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Frazier - Crystals for Healing: The Complete Reference Guide with Over 200 Remedies for Mind, Heart & Soul

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Frazier Crystals for Healing: The Complete Reference Guide with Over 200 Remedies for Mind, Heart & Soul
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    Crystals for Healing: The Complete Reference Guide with Over 200 Remedies for Mind, Heart & Soul
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Ready to Create Positive Change in Your Life? Discover the Power of Crystals to Heal Mind, Body, and Spirit.
Whether youre working through grief or holding onto grudges, seeking love or increasing gratitude,Crystals for Healingoffers the basics for beginners to explore the deep connection between mind, body, and spirit.
Learn the fundamentals to clear emotional blockages, stimulate creativity, and elevate your mood through the vibrational power of healing crystals, with:
Clear descriptions of crystalsand their unique healing propertiesOver200 remedies, plusprofiles of 95 crystalscovering colors, primary uses, corresponding chakra, and placement recommendationsDaily meditations and mantrasfor a truly holistic approachGuidelines for creating gridsto harness the positive power of crystals and healing stones
Discover a more fulfilling life through the power of crystal healing as explained by ordained metaphysical minister, intuitive energy healer, and Usui Reiki practitioner Karen Frazier.

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ISBN: Print 978-1-62315-675-6 | eBook 978-1-62315-676-3


U sing crystals for spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical healing is an age-old practice dating back thousands of years. Today, crystal healing is still used in our modern world, relying on the vibrations of ancient stones as a remedy for what ails us.

As a Usui Reiki Master, energy healer, and ordained metaphysical minister, I have incorporated crystals into my healing work for years. In my healing practice, I use them to focus emotional and spiritual energy to affect positive change.

Crystals have been important in my own healing journey, as well. I work with them daily to focus my meditation, improve my connection with the spiritual and my higher self, and make adjustments when I experience mental, spiritual, or emotional blockages. For example, Ive used crystals to achieve forgiveness, as well as to move through grief after the recent death of a loved one. I often work with them to stimulate inspiration and creativity and to focus my intuition.

A deep connection exists between body, mind, and spirit. Imbalance affects every aspect of life, including relationships, career, hobbies, emotions, and even physical health. I learned this the hard way as a young adult. I was out of balance because I was too cerebral, spending so much time in my mind that I neglected my body and soul. This imbalance led to illness and unhappiness, and I spent most of my twenties adrift, with numerous broken relationships, job changes, unfinished projects, and different addresses to prove it.

I was in my early thirties when everything changed. Id just gone through the breakup of another relationship and had recently lost a job I enjoyed. In the midst of this, I developed a sore throat that persisted, no matter what I tried. I visited several doctors, each unable to treat it because they couldnt find a physical cause. As the severity worsened and the duration stretched from weeks to months, I decided to try alternative therapy. I found a medical doctor who also practiced energy healing techniques.


With deep skepticism, I went to my appointment. After a consultation, the doctor had me lie supine on her treatment table with a green rock on the middle of my chest and a blue rock on the center of my throat. She cupped her hands gently on the crown of my head. I felt a rush of energy, and for reasons I couldnt understand, I burst into tears. I continued sobbing for the remainder of the treatment and all the way home in my car. I cried for the rest of the day until I went to sleep that night.

When I woke up, I felt fantastic. My throat pain was gone, and I felt more alive and enthusiastic than I had in ages. I was mentally clear, and I felt a connection to spirit that had escaped me for years. My throat pain, it turned out, didnt come from any physical source, but from a spiritual and emotional one that had to do with speaking and living my truth. By clearing the energy blockage that existed in my throat, I was able to release the spiritual and emotional pain Id been carrying, which then caused a release of the physical pain.

That single visit was the start of a host of positive changes in my life that have led me to a place of great joy, peace, and creativity that has lasted thus far for nearly twenty years. Despite my initial skepticism, my first appointment in an energy healers office brought me to crystals and energy healing, and it empowered me to live the life my soul wanted. Thats why Im so excited to share crystal healing with you. Its a wonderful tool for finding your own spiritual, mental, and emotional empowerment so that you, too, can lead a life that truly invigorates you and brings you joy.

H ow can a rock bring about healing After all crystals are just pretty - photo 2

H ow can a rock bring about healing? After all, crystals are just pretty stones, arent they? While its true that crystals are stones, each has a unique structure that imparts its own energetic properties. Healers, holy people, and shamans have known about these properties for millennia. As a result, cultures throughout history have incorporated crystals into their spiritual and healing practices, and references to and the use of these energetic objects have been found in various holy texts and at archeological sites. The use of crystals for healing continues today, and with the information you will learn in this book, you can begin putting this practice to use in your life.

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