The Journey
A Road Map to the Soul
Brandon Bays

POCKET BOOKS, a division of Simon & Schuster, Inc.
1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020
Copyright 1999 by Brandon Bays
Originally published in Great Britain in 1999 by Thorsons,
An imprint of HarperCollins Publishers
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Bays, Brandon.
The journey: a road map to the soul / Brandon Bays.
p. cm.
Originally published: Great Britain: Thorsons, 1999.
ISBN 0-7434-4392-6
1. Spiritual healing. 2. Bays, Brandon. I. Title.
BL65.M4 B39 2001
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In gratitude to my mother
This is a book about freedomfreedom to live your life as youve always dreamed it could be.
Deep inside all of us a huge potential beckons, waiting to open us to the joy, genius, freedom, and love within. This presence is calling you home right now, longing to set you free. Yet all of us have issues we have felt trapped or limited by. We hear the whispering of our own soul calling to us, but feel unable to access that greatness. Instead, we feel covered or blocked in some way, limited by our issuesanger, fear, depression, grief, hurt, anxiety. It may be as simple as feeling there must be something more to life, or as complex as feeling a complete failure. It may be as debilitating as an addiction or as life-threatening as a serious illness.
No matter how deep the issue is and no matter how much you have struggled with it, the possibility exists for you to become absolutely free, whole, and healed. You are capable of getting to the root cause of these issues, resolving them, letting them go completely, and setting yourself free to live your life at your highest potential, as a full expression of your true self.
Through the humbling and profoundly transformative experience of naturally healing from a tumor in only six-and-a-half weeks, I uncovered a boundless joy and freedom that have been my daily experience ever since. This is the most priceless gift of my life. Since that remarkable journey nine years ago, its been extraordinarily moving and inspiring to watch Journeywork catch fire in every country in which it is offered. Across the globe, tens of thousands of people from all walks of life use Journeywork to discover true freedom in their lives. Theyre discovering their own answers and uncovering their own deepest truth. They are cleaning out past emotional blocks and physical challenges that have held them back. And they are finally healing on all levels of their being. Ordinary people are getting extraordinary results. It seems that no matter what your background is, how old you are, what your culture or upbringing has been, everyone knows there is a huge untapped presence inside, and we all secretly long to experience it. This presence is awake while youre asleep at night, making your heart beat, cells replicate, and hair grow. Part of the extraordinary gift of my own healing journey was to discover and pioneer a simple, yet powerful, step-by-step means to get direct access to this infinite wisdoma wisdom that can reveal to you old emotional patterns and memories stored in your cells, and a healing energy that is capable of resolving and clearing those old issues completely so the body and the being can go about the process of healing naturally.
Today I travel all over the world with Journeywork, giving workshops and advanced programs. Im always delighted that it attracts people from all the helping professions, both traditional and alternative. I give talks and seminars at hospitals, hospices, abuse centers, homeopathic colleges, healing centers, spiritual organizations, and to cancer support and addiction rehabilitation groups. Everywhere I go, people successfully incorporate Journeywork into their professional programs with ease and grace. I believe we all recognize that there are some issues that simply require more in-depth, roll-up-your-sleeves healing work. We know its important to address an issue at the deepest level to finally clear it out and resolve it completely. Together we understand that Journeywork is a way of bringing about profound healing, wholeness, and a deep sense of well-beingno matter what our healing backgrounds are. One of the programs I give is a worldwide therapists accreditation, which has attracted medical doctors, alternative therapists, counselors of all types, psychiatrists, priests, nuns, ministers, social workerspeople from all walks of life.
In South Africa, there are doctors taking this healing and forgiveness-based work into communities where they cant afford medical treatments, and we are helping train their staff. Police trauma units are using this work with victims of violent crime. Ive trained abuse counselors in Soweto to use the work in their community. In the United Kingdom, Europe, and Australia priests are taking the work back to their flock. A schoolteacher is getting extraordinary results with her youngsters, helping develop the most balanced, confident, high-achieving class in the school. In Australia, where this book is a number-one bestseller, several medical doctors and complementary healing therapists keep the book in their waiting rooms for their patients reference, recognizing that some illnesses require more than just a pill.
Addiction rehabilitation groups are using the work to clear out the intense self-loathing connected with drug abuse, and nurses in cancer treatment facilities are using it alongside the chemotherapy treatments. A swami has taken the work back to his ashram to help people deepen in their experience of the Infinite, and nuns are using it to experience the deep peace within. A rabbi is helping the people in his temple free themselves from long-standing emotional issues, and some therapists who help people on their deathbeds are using Journeywork to open their patients into the infinite peace inside to ease their passing. Journeywork is clearly cross-cultural and appeals to people from all religions, creeds, and walks of life.
What moves me most are the hundreds of phone calls, letters, and e-mails we get from people who havent had a chance to take the workshopspeople who are courageously using the processes explained in this book to undergo their own healing journeys. We hear from people who have successfully and completely cleared long-standing debilitating emotional issues like chronic depression, overwhelming grief, intense low self-esteem, jealousy, abuse, and betrayal. We are always inspired when people share how theyve become free from physical challenges including heart disease, breast cancer, chronic fatigue, debilitating arthritis, Crohns disease, skin diseasesthe list goes on. Every day in our office we receive messages of healing from all over the globe. And the message is always the same I was able to tap into my own infinite intelligence, uncover my own blocks, free them, and set myself freejust by using the processes in this book.