![You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and then you will - photo 1](/uploads/posts/book/259648/images/00001.jpg)
You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and then you will be my witnesses. (Acts 1:8).
![Daily Meditations with the Holy Spirit - image 2](/uploads/posts/book/259648/images/00002.jpg)
New Jersey
IMPRIMI POTEST: Michael Kolodziej, OFM Conv.
Minister Provincial of St. Anthony of Padua Province (USA)
NIHIL OBSTAT: Rev. Msgr. James M. Cafone, M.A., S.T.D.
Censor Librorum
Most Rev. John J. Myers, J.C.D., D.D.
Archbishop of Newark
The Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur are official declarations that a book or a pamphlet is free of doctrinal or moral error. No implication is contained therein that those who have granted the Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur agree with the contents, opinions or statements expressed.
eISBN 978-0-89942-109-4
2008 Catholic Book Publishing Corp., N.J.
Come Holy Ghost, Creator Blest,
And in our hearts take up thy rest.
Come with thy grace, and heavenly aid,
To fill the hearts which thou hast made,
To fill the hearts which thou hast made!
A NYONE who has ever taught a Confirmation preparation class has been struck by how difficult it is to explain who the Holy Spirit is. We can say what the Holy Spirit does (sanctifies, fills us with His gifts, guides us and the Church) and we can speak of symbols used for the Spirit (the dove, fire, oil, water, wind, breath, etc.). But Who is the Holy Spirit?
We have even changed the Spirits name within many of our lifetimes. We used to call the Spirit the Holy Ghost, but now we say the Holy Spirit. The reason for the change is that languages often change the meanings of particular words. While Ghost might have been a perfectly good word to use decades ago, it no longer is because it implies a phantasm more than a spiritual entity.
One of the most difficult things is to explain how the Holy Spirit could be a person. It is easier to think of the Spirit as a force or a way that God makes Himself known to us. Yet we know that the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Blessed Trinity. Maybe we just have to accept that this is a mystery, and we can never fully understand Who the Spirit is.
But that doesnt mean that we cannot form a relationship with the Spirit. The Holy Spirit has been breathed into our hearts at creation and again when Jesus rose from the dead. The Spirit, the love of God, fills us and empowers us. The Spirit, in fact, loves us more than we could ever love ourselves.
This meditation book presents a short passage from Sacred Scripture dealing with the Spirit or the Spirits gifts. There is an explanation of that verse and a short prayer to apply the fruits of our meditation to our everyday lives. May this meditation book serve you well as you reach out to the Spirit, our friend and our love.
Father Jude Winkler, OFM Conv.
IN the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and a mighty wind swept over the waters.
Gen 1:2
R EFLECTION. The phrase translated here as mighty wind could also be translated as the Holy Spirit.
When we live in sin, the Spirit is a mighty wind that shakes the foundations of our lives. When we live in Gods love, the Spirit broods over our hearts to bring forth life.
As we make our New Years resolutions, we are called to choose life and love.
P RAYER. God, please fill my heart with Your Spirit so that my life will be filled with meaning and peace.
BUT as for me, I am filled with the power of the Spirit of the Lord, with authority and with might.
Mic 3:8a
R EFLECTION. Micah the prophet realized that he was speaking in Gods name. He would never have dared speak upon his own authority. He felt that Gods Spirit empowered him to prophesy. Therefore, he could boldly confront even kings and generals.
How do I know when I am saying what God wants me to say?
P RAYER. Spirit of God, fill me with Your word and Your confidence.
NO prophecy ever came from human initiative. Rather, when people spoke as messengers of God, they did so under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
2 Pet 1:21
R EFLECTION. This text speaks of the fact that the Holy Spirit inspired prophecy as well as the other writings of the Bible. Inspired literally means that the Spirit breathed into these authors so that what they said and wrote were God-filled words.
That same Spirit inspires us as we read and study Sacred Scripture.
P RAYER. Word of God, may You inspire my mind and my heart.
IN wisdom there is a beneficial spirit that is also humane, steadfast, secure, free from anxiety and all powerful
Wis 7:23
R EFLECTION. The Spirit of God teaches us how we can live our faith with great generosity of spirit.
There is a vertical dimension to our faith (praising and worshiping God), but there is also a horizontal dimension to our faith in which we show our love to our sisters and brothers, Gods beloved children.
P RAYER. God, may I praise You even as I serve Your children.
THE fullness of wisdom is fear of the Lord , she is present with the faithful in the womb.
Sir 1:14
R EFLECTION. Fear of the Lord does not mean to be afraid of God. It means to stand in awe and wonder before the greatness of the Lord.
When we recognize that God is God and we are creatures, we develop a healthy sense of humility. We acknowledge our need for wisdom and grace, which are both gifts of the Holy Spirit.
P RAYER. Give me Your wisdom and grace, Lord, so that I may be filled with awe and wonder.
WISDOM is a refulgence of eternal light, a spotless mirror of how God works.
Wis 7:26
R EFLECTION. Wisdom reveals the radiance of Gods glory to us, and thus helps us to recognize that there is another level of reality beyond what we can see and perceive with our mortal eyes.
Like the Magi who followed the star of Bethlehem, we seek the source of this radiance.
P RAYER. Spirit of wisdom, guide me with the light of Your revelation.
I WILL ask the Father, and He will give you another Advocate [Paraclete] to be with you forever, the Spirit of Truth
Jn 14:16
R EFLECTION. The word Paraclete has many meanings. It could be translated as advocate or counselor or consoler or vindicator, etc. All of these meanings are intended.
Jesus was the first Paraclete. When Jesus ascended to the Father, They sent the Holy Spirit upon us to be all these things for us.
P RAYER. Holy Spirit, be my advocate, my counselor, my consoler, and my vindicator.
AS Susanna was being led out to her execution, God stirred up the holy spirit of a young man named Daniel
Dan 13:45-46
R EFLECTION. The Holy Spirit reveals many things to us. In addition to the sublime truths of our faith, the Spirit helps us figure out right from wrong.
The Spirit comes to our assistance when we suffer for the good choices that we have made (e.g. being misunderstood, mocked, etc.)
P RAYER. Spirit of God, give me the courage to give witness to the truth and to defend the weak and powerless.
THE fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
Gal 5:22-23
R EFLECTION. Even though the Disciples suffered persecution, they were filled with joy. One would have expected them to be depressed or angry or resentful. The very fact that they responded to persecution with joy is a sign that the Spirit was guiding their actions.
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