Self-Esteem: A Teens Guidefor Girls
Empowering Teenage Girlsand Women
A Healthier Body Image andEsteem
Michael David Lawrience
B.A. Natural Theology in SacredHealing
B. Commerce
Professional BowenworkPractitioner
Copyright 2012 - Michael DavidLawrience
Smashwords Edition, LicenseNotes
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Table of Contents
Teengirls, women, and even parents suffering from childhood woundingwill find resources and self-help methods for empowerment andreclaiming a healthier body image and self-esteem. This book hasexperiential exercises and crystal clear summaries highlightingimportant tools, which can be adopted for your own tailor madeprogram to build higher self-esteem. Maryanne McKowen, Adolescent Therapist
Is it really possible tohave healthy self-esteem? I have asked this question of myself andfor my two daughters. As women, how do we stand strong against thechallenges of media to positive self-esteem? Michael Lawrienceoffers practical tools inviting you to choose to appreciate andlove your unique self. This book offers hope and encouragement towomen and girls of all ages! Robin Jones,Mother of a teen daughter
As the mother of a pre-teengirl, I know the importance of healthy body image and self-esteemto young, vulnerable women of her age. I am happy that Michaelcovered important issues like body image and the pressure to beperfect, as teens need to know that it is ok to have flaws and tounderstand how the media preys on their young, impressionable mindsto affect their self-esteem adversely. Priya Florence Shah, Author, FromDoormat to Devi
Michael shows teen girls howthey can have a healthy self-esteem by making healthy choices,appreciating their own bodies, how they can choose positivereinforcing thoughts, and surround themselves with people who willsupport them. A confident girl grows up to become an empoweredwoman. Carol Lawrence and StacyToten , Intentional ConsciousParenting
Did you know girls self-esteem peaks at 9 yearsof age then nosedives as a teenager?
As a teenage girl, do yousometimes feel a lack of confidence? Do you feel depressed attimes, unhappy, or worthless? Do you feel a lack of a sense ofidentity? Who am I really?
Do you feel the pressure tolook and be perfect by boys, your friends, and your parents? Areyou supposed to look like the skinny celebrities on TV and in teenmagazines? Are you pressured to look attractive?
Do you have an eating disorder or apoor body image or know girls that do?
Have you overindulged inalcohol or drugs, stayed in relationships with abusive boyfriends,or self-harmed?
Why have you neversucceeded in feeling better about yourself? Is itbecause:
1. You believe youreunimportant?
2. You seldom look at yourstrengths?
3. You hate your body andrefuse to take care of yourself?
4. You have yet to recognizeyour uniqueness?
5. You believe thecriticisms of the inner voice in your head?
6. You ignore your smallaccomplishments rather than celebrating?
7. You never expressgratitude for what you have done well during the day?
As you read this book, youwill learn tips, exercises, and receive advice from other teens, aswell as female celebrities who overcame body image and esteemissues similar to yours. You will also receive the benefit from myexperiences teaching ongoing self-esteem groups for the last fiveyears to teenage girls with poor body image, depression, drug use,eating disorders, family conflict, low esteem, and peer conflictetc.
I wrote this book to helpteenage girls feel better about how you look and feel aboutyourself.
I have worked for the last10 years as a Residential Coach and Mentor at therapeutic boardingschools teaching teenage girls self-awareness, self-esteem, andself-reliance. One of the purposes in my life involves assistingteenage girls to improve their emotional health andwellbeing.
In this book you willlearn :
1. How to feel better aboutyour body
2. Improve yourrelationships with your friends and parents
In this book you will learntools :
1. To booster yourself-esteem
2. Feel lessdepressed
3. Overcome eatingdisorders
4. Improve your bodyimage
You have the power to changehow you feel about yourself on the inside, regardless of how youlook on the outside. You can let your inner beauty shine through bydeveloping the qualities of confidence, happiness, intelligence,and loving kindness. Loving yourself builds the foundation forhappiness and success in your adult life in college, career, andrelationships.
Find the love you seek, byfirst finding the love within yourself. Ravi Shankar
This book can also helpparents understand their daughters and assist them in buildingtheir self-esteem.
Michael David Lawrience -Sedona, Arizona
Imagine a world
Where every girl grows upwith the self-esteem she needs to reach her fullpotential
Where every woman enjoysfeeling confident in her own beauty ~DoveMovement for Self-Esteem
Facts about Teens andSelf-Esteem - Dove & Self-EsteemInstitute
Did you know low self-esteemforms as a result of thinking of yourself as inadequate andunlovable?
Did you know 61% of teengirls with low self-esteem put themselves down?
Did you know 70% of teenagegirls believe they fail in being good enough in looks, schoolgrades, and relationships with family and friends?
Did you know yourself-esteem relates to how you see your body rather than how muchyou actually weigh?
Did you know 75% of girlswith low self-esteem engage in unhealthy behaviors such asbullying, cutting, eating disorders or overindulgence in alcoholand drugs when they feel bad?
Would you like to feelbetter about yourself? First lets look at your level ofself-esteem.
Girls Do You Know YourLevel of Self-Esteem?
Your level of self-esteem depends onhow much you value yourself, as well as how much you feel othersvalue you.
Take the following briefquiz. Be as honest as possible and answer rarely, sometimes, oroften in your journal.
Note: You will need a self-esteem journal to do the exercises inthis book to get the best results improving your esteem.
1. Do you skip new thingssuch as a team sport or class trip even when they soundcool?
2. Do you think thateverything you do has to be perfect for you to be goodenough?
3. Do you have a lot ofcritical thoughts about yourself?
4. Do you feel afraid ofsaying or doing something stupid?
5. Do you find it hard tobelieve it when someone compliments you?
6. Do you get yourself intorisky situations because it's difficult to disagree with yourfriends?
7. Do you worry a lot abouthow you look?
8. Do you often compareyourself to others?
9. Do you make decisions onwhat would please someone else?
10. Do you fear makingmistakes?
If you answered rarely mostof the time you have good self-esteem, however, if you answeredsometimes or often most of the time this reflects that you see andthink of yourself as inadequate and unlovable. You have lots ofroom to improve your self-esteem, as you read and work through theexercises in this book.
Everyone has inside of hima piece of good news. This good news is that you don't know howgreat you can be! Anne Frank, The Diary of Anne Frank .
Self-esteem builds from theinside out. Do the exercises which will start you on the road ofbelieving in and loving yourself more.
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