Dr. Tho m as Stark ; Copyright Dr. Thomas Stark
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The New Go ld Dawn
A dream you dream alon e is only a dream. A dream you dream toge ther is reality. John Le nnon
O K , yo u wa nt a w hole new way of looking at rea lity. Nothing is more extraordinary than the Hive Min d. Ac cording to th e theory of th e Hive Min d , existen ce is mad e o f nothing but minds, all pa cked toget her in th e Cosmic Hive.
Imagine each mind as a l i t tle s pher e. We call a mind window less if it is entirely self-conta ined and has no way of communicating wit h the outsi de , with any other minds. It can t see ou t (the re are no w indows , or all the windows ar e fi r mly closed and blacked out ) , and no one can s ee i n.
Wh at is a mind like on its own ? What can it do? Anything? The closest we get to this state is when we d ream. In a d ream, our unconscious mind serves co nte nt to our conscious mind. It s all a bout our o wn mind. Nothing else is involved.
W hat happens i f we op en the closed window s of t h e mind ? Then minds have a way of intera cting wit h each other. Imagine that t he un conscious of each an d ev e ry mind can pro j ect some dream con tent into a shar ed mental space . What happens when all t h is dream content from al l the diff erent minds mi x es together? W hat differenc e doe s it make that no partic ular un consci ous mind controls the dream, but rather all the un consciou s minds do so together ? How does that chang e things? All the subj ective aspects w ould be fi ltered out, l eaving somethin g that w ould best be described as an objective d ream.
An objective dream obeys strict rule s and become s rigid . No particular mind can move i t . In a normal , pr ivate dream , our uncon scious mind can alter the rules o f t he dream a t will. Eve r y thing can chang e instantly. I n a public dream where all m inds are equally contributing this is im possible. Any o ne mind ca n t change the public dream. The publ ic dream bec omes fix ed. If it changes at all, it s only according to the str ict rules of the dreamw orld , the ph ysics o f dreams .
In fact, t h e publ ic drea m takes on ex actl y the same characteristics as the o bject ive world , or what we all regard as such . T h at s e xactly what the wo r ld we live in every day is : a public dream o f the Hive Mind. It s not a mater ial wor ld t here s no suc h thing it s a dream world construct ed by mind s acting in concer t , and that ch anges the entire basis of what we consider reality to be . We re not the victims of matter, we are its authors. Matter d id not ma ke us. We made ma tter. We did so together, using dream p hysics, which is none other than the profound subject known as ontologic al mathematics .
Think about it. When you go to slee p, you enter the i ndividual drea mwo rld s erved up by your unconscious mind , and the dre amworld consta ntly chan ges during your dream . It s different every night . When you wak e up each day , you enter the publ ic dream world . Th is changes very little while you have been asl eep, and stays much the same da y after day , y ear aft er year, as its own internal p hysics the ph ysics o f collective dreaming p lays out . There fo r e, according to H ive Mind Dreaming t heo r y, all that you ever do is switch f rom publ ic to private dreaming whe n you go to sleep, and from private to pu blic dream ing when you wake up. That s it .
You are alway s dreaming, except , critically, there are t wo modes of dreaming: collective (public) and indivi d ual (private ) . They are experience d very differen tly e ven though the basic mathematics of eac h is identical . The only thing that changes is the n umber of minds involve d in producing the dream, and that makes all the difference .
H ere s the th ing. No one bel i eves that the individua l dreamwo rl ds they create when they go to slee p are real , objective, material worlds. They understand t h ey are p u rely men tal. H owever, w hile you are in the dream, t he constructed world seem s to tally real, totally conv incing, totally solid and concrete . Whi le you are in a pr i vate dr eam, you n ever suspe ct that it s anything other than a typic al, solid world. In other words, yo u can have the complete exp eri ence of matter while definit ively not being in a material world .
N o w think abou t the waking world. The difference between this a n d the worlds you create in your sleep is that all minds are involved in its construction. What you cu rrently t h ink of as the real , objecti ve material wo rld is no thing of the kind. It is in fact a real, o bjective, mental world . There is no matter . The re is only mental cont ent that you have been told to believe i s matter . It s not. There s no such t h ing as m a tter. Ther e is only dream conte nt collective dream content that obeys collective r ules, and seems sol i d and concrete.
Y ou have been told by s cience that you li ve in a material world and there is no such thin g as mind. The exact opposi te is tr ue . You l ive in a menta l world, and what you imagine to be matter i s collective mental content obeying s tr ict group rules (which turn out to be thos e o f mathematics, which is exactly wh y sc ience is completely based on mathema tics).
Hiv e Mind Dreami ng the ory gets rid of science and materialism and replaces it w i th mathematics and idealism ( everything i s abou t the mind). You can t get any more radical t ha n that.
You are nothing bu t a dreamer. Dreams are all there are. When y ou die , all this means is that the body y ou possessed the avatar is no longer f uncti onal within the dream . It has worn out, or b een damaged , or become diseased, or whatever , all a ccording to the objective rules of t he objective dream. H aving suffered the death of yo ur body , yo u temp orarily l eave the collective hive dream and are temporarily locked in your private dream space, until suc h time as yo u acquire a new ava tar. This is w hat is commonly know n as reincarnation . It i s nothin g spoo k y and mystical. It s just a mathema tica l pro c edure tha t we have all b een through many times before. A specific mathematic al function exists for d ocki ng a n indivi dual mind to a body (avata r) in the collective drea m w orld. All manner of mathematical subroutines mathematical archetypes ex ist for al lowing mi nd to con trol matter (bodies).
These enabling functions all co ded mathematically are a ll y ou nee d to repli cate everything th at science claims is going on. T her e is a ctually no material world. T here is just o ne C o smic Hive Mind and it d oes ev erything . You are o ne o f its nodes. You always have been a nd you always w ill b e. You will suf fer avat ar d eath countless times, but you will never su ff er actual death, i.e. the per manent annihilation of your mind.
R eincarn ation is ju st o n e of many mat hemati cal funct ion s link ing private minds to public b odies. The ultimat e task is to find out what all of th ese functions are. Once we control these, we w il l have tota l control of reality.