DailyAffirmations for
For Those in12 Step Addiction Recovery
by Janice M.Mann
Copyright 2012 Janice M.Mann/
Serenity Publishing andSmashwords
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Janice M. Mann is available for public speaking engagements,motivational trainings, seminars or privateconsultations.
Contact her atJMW@JaniceMannWorldwide.com.
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Transforming Fearand Anxiety into Power
This book is dedicated toall those spiritual beings having a human experience that I havemet, created relationships with, journeyed along beside, loved,lost, forgiven, loved more and learned incredibly powerful lifelessons along side. You know who you are. We are eternal Spiritualbeings.
Most of the wisdom I havegained in my life has come out of incredible emotional pain,counseling or the rooms. I spent years of drug abuse and heavydrinking attempting to numb my emotional pain. I know how tooverspend and how to overeat. There were times I had a death wish.I would attempt to find the line of sanity, cross over it andexperience that space and then come back across to what I thoughtat the time was sanity. It was all insanity! I didnt know anythingabout 12 step programs. In my incredibly limited understanding AAwas a bunch of old men smoking heavily in a small room somewhere. Ihad never heard of NA which is where my drugs of choice lie! In mytwenties, I heard about a meeting at the hospital for people whohad alcoholic family members. It was called ACOA - Adult Childrenof Alcoholics. I went a few times. It triggered a lot of unhealedwounds. Denial screamed at me that my dad wasnt an alcoholic hejust drank a lot. I had repressed the abuse in my life: emotional,physical and sexual. I had so much rage I once told my therapistthat if we tapped my rage the walls would fall down in heroffice. How prophetic!
I didnt have a name forthe family dynamics. We just tried to keep everything togetherlooking as normal as possible in insane conditions. No stressthere! I had no clue how much of an addict I was personally. Itdidnt seem to me to be a problem to be high everyday from the timeI woke up to the time I passed out at night. Id smoke a bowlbefore I even got out of bed. I mixed drugs and alcohol topoisonous levels daily. I could out party anyone. You name it. Iwas using it.
I met a woman in BocaRaton, Florida who was in the program and she took me to meetings.My denial and fear were too great to be aware of just howdysfunctional I was. She loved me enough to offer the gift therooms could share with me. My ego and my fear were too big toaccept it.
Twenty five years later Imet a woman who was serious about her recovery. I loved her greatlyand still do. She taught me many lessons in recovery, in patience,forgiveness and compassion. She was one of my greatest teachers.You know who you are, so when this book gets in your hands, pleaseknow I adore you and I wish you only the best life has to offeryou. Thank you so much!
I have spent plenty oftime in counseling and in the rooms over my life. It has changed mylife. I hope that you will use this book for your own healing. Thatwas my intention in writing it. If you are reading this now, KNOWTHIS: This is not a coincidence. You are ready for what is insideif you just trust the process. The Universe, also known as yourHigher Power, God, Source Energy, our Creator...you can name itwhatever you are comfortable with - has gotten you to this book tohelp facilitate your growth and to love yourself more. Use it tohelp yourself heal! Read it throughout the year and keep it. Itdoesnt have an annual date so it can be used quite a long time.You are in the right place, reading the right information for yourhealing journey. You are an eternal spiritual being having a humanexperience. This is not home. Blessings and Light to your now andforever!
The SerenityPrayer
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things Icannot change, courage to change the things I can and the wisdom toknow the difference. Living one day at the time and enjoying onemoment at a time.
St. FrancisPrayer
God, make me a channel of your peace, so thatwhere there is hatred, I may bring love; that where there is wrong,I may bring the spirit of forgiveness; that where there is discord,I may bring harmony; that where there is error, I may bring truth;that where there is doubt, I may bring faith; that where there isdespair, I may bring hope; that where there are shadows, I maybring light; that where there is sadness, I may bring joy. God,grant that I may seek to comfort rather than to be comforted; tounderstand, rather than to be understood; to love, rather than tobe loved. For it is by self-forgetting that one finds.
The LordsPrayer
Our Father, who art in heaven
Hallowed be Thyname
Thy kingdom come Thy willbe done
On earth as it is inheaven
Give us this day our dailybread
And forgive us our debtsas we forgive our debtors
And lead us not intotemptation
But deliver us fromevil
For Thine is the kingdomand power and glory
Forever and ever,Amen.
1st StepPrayer
Creator God, I can nowadmit that I am powerless over my addiction. I know my life isunmanageable. I try to control it and chaos happens. Help me tounderstand the true meaning of getting and staying clean. Pleasehelp me heal myself.
2nd StepPrayer
Source of All, I can nolonger live the way I have been living. It is not working. I needhelp. Please help me to restore my sanity. I humbly ask you toremove all thoughts that cause me to want to use. Heal my woundedspirit. Restore my mind. Remove from me all addiction cravings andself loathing behaviors.
3rd StepPrayer
Father - Mother God, Ioffer myself to your Healing Spirit to restore me. I want to feelconnected to You. Teach me Your ways so that I can be a lovinghealthy person. I ask that You teach me how to live in Your will.Teach me how to handle my challenges differently so I can grow intrust and love with Your healing Spirit
4th StepPrayer
Dear God, I pray for thestrength to complete my searching and fearless moral inventory. Ihave messed up royally. I need help to make the changes I need tomake. Give me strength to do this step. Facing all my mistakes isuncomfortable. I am going to write it all down and face itfinally.
5th StepPrayer
God of All there is, I gotthrough the fourth step! Thank you! Now I have to admit my mistakesand wrong action to others. This is going to be embarrassing.Please be with me while I do this because I am afraid of all thefeelings that are stirred up now. I am trying hard to work thisprogram but I do get afraid a lot. Let me know somehow that you arewith me.