iUniverse, Inc.
The 7 Secrets to Peace of Mind
Your Peace Is Your Command!
Copyright 2012 by Tony Charles.
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2012909152
Miss Tonia Isata Charles
Mr. Anthony Brima Charles
Mr. Sylvester Foday Charles
Mr. Lawrence Amara Charles
This is my message to each and every one of youmy dear children and the children of all humanity:
Go forward and believe in yourself.
Never allow your yesterday to hold your tomorrow hostage.
Be mindful that the significance of time is to move forward, not backward. Do not tie yourself to your past; tie yourself to your inner peace, and never give up except when it is absolutely necessary and for honor.
Remember that your history does not always define who you become;
it is the rest of your story and the choices you make.
Be careful with how you spend your time and money.
In life, it is not how much money or time you have that matters;
it is how you choose to spend it.
Do not ever forget, even for a moment, that unity is strength.
Love someoneand only from your heart, not for anything.
Please pay serious attention to this message and pass it on.
This is the secret.
The blessing of God will always be with you.
Mrs. Isha Lauretta Charles
My lovely lady:
You and my mother are the most important women in my life.
You mean the world to me, and I truly love you, darling.
Your dedication to our family is a clear manifestation that
you are a wonderful and a diligent wife.
I am proud of you, honey.
You are really an extraordinary mother.
Be assured that the love of God is protecting us.
The power of love is guiding us.
Divine love is within us.
We are in love, honey, and
all is well.
The most powerful new book of knowledge is now in your possession. Pursued by many, envied by all, The Secrets to Peace of Mind offers nirvana and tremendous wisdom to whoever possesses it. This indispensable new inspirational volume is the master key that will finally let you into the amazing world of secret knowledge, grand ability, and ultimate freedom . When you diligently read this new book of knowledge and precisely adhere to the suggested exercises, it will surely bring peace of mind including guidance, abundance, protection, good luck, good health, prosperity, longevity, tranquility, inner joy, inner peace, wealth, great power, the fulfillment of wishes, and real love into your life.
Please be reminded that all human beings have a pivotal moment in their individual lives when they discover something new, and nothing is ever the same again. For you, this is that moment! You are about to learn insider secrets from The Secrets to Peace of Mind that will empower you and awaken your comprehension, your motivation, and your inspiration. You will also discover that at the highest level of human understanding, there is the realization that ultimately we are all cells in the organism called humanity.
The Secrets to Peace of Mind is full of expected expectations. It is the new book of knowledge and the game changer that will make you think. This is the indispensable volume that will give you an in-depth wisdom of the following inner secrets: the secret formula for transforming your whole life; the secret formula for overcoming anything and achieving anything; the secret to the power of positive thinking; the secret to prosperity and inner peace; the secret to the rule of life; the secret formula for longevity and well-being; and the secret formula for believing in your humanity and divinity.
The Secrets to Peace of Mind is one of the profoundest books in modern philosophy. It comprises insider secrets that represent everything in life that is peaceful, hopeful, joyful, affectionate, optimistic, productive, and positive.
This is the new book of knowledge that is composed of great wisdom of the ages that will let you be in harmony with your true nature and allow you to obtain the new and higher consciousness of humanity. This enlightening volume will offer you tranquility that will lead you to nirvana, free you from worries, and place you in a calm and peaceful dominion even when facing major challenges in life.
The Secrets to Peace of Mind will make you better in everything, including your public life, your private life, and your spiritual life. Thus, you will secure competent, cooperative, and comprehensive relationships with others to enhance a greater degree of respect in your social environment and to have the peace of mind you deserve.
The books subtitle Your Peace Is Your Command! is intended to prepare you to liberate the dynamic and explosive forces that lie dormant within you that will eventually enhance your peace of mind and let you be, do, or have anything. This new book of knowledge will let you know that any kind of winning is by choice, not by chance. You will be reminded also that the major difference between the winner and the loser is that the winner will always strive to win. This is the volume that will give you the secret formula for that powerful philosophy.
Do not forget, however, that graciously accepting the order of things can effortlessly make the difference between distress and peace of mind. You will also discover insider secrets that will allow you to influence people; easily get what you want; win the esteem and support of influential people; immediately silence anyone who tries to criticize or belittle you; make people change their opinions about you; and make anyone fall deeply in love with you.
Although life sometimes teaches harsh lessons that can create fear for humanity, nevertheless, you should never forget that the opposite of fear is knowledge. Thus, with the help of this powerful new book of knowledge, you will surely learn without any doubt that nothing is impossible if you truly believe you deserve it. However, please be mindful that the right choices will come from your intuition and not from external sources. Remember also that your value of fairness and your willingness to take responsibility are giant steps to a sustainable peace of mind.
Your Peace Is Your Command!
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