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Gary Kynoch - Township Violence and the End of Apartheid: War on the Reef

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Gary Kynoch Township Violence and the End of Apartheid: War on the Reef
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    Township Violence and the End of Apartheid: War on the Reef
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In 1993 South Africa state president F.W. de Klerk and African National Congress (ANC) leader Nelson Mandela were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for their work for the peaceful termination of the apartheid regime. Yet, while both deserved the plaudits they received for entering the negotiations that led to the end of apartheid, the four years of negotiations preceding the April 1994 elections, known as the transition era, were not peaceful they were the bloodiest of the entire apartheid era, with an estimated 14,000 deaths attributed to politically related violence. This book studies, for the first time, the conflicts between the ANC and the Inkatha Freedom Party that took place in South Africas industrial heartland surrounding Johannesburg. Exploring these events through the perceptions and memories of combatants and non-combatants from war-torn areas, along with security force members, politicians and violence monitors, offers new possibilities for understanding South Africas turbulent transition. Challenging the prevailing narrative which attributes the bulk of the violence to a joint state security force and IFP assault against ANC supporters, the author argues for a more expansive approach that incorporates the aggression of ANC militants, the intersection between criminal and political violence, and especially clashes between groups aligned with the ANC. Gary Kynoch is Associate Professor of History at Dalhousie University. He has written one previous book, We are Fighting the World: A History of the Marashea Gangs in South Africa, 1947-1999 (Ohio University Press, 2005). Southern Africa (South Africa, Namibia, Lesotho, Zimbabwe and Swaziland): Wits University Press

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Township Violence
and the End of Apartheid
In 1993 South Africa state president F.W. de Klerk and African National Congress (ANC) leader Nelson Mandela were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for their work for the peaceful termination of the apartheid regime. Yet, while both deserved the plaudits they received for entering the negotiations that led to the end of apartheid, the four years of negotiations preceding the April 1994 elections, known as the transition era, were not peaceful: they were the bloodiest of the entire apartheid era, with an estimated 14,000 deaths attributed to politically related violence.
This book studies, for the first time, the conflicts between the ANC and the Inkatha Freedom Party that took place in South Africas industrial heartland surrounding Johannesburg. Exploring these events through the perceptions and memories of combatants and non-combatants from war-torn areas, along with security force members, politicians and violence monitors, offers new possibilities for understanding South Africas turbulent transition. Challenging the prevailing narrative which attributes the bulk of the violence to a joint state security force and IFP assault against ANC supporters, the author argues for a more expansive approach that incorporates the aggression of ANC militants, the intersection between criminal and political violence, and especially clashes between groups aligned with the ANC.
Gary Kynoch is Associate Professor of History at Dalhousie University. He has written one previous book, We are Fighting the World: A History of the Marashea Gangs in South Africa, 1947-1999 (Ohio University Press, 2005).
Southern Africa (South Africa, Namibia, Lesotho, Zimbabwe and Swaziland): Wits University Press.
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Forthcomin g*
Maps and Photographs
1 South Africa
2 The Reef townships
3 The townships of Katlehong and Thokoza
I am indebted to all the people who shared their stories of extremely trying times. Without them, this book would not have been possible. Most remain anonymous, but of those I can name I would like to express my gratitude to Hein Kilian, Greg Marinovich, Robert McBride, Duma Nkosi, Sally Sealey and David Storey. SDU and ISD veterans made a vital contribution to this book. Even if you dont agree with my conclusions, I hope I have accurately represented your views and experiences.
Zodwa Radebe did most of the interviews for this study. We spent a lot of time together in Thokoza and Katlehong, and Zodwa hunted down many interviews on her own. The connections that she made with former SDUs were invaluable. Zodwa, a massive thank you for your dedication to this project and for the great company. My first forays into Thokoza and Katlehong were with June Ngcobo when neither of us knew where we were going. With patience and charm, June paved the way for the first set of hostel interviews. Thokoza residents Dimpho and Teboho Siphoro conducted several interviews in their home town.
Thanks are due to Greg Marinovich and Joao Silva for the use of their photos and to Kate Kirkwood who produced the maps. Anemari Jansen generously provided a photo and shared her manuscript on ISD Unit 6. Michele Pickover and Carol Archibald at Historical Papers in the University of the Witwatersrands William Cullen Library were extraordinarily helpful in locating valuable material, and always fun to talk with. Rian Malan alerted me to Daniel Reeds book, which was a fantastic resource. I am grateful to two anonymous reviewers for their careful reading, incisive criticisms, and useful suggestions, and to Phil Zachernuk for his thoughts on improving the introduction. I would be remiss if I failed to acknowledge my favourite girls, Buffy and Lilly. Fazeela Jiwa is a hero.
The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada funded the research for this study. Some of the material in this book was previously published in two African Affairs articles: Reassessing Transition Violence: Voices from South Africas Township Wars, 199094, 112, 447 (2013) and Crime, Conflict and Politics in Transition Era South Africa, 104, 416 (2005).
Finally, this book is dedicated to the most important people in my life, Theresa Ulicki and Nathaniel Konstantyn Kynoch-Ulicki, masters of the label game. Theresa for sharing with me our South African journey and all that life has to offer; and to Nate, dedicated conversationalist, empathetic listener, and the best fishing and football buddy one could ever wish for.
List of Acronyms
African National Congress
African National Congress Youth League
Azanian Peoples Liberation Army
Azanian Peoples Organisation
Bekkersdal Youth Congress
Community Agency for Social Enquiry
Congress of South African Students
Congress of South African Trade Unions
Food and Allied Workers Union
Federation of South African Trade Unions
G & D
Germiston and District Taxi Association
Human Rights Commission
Independent Board of Inquiry into Informal Repression
Inkatha Freedom Party
Iron and Steel Corporation
Internal Stability Division (sometimes referred to as (ISU) Internal Stability Unit)
Katlehong Taxi Association
Lawyers for Human Rights
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