Wendell C. Perry is an astrologer with forty years of experience studying the mysteries of this vast and wonderful universe. He has been a frequent contributor to astrological publications like The Mountain Astrologer and Dell Horoscope , and he maintains a blog on his website, goodgollyastrology.com.
Llewellyn Publications
Woodbury, Minnesota
Copyright Information
Behind the Horoscope: How the Placement of the Sun & Moon Tells a Story About You 2020 by Wendell C. Perry.
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First e-book edition 2020
E-book ISBN: 9780738764399
Cover design by Kevin R. Brown
Editing by Samantha Lu Sherratt
Interior chart by the Llewellyn Art Department
Llewellyn Publications is an imprint of Llewellyn Worldwide Ltd.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Perry, Wendell, author.
Title: Behind the horoscope : how the placement of the sun & moon tells a
story about you / Wendell C. Perry.
Description: First edition. | Woodbury, Minnesota : Llewellyn Publications,
2020. | Includes bibliographical references.
Identifiers: LCCN 2020017397 (print) | LCCN 2020017398 (ebook) | ISBN
9780738764221 (paperback) | ISBN 9780738764399 (ebook)
Subjects: LCSH: Houses (Astrology) | Horoscopes. | SunMiscellanea. |
Classification: LCC BF1716 .P47 2020 (print) | LCC BF1716 (ebook) | DDC
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Llewellyn Publications
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To Linda, Queen of my Seventh House,
and Lila, Queen of my Fifth.
Long may they reign.
: The Sun in the First House
: The Sun in the Second House
: The Sun in the Third House
: The Sun in the Fourth House
: The Sun in the Fifth House
: The Sun in the Sixth House
: The Sun in the Seventh House
: The Sun in the Eighth House
: The Sun in the Ninth House
: The Sun in the Tenth House
: The Sun in the Eleventh House
: The Sun in the Twelfth House
Part Two
: The Moon in the First House
: The Moon in the Second House
: The Moon in the Third House
: The Moon in the Fourth House
: The Moon in the Fifth House
: The Moon in the Sixth House
: The Moon in the Seventh House
: The Moon in the Eighth House
: The Moon in the Ninth House
: The Moon in the Tenth House
: The Moon in the Eleventh House
: The Moon in the Twelfth House
Part One
T his is a book about the astrological houses. There are many books that describe the meanings of the houses. Every comprehensive text on astrology has a section devoted to the houses, and there are books that deal specifically with the subject. What makes this book unique?
Most books on the astrological houses begin with the premise that every house placement has the same level of importance. That is simply not the case. The house placement of a planetlets say Venus, Mercury, or Plutois part of a story that is also dependent on the sign, relative strength, and aspects of that planet. Other factors, such as the house that planet rules, add to that story. Depending on how that story fits into the totality of the horoscope, the planets house position might be a major factor in the reading of the horoscope or might be pushed to the background. This will vary from chart to chart.
The house placement of the Sun is different. It too is part of a larger story that contains all of the factors I previously listed, but the Sun is also the primary arbiter of our identity, our vitality, and our sense of self. Its influence sets the stage for everything else that is happening in the horoscope. We know this to be true of the sign occupied by the Sun. It is no less the case with the house. Just as the sign occupied by the Sun in your horoscope is your sign, the house occupied by the Sun is your house. It is the place where you were meant to shine. Understanding the house placement of your Sun answers the question of what you were really meant to do in this life. It describes your mission.
of this book is devoted to describing the house positions of the Sun. I dont just recite the traditional symbolism assigned to each house; Ive studied the lives of people who actually had those house placements of the Sun. In many cases, those life stories confirm what weve always known, but in others they have led me in a very different direction and to a different understanding of what that house placement means.
By looking at the house placements of the Sun in this way, I move past simplistic notions of good or bad houses. Each house has its own function. Each describes a different mission. Some of those missions might seem to be more glamorous or desirable than others, but all of them are necessary and, if were willing to do the kind of work that house requires, each can provide us with a path to success.
Of course, just because your horoscope designates this or that area of life as your mission, that doesnt mean you have to accept that mission. You have a choice. You can go in a different direction. In many instances, the events and circumstances of your life will keep calling you back to the mission designated by the house position of your Sun, but the choice is always yours.
House Systems
Astrologers dont agree about a lot of things, and one of their favorite things to disagree about is the way we divide the horoscope up into houses. One reason that the house position of the Sun is not always given the importance it deserves is that it often changes depending on which house system the astrologer uses. There are over thirty different systems of determining the cusps of the houses, and each one has a band of loyal practitioners.
I have no argument with any one of these systems. My argument is with all of them. It is my contention that they are all arbitrary and that none of them is right in every case. The best we can hope from any house system is an approximation of the cusps of the twelve houses. More precise judgments can only be made when we know something about the realities of a persons life and how those placements fit within the overall context of the horoscope.