japan over about sixty years.
Labor force participation rates for the US versus Japan, ages 2564 and by gender.
Base wages, time series by gender.
Average annual hours actually worked per worker (excluding self-employed).
Annual working hours: total, regular, and overtime (fiscal year).
International comparison of days lost due to labor disputes over twenty-five years.
Changes in ten-year job retention rates for Male Core Employees (A) and Midcareer Hires (B) in Japan and the US over the last twenty-five years.
Wages by education, gender, and age.
Labor disputes, cases, and participants.
Union organization rates, 19472017.
Bonus and overtime pay.
Unemployment rate by age in Japan, 19902016.
Labor force participation rates for Japan and the US.
Employment by gender, 20072017.
Current account-to-GDP ratio.
Balance of payments of Japan.
Export dependence of selected OECD countries.
Export of services in selected OECD countries.
Japans net service exports.
Visitors and travel balance.
Expansion of Japans FTAs with multiple countries: 20102019 (percentage of total trade in 2016).
Graphical representation of consumer surplus and producer surplus.
Gains from import of a good.
Gains from exports.
Effects of a tariff.
Effects of a VER versus a quota.
Identity of the balance of payments.
The yen vis--vis the US dollar and the yen vis--vis the euro.
Nominal and real exchange rates of the yen.
The NEER and REER.
Direct investment in Japans financial account.
Portfolio investment in Japans financial account.
International investment position of Japan.
Monthly interventions and the yen/dollar exchange rate.
Interventions and the yen/dollar exchange rate, 19851989.
Cumulative increase in monetary base and cumulative intervention, January 2003March 2004.
Current account balance (percent of GDP).
The US trade deficit with Japan and China.
Share of invoice currency in Japanese exports: 19802017 (percent).
Share of invoice currency in Japanese imports: 19802017 (percent).
SWIFT settlement, June 2018.
Global foreign reserves by currency.
US trade balance in percentage of GDP.
Bilateral trade balance of the US against, Japan, Germany, and China.
The four phases of the Lost Two Decades.
Key financial variables from 1985 to 1994.
Growth rates: nominal GDP and real GDP for Japan from the mid-1990s until 2005.
Contribution to growth by expenditures (19961998).
NPLs and zombie ratios.
Tokyo Stock Exchange bank stock price index.
Inflation rates.
Japanese automobile exports by destination between 2008 and 2017.