Readers Guide
1. How do people in businesses and households
interact with each other?
2. What is the difference between goods and
services ? Give some examples of each.
3. What is an entrepreneur ? Why are they
important to the economy?
4. Why are government regulations important?
5. Explain how trade makes the economy grow.
6. Think back over everything you did yesterday.
Mark each time you interacted with the economy
of the country.
Jennifer M. Lopez, NBCT, M.S.Ed.
Teacher SpecialistHistory/Social Studies
Office of Curriculum & Instruction
Norfolk Public Schools
Publishing Credits
Rachelle Cracchiolo, M.S.Ed., Publisher
Conni Medina, M.A.Ed., Editor in Chief
Emily R. Smith, M.A.Ed., Content Director
Vronique Bos, Creative Director
Robin Erickson, Art Director
Michelle Jovin, M.A., Associate Editor
Mindy Duits , Senior Graphic Designer
Image Credits: p.10 Steve Jurvetson/Flickr; p.11 (top) Yale University
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National Museum of American History; p.12 (middle) Library of Congress
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5301 Oceanus Drive
Huntington Beach, CA 92649-1030
2020 Teacher Created Materials, Inc.
ISBN 978-1-0876-5529-1
Table of Contents
Our Economy .............................
Households and Businesses ................. 6
Banks and the Government ................
e Flow of Resources .....................
Making Tough Decisions ..................
Regulate It! ..............................
Glossary .................................
Index ....................................
Your Turn! ...............................
Our Economy
The United States has one of the largest economies in
the world. It is made up of four major sectors . These are
households, businesses, banks, and the government. You are
part of the economy. You live in a household. You buy things
from businesses. If you have a bank account, you are part of
the banking sector. Lastly, the government provides goods and
services for you, such as public schools andsidewalks.
All four sectors work together. Households provide the
economy with resources. One of these resources is the money that
people who live in households earn. When people want to buy
something, they turn to businessesanother part of the economy.
People in households and businesses store their money in banks.
In return, bankers use this money to invest in the
economy. Finally, people in the government provide
goods and services. The government pays for
these things by collecting money. All four sectors
depend on each other to thrive. Together, they
make up the United Stateseconomy.
World Economies
The size of a countrys economy is the total of
all the goods and services it produces. China
has the biggest economy in the world. The
United States is second, and India is third.
Households and Businesses
Households are made up of all the people living together
under one roof. This is often a family, but it doesnt have to
be. All households have resources. These include land, labor,
capital, and entrepreneurship . Some people make money by
renting their land for others to use. They can also sell things
that come from the land. For example, imagine a baker who
makes peach pies. The baker can plant peach trees and use
the fruit to make pies and earn money.
Households are also made up of people who can work. The
work people do is called labor . People earn money for their
labor. They can use that money to buy things that will help
them make more money. These things are called capital . For
example, imagine the baker needs a new oven and a few new
pie pans to keep up with the demand their peach pies have
caused. The pans and the oven are now part of the bakers
capital, since the baker can use those goods to makemoney.
Goods vs. Services
Goods are physical products. It takes labor to turn
natural resources into goods that can be sold. Think
about that peach pie. Someone needs to pick the
peaches so they can be turned into pies. Then,
someone needs to bake the pies. Services are
work performed for others. The baker provides
the service of making pies. A dentist provides the
service of filling cavities from eating too many pies.