Remarkable: Living a Faith Worth Talking About
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Copyright 2020 by Brady Boyd
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ISBN 978-1-9821-0140-4
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For Pam, my best friend and the most generous person I know
Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one anotherand all the more as you see the Day approaching.
Author of the Book of Hebrews
We owe something to extravagance, for thrift and adventure seldom go hand in hand.
Jennie Jerome Churchill, mother of Sir Winston Churchill
Authors Note
W HEN I RECEIVED THE typeset pages of this book from my publisher, along with a request to provide my final input on its content, like 90 percent of people the world over, my family and I were under stay-at-home orders from our local officials, self-quarantining to subdue the spread of the novel coronavirus that showed up in late 2019. As I reviewed the chapters youre about to read, I shook my head in awe over how fast everything has changed. What was considered ordinary life a few weeks ago I now consider outright dreams: holding staff meetings, going out to dinner with my wife, taking my kids to see a movie, getting on an airplane to go somewhere just for fun let alone worshipping with my brothers and sisters at New Lifein person, on a Sunday morning, all in one room. In a flash, life was upended, and as of this writing, it remains upside down.
There was another thought that kept occurring to me, though, as I reviewed this book you hold: regardless of these wild, unforeseen circumstances, the message remains steadfastly true. Maybe more than ever, it is during times of crisis when those of us who have devoted ourselves to Gods will and ways get to pray up and show up and shine. We get to trust God in new and perhaps deeper ways. We get to come alongside those who are sufferingin this case from the loss of loved ones, the loss of businesses they started with their own two hands, the loss of key events on their spring schedule, the loss of their dreamsto bring them food, and funding, and hope. We get to work through the challenges that something like a pandemic introduces, while knowing with absolute certainty that God is not caught off guard, that God remains on his throne, and that God has the victory in the end. In a word, we get to live extravagantly, believing that all we have comes from God, and that the best way to invest the resources he has given us is to let him preside over it all.
Introduction Give and Take
O NE OF THE REAL PERKS of pastoring the same church for a dozen years (and counting) is that I get to see what people are like not just for a few minutes here and there, but over the long haulacross months and years and, if all goes well, decades. And while spiritual maturity has dictated that I learn to appreciate all sorts of people, there is one type of person Im drawn to more than any other, and unapologetically so. People in this category have yes faces. They are calm but energetic, present but still purposeful with their time. They are curious. They ask questions. They draw you out, genuine in their desire to know how youre doing, what youre up to, what youre learning, how you feel. They are tuned in to their surroundings, aware of hurts, of gaps, of need. They have a knack for always making sure that people are being tended to: the overwhelmed single mom, the local shop owner who had to go out of business, the worship leader whose wife just suffered a stroke.
These are women and men who have full-to-the-brim lives and are running their own firms, hitting their own corporate objectives, raising their own families, paying their own bills, and making their own lives workyet, somehow, they still have bandwidth to inquire about someone else. Not occasionally. Not even frequently. But rather all the time.
These are the givers. They are the fighters. The supporters. The advocates. The ones who love and serve and care. They step forward and offer to help; they stay until the work is done. They are generous with their resources, sometimes lavishly so. Their time, talent, and treasurethey give of these things reflexively without expecting anything in return.
Astoundingly, despite these characteristics being exceptional, we have not a few or a handful of these people around New Life Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado, but rather scores upon scores of them. Ive been watching them. Ive been studying them. Ive been culling lessons from their lives. This book? Its a manual for this kind of exceptional living, for becoming the