Am I
Beauti Fully
Beauti Fully
Spidey Williams
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2011 Spidey Williams All rights reserved.
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First published by AuthorHouse 12/12/2011
ISBN: 978-1-4685-0298-5 (sc)
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2011960740
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Reality strikes more than twice in the same place, and it doesnt care, about any puppy eyes or sad face.Teaches you clichs like, what doesnt kill you only makes you stronger, but yet stress is the ultimate serial killer! But I dont see them sentencing life to death. They rather place patience on death row. So after learning this, I wrote my third book called, Now Judge This Book by Its Cover,! Just more clichs like We live, & we learn, or welcome to life, or it is what it is! How about Go Go Gadget me a Nightrider, so I can ride out of this fairy tale living land. Returning back to my Land Before Time when I remember Once Upon A Time, when A Time To Kill, was our first initial thought By Any Means Necessary instead of Pulp Fiction being our Malcolm X. Since beginning of time T.V. & movies were our Higher Learning, as we learn to be A Menace To Society, we Biker Boys love our cars to be Fast & Furious, waiting for Friday, so D-bo can play like he tough, until Next Friday. As our females continue Waiting To Exhale!
What have we become? Who are we, better yet, who were we not? If you were looking for me to make you smile, I hope I did a great job at the beginning, but if I didnt, maybe the next poet or writer will. Because my last book written and published I had to let My Pen Talk! Evidently my words were never loud enough, my mentality was too nice, & people tried to keep me calm, & give me free advice, without living my life! I just wanted to grow up normal, wanted what most normal people did too. I was just given a different spirit; I was categorized with Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, 2 Pac Shakur, Shakespeare, Mark Twain & the rest of gang. I never had a choice, some people were given powers, but never used them, and others used them that were never meant to have them.
Every time I write my life story, it comes out how I feel but not always what I see. Every time I look in the mirror, it shows me all I can never hide raw & uncensored. It gives truth to me. How many of us have an alias pen name, nickname that were known as, other than our birth name? You dont have to raise your hand or nod your head, but at least try to smile even if its hard. I was bred & raised a Christian, but I feel I am less of a man & more of a God. Every poem I write at least one person like, but the ones written in sorrow & blood, People never forget & surprisingly love. Its hard for me to bleed externally when Ive been bleeding internally since I was born. By age eleven I had 13 wisdom teeth, & doctors call me extraordinary, by 14 I was suspended 15 times in two years, statistics called me ordinary! By 17 I was brilliant again, from publishing my first poetry book, result of heartbroken. Should have told the witch doctor never heal me, shouldve congratulated Cupid, for failing again, should have went to every wishing well, & retrieved every penny for my thoughts, instead of publishing my first poetry book, entitled, Poems From The Heart written by Yours Truly, Spidey Williams! I shouldve become even bitterer; instead I searched out another loving kitten, hoping to have better luck, with a completely different litter.
I found love! Rather love found me. Because I wasnt looking, all I knew was, a cute face with a nice smile, now silently doesnt say please help me, but dont help me please! Im just joking! Its just raises yellow flags saying caution! Since its wasnt red I shouldve been safe, but the umpire called me out! When I was leaving third base, wasnt quite home when tagged, so how could I be safe. Pain knocked on my door, after tracking me down. First with my friends & family. Death began adding up, than love became unsettled pain popped back up. Thus leading two my second book entitled Love Me not, or Love Me forever! Well dont laugh at me, told you I was looking for, the ever after, didnt quite reach the happily, but happily after ever, I write this happily!
Reality strikes more than twice in the same place, and it doesnt care, about any puppy eyes or sad face. It teaches you clichs like, what doesnt kill you only make you stronger, but yet stress is the ultimate serial killer, but I dont see them sentencing life to death. They rather place patience on death row. So after learning this, I wrote my third book called, Now Judge This Book by Its Cover,! Just more clichs like We live, & we learn, or welcome to life, or it is what it is! How about Go Go Gadget me a Nightrider, so I can ride out of this fairy tale living land. Returning back to my Land Before Time when I remember Once Upon A Time, when A Time To Kill, was our first initial thought By Any Means Necessary instead of Pulp Fiction being our Malcolm X. Since beginning of time T.V. & movies were our Higher Learning, as we learn to be A Menace To Society, we Biker Boys love our cars to be Fast & Furious, waiting for Friday, so D-bo can play like he tough, until Next Friday. As our females continue Waiting To Exhale!
What have we become? Who are we, better yet, who were we not? If you were looking for me to make you smile, I hope I did a great job at the beginning, but if I didnt, maybe the next poet or writer will. Because my last book written and published I had to let My Pen Talk! Evidently my words were never loud enough, my mentality was too nice, & people tried to keep me calm, & give me free advice, without living my life! I just wanted to grow up normal, wanted what most normal people did too. I was just given a different spirit; I was categorized with Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, 2 Pac Shakur, Shakespeare, Mark Twain & the rest of gang. I never had a choice, some people were given powers, but never used them, and others used them that were never meant to have them. So if Im too deep for you, or all I write is about depression, maybe you should open your eyes, and see not all of us humans, are experiencing the recession. Or maybe its my deep rooted anger of suppression, or maybe it is my since of morbid depression, or maybe it was never them, it was only one form of our mental slavery rights of United States of America!
Better known as, Freedom of expression!
Here you go its yours for now, & handed me a book, pen & a separate application,
Ask Him what should I write to get this job?
He replied no lies! Everything & anything thats in your life,
Says its yours! So write what you like!
So I wrote & I wrote. Impulsively, rough drafts, & well planned out thoughtful thinking thoughts.
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