OMG Why Is My Body Changing So Much?
A Female Teens Guide to Surviving Puberty
Greg & Christina Noland
OMG Why is My Body Changing So Much?
A Female Teen's Guide to Surviving Puberty
Foreword by
Juliette Brindak
Star of BBCs Million Dollar Intern &
CEO & Founder of Miss O & Friends
Cristina & Greg Noland
O MG Why is My Body Changing So Much?
A Female Teen's Guide to Surviving Puberty
A uthors : Cristina & Greg Noland
Foreword by Juliette Brindak
F irst Edition
ISBN : 9781311631237
C opyright 2015 The Bum Gun Ltd
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By Juliette Brindak
Star of BBCs Million Dollar Intern & CEO & Founder of Miss O & Friends
H ello everyone ! My name is Juliette Brindak and I am delighted to introduce the second book in the OMG Teen Book Series: "OMG Why is My Body Changing So Much? - A Female Teen's Guide to Surviving Puberty. I was first introduced to one of the authors of this book, Greg Noland through my work on the British TV show Million Dollar Intern. Greg knew about my work helping tweens through my own website, Miss O & Friends ( ) and approached me to work on the OMG Teen Book Series together.
M iddle school was tough times . I call it tough times because middle school sucks. Girls go through a lot during in these years. That awkward phase kicks in. Boys come into the picture. Cliques begin to form. School becomes more serious. Bullying increases. Girls start to struggle with self-esteem & the pressure to fit in. It doesnt matter if a girl is the most popular girl in school or the best athlete or a band geek or a straight-A student or a punk. No matter who she is doesnt make her any more, or less, vulnerable to feeling insecure. Inspired by my sister Olivia (the real Miss O) and her friends, Miss O & Friends was started to create a safe place online for girls to just be girls. As we aim to help build self-esteem while still being fun, entertaining, and helpful destination for tween & teen girls, our goal is help girls get through this tough period of their lives a little happier, more secure and empowered. Gregs OMG Teen Book Series is the perfect complement to my own work and with the female perspective from his wife Cristina, its perfect for tween & teen girls who are looking for more answers.
O bviously I was a teen with lots of issues and troubles to face just like you. Luckily I had a very supportive family to help guide me through all those troublesome teenage years. And now as a successful entrepreneur I know the importance of having the right knowledge at your fingertips. Through my work with Miss O & Friends, and talking with so many tweens & teens, I know so many girls just dont have the vital information and support I was lucky to have.
I am so happy that Greg has worked so hard to put this book series together and is so passionate about helping so many people as possible through his whole OMG Teen Book Series to help shed light on those questions teens are desperately seeking answers too!
I know how teen girls can face all sorts of issues with puberty and the changes happening with their bodies, this book will help keep you going when you hit those brick walls, and propel you to your real self as you develop into a young adult.
T ake success and failures as they come, since things often change at a moment's notice.
T hank you and congratulations for purchasing this book OMG Why is My Body Changing So Much? - A Female Teen's Guide to Surviving Puberty. This is the latest book in the OMG Teen Book Series.
This book will give you the information about the changes going in with your body which you may be desperately looking for. I know when I was a teenager there was so much I wanted to know, but felt I couldnt find the answers. I had brothers in my family, but no sisters which made it difficult for me. I so wanted an older sister to confide in. But it wasnt to be. Also, because of my fathers job, and him being quite strict, I think many people in my neighbourhood were kind of scared to make friends with me. This led to feelings of loneliness, and that I never had a source of knowledge to answer all the questions I desperately needed answers for.
Of course 15 years ago the internet was relatively new, so that wasnt an option for me. Plus I didnt think libraries had the kind of books I needed answers for. I think when I was young, and this is probably the same for you, libraries were never the hippest places to hang out. Whenever I did go to the local library I only saw mostly old people hanging out in there, so not the kind of place a young teen would feel comfortable finding some answers to all the changes going on with her body.