Published in 2021 by Enslow Publishing, LLC 101 W. 23rd Street, Suite 240, New York, NY 10011 2020 Booklife Publishing This edition is published by arrangement with Booklife Publishing All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced by any means without the written permission of the publisher. Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Vallepur, Shalini. Title: I can be brainy: clever scientists who changed the world / Shalini Vallepur. | Series: I can be | Includes glossary and index. | Series: I can be | Includes glossary and index.
Identifiers: ISBN 9781978519596 (pbk.) | ISBN 9781978519619 (library bound) | ISBN 9781978519602 (6 pack) Subjects: LCSH: Scientists--Biography--Juvenile literature. | Science--History--Juvenile literature. | Discoveries in science--Juvenile literature. Classification: LCC Q141.V35 2020 | DDC 509.22 B--dc23 Printed in the United States of America CPSIA compliance information: Batch #BS20ENS: For further information contact Enslow Publishing, New York, New York at 1-800-542-2595 IMAGE CREDITS All images are courtesy of Andrii Bezvershenko, Shtonado. CONTENTS I CAN BEBRAINY Do you ever wonder where things come from or how they work? How does a smartphone connect to the internet? What makes a car move? Where does our medicine come from? Somebody had to think about these things in order to make them work. Throughout history, brainy people have been making discoveries and inventions that have changed the world.
A lot of brainy people have faced challenges when working on new projects or ideas.
If somebody worked on something that went against the religion of the area, then they could be punished for it. A lot of women were treated differently and didnt have the same chances that men had. Some people were treated differently because of where they came from. Even though these challenges existed, scientists, engineers, and inventors never gave up and kept working hard. Read on to learn all about the lives of famous scientists and inventors, and youll see that you can be brainy too!
HYPATIA Born: Around 355 Died: 415 Hypatia was a Greek woman who lived in Alexandria, Egypt. Her father was a named Theon.
He taught Hypatia mathematics and so she could carry on his work. Theon wanted to make sure that Greek values and teachings were kept alive. These teachings were . There was a lot of trouble in Alexandria during Hypatias time. Jews, Christians, and pagans were fighting. Even though it was dangerous to spread pagan teachings, Hypatia kept working.
She gave public speeches about the Greek Plato and Aristotle. She is believed to have invented a new kind of hydrometer, a tool that measures water. The troubles in Alexandria kept getting worse and soon Hypatia was killed by Christian . It is believed that she was killed for teaching and spreading pagan values. During her time, Hypatia was known as the worlds leading mathematician and astronomer. This was a great achievement as most of the worlds scholars at this time were men.
BE LIKE HYPATIA AND INSPIRE PEOPLE TO WORK HARD, EVEN IN THE FACE OF . GALILEO GALILEI Born: 1564 Died: 1642 When Galileo was a young man, he discovered that he had a love for math. Galileo left university to learn about math, philosophy, and astronomy. He studied the philosophers of the past such as Aristotle, and even improved their theories. Galileo began to think in a different way and some people did not like this. Galileo was amazed when the first spyglass was made in 1609.
A spyglass could be used to look at things that were far away. Galileo decided to make his own spyglass. He ended up making a telescope that looked far into the distance. He made huge discoveries using his telescope. He saw on the moon and discovered four more moons that were in around Jupiter. But Galileos work soon led him to trouble.
Galileo supported the idea that the sun was at the center of our solar system, and not Earth. We now know this is true, but at the time, Galileo was accused of and put in prison. When he was let out, he didnt give up on his idea and wrote a book about it. BE LIKE GALILEO AND STAND UP FOR WHAT YOU BELIEVE IN.
- GALILEO GALILEI ISAAC NEWTON Born: 1642 or 1643 Died: 1727 Isaac Newton had a difficult childhood in Britain. His father died before he was born.
When Newton was two years old, he was left in the care of his grandmother. Newton did not do very well at school and was not very good at math. He liked to make things such as clocks and read books on his own. Newtons mother wanted him to become a farmer, but he wanted to study at a university. He went to the University of Cambridge, where he liked to work and live alone. Newton made important discoveries in science and spent a lot of time studying .
It is said that he saw an apple fall from a tree. He began to wonder how the apple fell straight to the ground. Newton started off as a lonely child, but his discoveries and inventions in science have gone on to help us understand the world around us. WHAT WE KNOW IS A DROP,
BE LIKE NEWTON AND KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS. BE LIKE NEWTON WATER GRAVITY EXPERIMENT Newton is famous for his discovery of and work on gravity. He realized that gravity was an invisible force that keeps everything from flying upward and away.
You can be like Newton and investigate gravity!
Poke a hole in the paper cup using a sharp pencil. Make sure that the hole is in the side, near the bottom of the cup. Cover the hole with your finger and fill the cup with water from the jug. Stand over a bucket or outside on some grass. Take your finger off the hole. Does water come out of the hole? Write down what happens when you take your finger off the hole.
Fill the cup again with your finger over the hole. Stand over a bucket or outside on some grass. Let go of the cup and take your finger off the hole at the same time. Does water come out of the hole? Write down what happens. Gravity pulls water out of the hole when you take your finger off it.
NIKOLA TESLA Born: 1856 Died: 1943 Nikola Tesla became interested in inventing because of his mother.
NIKOLA TESLA Born: 1856 Died: 1943 Nikola Tesla became interested in inventing because of his mother.
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