If You Could
See What I See
Also by Sylvia Browne
Books/Card Deck
Adventures of a Psychic (with Antoinette May)
Astrology Through a Psychics Eyes
Blessings from the Other Side (with Lindsay Harrison)
Contacting Your Spirit Guide (book-with-CD)
Conversations with the Other Side
Father God
Heart and Soul card deck
A Journal of Love and Healing (with Nancy Dufresne)
Life on the Other Side (with Lindsay Harrison)
Mother God
The Other Side and Back (with Lindsay Harrison)
Past Lives, Future Healing (with Lindsay Harrison)
Prophecy (with Lindsay Harrison)
Secrets & Mysteries of the World
Sylvia Brownes Book of Angels
Sylvia Brownes Book of Dreams (with Lindsay Harrison)
Sylvia Brownes Lessons for Life
Visits from the Afterlife (with Lindsay Harrison)
TheJourney of the SoulSeries
(available individually or in a boxed set)
God, Creation, and Tools for Life (Book 1)
Souls Perfection (Book 2)
The Nature of Good and Evil (Book 3)
Audio/CD Programs
Angels and Spirit Guides
Angels, Guides & Ghosts
Healing Your Body, Mind, and Soul
Life on the Other Side (audio book)
Making Contact with the Other Side
The Other Side of Life
Secrets & Mysteries of the World
Sylvia Brownes Book of Angels
Sylvia Brownes Tools for Life (DVD)
The Sylvia Browne Newsletter (bimonthly)
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Copyright 2006 by Sylvia Browne
Published and distributed in the United States by: Hay House, Inc.: www.hayhouse.com Published and distributed in Australia by: Hay House Australia Pty. Ltd.: www.hayhouse.com.au Published and distributed in theUnited Kingdom by: Hay House UK, Ltd.: www.hayhouse.co.uk Published anddistributed in the Republic of South Africa by: Hay House SA (Pty), Ltd.: www.hayhouse.co.za Distributed in Canada by: Raincoast: www.raincoast.com Published in India by: Hay House Publishers India: www.hayhouse.co.in
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The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Browne, Sylvia.
If you could see what I see : the tenets of Novus Spiritus / Sylvia Browne.
p. cm.
ISBN-13: 978-1-4019-0648-1 (hardcover) ISBN 978-1-4019-0784-6 (tradepaper)
1. Spiritual life--Miscellanea. 2. Gnosticism--Miscellanea. 3. Society of Novus Spiritus (Campbell, Calif.) I. Title.
BF1999.B755 2006
ISBN 13: 978-1-4019-0784-6
12 11 10 09 11 10 9 8
1st printing, January 2006
8th printing, August 2009
Printed in the United States of America
I want to thank Angelia,
my granddaughter, for
helping me with research,
and Darren English for
his great help in tracking
Gnostic philosophy with me
The way of all peace is to scale the mountain of self.
Loving others makes the climb down easier. We see all
things darkly until love lights the lamp of our soul.
Whatever thou lovest, lovest thou.
Do not give unto God any human pettiness such as
vengeance, wrath, or hate. Negativity is mans alone.
Create your own heaven, not a hell.
You are a creator made from God.
Turn thy power outward, not inward,
for therein shines the light and the way.
In faith be like the wind chimes: Hold steady
until faith, like the wind, moves you to joy.
Know that each life is a path winding toward perfection.
It is the step after step that is hard, not the whole of the journey.
Be simple. Allow no man to judge you,
not even yourself, for you cannot judge God.
You are a light in a lonely, dark desert who enlightens many.
Let no one convince you that you are less than a God.
Do not let fear imprison your spiritual growth.
Do not allow the unfounded belief in demons
to block your communion with God.
The body is a living temple unto God,
wherein we worship the spark of the Divine.
God does not create the adversities in life.
By your own choice they exist to aid in your perfection.
Karma is nothing more than honing the wheel of evolvement.
It is not retribution, but merely a balancing of experiences.
God allows each person the opportunity for perfection, whether you need one life or a
hundred lives to reach your level of perfection.
Devote your life, your soul, your very existence, to the
service of God. For only there will you find meaning in life.
War is profane; defense is compulsory.
Death is the act of returning Home; it should be done with grace and dignity. You may
preserve that dignity by refusing prolonged
use of artificial life-support systems. Let Gods will be done.
We believe in a Mother God, Who is
co-Creator with our all-loving Father God.
We believe that our Lord was crucified, but did not die
on the cross. Instead, he went on to live his life in France with his mother and Mary Magdalene, his wife.
We Gnostics kept the knowledge hidden that Christs lineage exists even today, and the
truth long buried is open to research.
Dear God,
As the years pass like the dead leaves in autumn, let me never lose sight of You. Let me always walk with my hand in Yours, and when human beings may fail me and all hope seems to die, let me feel You walking beside me.
I have a great journey ahead of me, by which I am master. If it lasts for only a day or stretches throughout many years, keep me pure of heart and true to the principles I hold so high. Let me always be patient with those around me. Let me see life at its fullest and yet smile bravely at death. Let me see and appreciate the beauty of Your creations and the extent of Your power. Only when I have done these things will I be able to look to heaven and know I have lived.
Through the years when my dreams fall around me, I will know that dreams should not only be made up of hope that stretches like a translucent web over reality, but built out of the hope that burns into the future and is left in our lighthouse of memories.
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