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Marion Bowman is a folklorist and course director of the MA in Contemporary Religions at Bath Spa University College. Her research interests include pilgrimage, vernacular religion, contemporary spiritualities and spiritual aspects of the contemporary Celtic revival.
Jennifer Chandler is a writer specializing in myth and legend, is Books Editor of the Folklore Society, and teaches courses in traditional narrative and popular religion for Extra-Mural Studies, at the University of East Anglia. As Jennifer Westwood, she is author of Albion: a guide to legendary Britain (Granada 1985) and Sacred Journeys: paths for the new pilgrim (Gaia 1997).
Grace Davie is Senior Lecturer in Sociology at the University of Exeter. Among her books are Religion in Britain Since 1945 (Blackwell 1994) and European Religion: a memory mutates (Oxford University Press, forthcoming).
Christie Davies is Professor of Sociology at the University of Reading and has been a visiting lecturer in India, Poland and the United States. His main research interests are in the sociology of morality and the sociology of humour, his latest books being (with Mark Neal) The Corporation Under Siege (Social Affairs Unit 1998) and Jokes and their Relation to Society (Mouton de Gruyter 1 998).
Douglas Davies is Professor of Theology and Principal of the College of St Hild and St Bede at the University of Durham. His publications include Death, Ritual and Belief (Cassell 1997), and he is currently working on Mormonism and on the relation between anthropology and theology.
Mark Davies is senior lecturer in psychology at Nottingham Trent University, following posts at Nottingham University and University College London. His research interests include experimental psychology, fine-grain video analysis of behaviour, and evolutionary processes.
Dell Davis is the social sciences librarian at the M.D. Anderson Library, University of Houston. She specializes in Internet information management and retrieval, and has assisted in the publication of other works in the field of death, dying and bereavement.
Doris Francis is a Visiting Professor and Principal Research Officer at The Centre for Environmental and Social Studies in Ageing, University of North London. She is an anthropologist, holds a diploma in horticulture from the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, and is presently engaged in comparative research on mourning behaviour in American cemeteries for a forthcoming volume Cemetery as Garden.
Wendy Griffin, Associate Professor of Women's Studies, California State University, Long Beach, is researching the social construction of gender, and is the editor of Daughters of Gain: healing and identity in goddess spirituality (Altamira 1999). In addition to her academic work, she is a community activist, published novelist and performance artist.
C. Allen Haney is a Professor of Sociology on the Central Campus of the University of Houston. His teaching and research are in medical sociology, the sociology of ageing, and the sociology of death, dying and bereavement. He is currently researching the sociology of health and human performance, in particular athletic injuries in the sport of rodeo.
Chris Harris teaches sociology at the University of Wales, Swansea. His previous publications have been in the area of family sociology, economic sociology and the sociology of religion. He is the joint author of a study entitled The Church in Wales (University of Wales Press 1999).
Jenny Hockey is a social anthropologist in the School of Comparative and Applied Social Sciences at the University of Hull. She is author of Experiences of Death (Edinburgh University Press 1990) and co-editor of Death, Gender and Ethnicity (Routledge 1996).
Allison James is Reader in Applied Anthropology in the School of Comparative and Applied Social Sciences at the University of Hull. She is author of Childhood Identities (Edinburgh University Press 1993) and coauthor of Theorising Childhood (Polity Press 1998).
Bethan Jones is doing a PhD in the Sociology Dept at the University of Reading. She is researching afterlife beliefs in modern Britain.
Leonie Kellaher is Director of The Centre for Environmental and Social Studies in Ageing at the University of North London.
Jenny Kitzinger works at the Media Research Unit at Glasgow University. She is co-author of The Mass Media and Power in Modern Britain (Oxford University Press 1997) and The Circuit of Mass Communication (Sage 1998).
Tom Laidlaw recently retired as a Commander in the Metropolitan Police, where much of his career was concerned primarily with public order policing. He now acts as a consultant and has recently completed a MSc in Risk, Crisis and Disaster Management at the Scarman Centre for the Study of Public Order at the University of Leicester.
David Martin is Emeritus Professor of Sociology at the London School of Economics and Honorary Professor in the Department of Religious Studies, University of Lancaster. His most recent books are Does Christianity Cause Warf (Oxford University Press 1997) and (with Bernice Martin) Betterment From On High: the life worlds of Pentecostals in Brazil and Chile (Oxford University Press 1999).
Georgina Neophytou conducted the study of Greek Orthodox Cemeteries for the University of North London 'Landscape as Garden' project. She is a doctoral candidate in Sociology at the London School of Economics.
Tina Ramkalawan works in the Department of Primary Care and Population Sciences at the Royal Free and UCL Medical School, London, having previously lectured in psychology at Nottingham Trent University. Her research interests include health and the development of cognitive processes.
Anne Rowbottom is Lecturer at the Centre for Human Communication at Manchester Metropolitan University, and researches popular royalism.
Mark Shevlin completed his D.Phi), at the University of Ulster at Jordanstown. After lecturing in psychology at Nottingham Trent University, he now lectures at Magee College, University of Ulster. His research interests include the application of structural equation modelling, psychometrics and individual differences.