First Reviewers:
I t was a great pleasure to read this book that Ruth has written about Kundalini. Though she speaks about her own experiences, she also weaves in others experiences and references that give so much depth.
I had to keep reading; it was as if the book kept unfolding bits and pieces of information that had been omitted from so many other books written on this subject. It fills in missing links and connections that make it coherent and flowing.
She makes Kundalini come alive and transmits a feeling of familiarity with this rare spiritual experience, but, at the same time, we feel it is very sacred.
There is something in this book for everyone to relate to whether they are ready or not for this spiritual journey.
The story is personal, yet, at the same time, it is holistic and encompassing; it moves with a rhythm that is like the Kundalini force, taking the reader out beyond the mundane into the complex spiritual realms then bringing us back into the known. Ruth shares her knowledge in a way that is compassionate, grounding and deeply informative.
I am very happy to know that this sacred journey will be given to the public, and that Ruth has so bravely opened her heart to share this with us.
Diane Stacey, Encinitas, CA
L ast night I read chapter 16,This chapter to me is one example of seeing the world not through the trained eyes but through the energys eyes. It seems when we shift our focus inward, a new experience of understanding emerges. As you wonderfully describe as the overlay of visions, and seeing both the beauty and the horror simultaneously, inner pain/traumas take on forms of entities that are a part of us. The heart begins to have fingers of energy that can wrap around things too. The knowledge of multiple levels existing simultaneously are intensified and one begins to understand that everything is not as it seems. To begin to experience the world in this way is the formation of the roots of compassion for ourselves and our environment. I am really enjoying your book. I find a lot of strength in it. Thank you for writing it.
Cary W., M.F.A., Artist, Sculptor. Jacksonville, OR
The Gurus Gift:
A Kundalini Awakening
Ruth Angela
San Francisco, CA
The Gurus Gift: A Kundalini Awakening by Ruth Angela.
Copyright 2013 Ruth Angela
All Rights Reserved.
No part of this book may be used on reproduced in any manner without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations in critical articles or reviews.
For information on individual orders, contact: ,
Cover Illustration: by C.W., MFA Univ. of Hawaii Jacksonville, Oregon
Cover & Text Formatting: Pat Rasch, Cromwell, CT of
978 0 9846604-2-1
978 0 9846604-1-4
978 0 9846604-0-7
Lotus-Blessings Publishing
PO Box 1438
Mill Valley, CA 94942
All comes from these great beings of divine awareness, and all ultimately returns to THAT source that is the very essence of beingness.
T o my esteemed guru and teacher, I offer this as a small token of my gratitude. The gift you gave me has lifted my life to a quantum level. How to possibly repay you and the lineage of saints before you who all conspired to lift me up! Namaste to Bade Baba who has guided this book from birth to publication. To Dee W. for putting up with so much. To the authors who have helped shape my understanding and acceptance of this great gift, I am most grateful. I especially want to recognize my teachers books, Dr. Stan Grof and his wife, Christina Grof, Eckhart Tolle, Elizabeth Gilbert, Max Freedom Long, Swami Vishnu Tirtha, Gangaji and her guru, Poonjaji, Shri Ramana Maharshi, Dennis (David) Gersten M.D., Bruce Lipton, M.D. and Itzhak Bentov. I also want to recognize Dr. Susan A. Carlson, Bhavin Desai, and Robin Rustad of the Kundalini Support Network for their devotion to Kundalini.
Cover : For the inspired painting of this experience by my talented sculptor/artist friend, CW, MFA Univ. of Hawaii, of Jacksonville, OR, I thank you sincerely. Your mystic talent is a light to everyone.
Design: To Patricia Rasch, Graphic Designer ofwww.patriciarasch.comand for formatting the cover and interior design; I am most grateful for your attention to detail and quality, for being so flexible and for your invaluable support.
Editing : For my editor and gentle supporter, Nicole Elbert, thank you; your help came in good time.
Permissions: To those who have given special permissions: Jade Wahoo Grigori, Dr. Emma Bragdon, Dr. Stanislav Grof. I thank you for your kindness and inspiration.
My gratitude for permission to reprint from Trials of the Visionary Mind: Spiritual Emergency and the Renewal Process, by John Weir Perry, the State University of New York Press 1999, State University of New York. All rights reserved.
T he author of this book does not dispense medical advice nor prescribe the use of any method, technique, supplement or food as a form of treatment for physical, emotional or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The information in this book should not be used as a substitute for professional medical, therapeutic, spiritual, or psychological advice. Consult competent professionals to answer specific questions. It is recommended that transpersonal therapists or the Spiritual Emergency Network resources be consulted to determine if the symptoms are in fact true awakening symptoms. At no time does the author or her agents advocate raising Kundalini deliberately, and they caution that there are real and often irreversible negative mental, emotional and physical consequences to such practices. This book does not explain the technical process of ascending Kundalini. Any advice is based on the authors and others experiences, but makes no claims about their efficacy. The material is based upon the authors experiences as they have been recalled from 1979, and research conducted over 30 years. The sequence of events may or may not be accurate and should not be relied upon as indications of progress. Anyone using this information does so at his or her own risk.
I bow to That Shiva who is the supreme principle and cause of all worlds manifest and unmanifest. I bow to my guru and beloved teacher, and to his guru, Bade Baba, for the gifts of shaktipat and their watchful care of my life and heart. I surrender my acts before their feet and cast before the reader the jewels of light that have been bestowed upon me, so that the reader may see beyond the obscuring veils of human limitation.