Rescue Your Relationship
Trust Building In Relationships & ResolvingTrust Issues Your Morals And Character Are Not Enough
Building Trust To Completely Remove Doubt AndAnxiety
Book 3 of the
Bikini Relationship Rescue
Relationship Books For ExtraordinaryRelationships
By: Peta Jane Kayes
First Original Edition, July 2015, Revised April2022
Copyright 2015, by Peta Jane Kayes, All rightsreserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced,distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, includingphotocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods,or by any information storage and retrieval system without theprior written permission of the publisher, except in the case ofvery brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certainother noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
Smashwords Edition
I have tried to the best of my ability, to recreateevents, places and conversations from my memories of them. In orderto maintain anonymity in some instances I have changed the names ofindividuals and places; I may have changed some identifyingcharacteristics and details such as physical properties,occupations and places of residence.
Some of the stories used in this book are forillustrative purposes and any resemblance to any particularsituation or person is purely coincidental.
This book should not be seen as an attempt todispense professional advice as I am not a professional counselor.The reader is encouraged to seek the services of a professionalwhere such help is deemed appropriate. The information contained inthis book is a reflection of my own personal experiences and shouldbe viewed only as such.
About The Bikini Relationship Rescue Series Book3
Trust in an intimaterelationship is trust unlike in any other form of relationship.That is because the trust that has to be experienced in an intimaterelationship in order for it to be successful requires so much morethan just our good ways, our good character, our nice personality,and even our strong morals.
In this book 3 of theBikini Relationship Rescue series we examine why trust in anintimate relationship is first and foremost about one simple thing comfort and why it takes more than just morals, or goodcharacter to achieve a high level of comfort. A lack in therequisite level of comfort in that type of relationship leads torelationship dysfunction and ultimately even breakup.
The BikiniRelationship Rescue book series is one woman's true story of howshe transformed her own marriage from mundane to extraordinary byaddressing issues such as trust. Frustrated with the humdrum natureof her marriage, and driven by her own heart-felt aspirations and adetermination to not let her marriage fall into mediocrity, shefound a way to arrive at the answers to the issues that wereplaguing her relationship.
Filled withunconventional insights, personal stories, amusing anecdotes, andcompelling illustrations each book of the series covers differentaspects of an intimate relationship and demonstrates strategiesthat can completely transform any relationship.
Book 3 in the seriesfocuses on trust building strategies that go way beyond the normalconventional advice about building trust in an intimaterelationship. Your view of what trust is in an intimaterelationship and how it must be built will likely be completelyrevamped after reading book 3. You will gain invaluable insightstowards building and rebuilding trust in your relationship - thetype of trust that will make you want to turn up fully for yourrelationship every day, instead of being hesitant and fearful.
This book is dedicated to all of you who arelooking for the extraordinary intimate relationship; who refuse totolerate mediocrity in your relationship, married or not.
As my appreciation for downloading this book,I am offering you a free gift:
The simple tool I used to help transform my ownmarriage.
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Other books in the Bikini Relationship Rescue seriesby Peta Jane Kayes
The Bikini RelationshipRescue Book 1
Whats Behind Your Relationship Problems & Relationship Issues?
The Answers
Actionable Relationship Advice For Couples With RelationshipIssues
The Bikini Relationship Rescue Book 2
Relationship Advice
Principles ToCompletely Transform Your Marriage Into Extraordinary
The Bikini Relationship Rescue Book 4
Relationship Quiz:
The 33 Relationship Questions
Fun And Naughty Quiz To Unmask YourRelationship
The Bikini Relationship Rescue Book 5
Rescue Your Relationship
Emotional Intimacy Issues and EmotionalIntimacy in Marriage
Building Emotional Intimacy
And Overcoming The Fear of Intimacy
To Receive Free Updates on all of the aboveincluding free chapters, visit:
My Other Books
Radically Rebuilding Trust AfterInfidelity
Because Cheating Is A Fork In The Road
Odes To You My Love : From My Heart ToYours
Table of Contents
What is trust really? What is trust reallyabout? Why is trust so important in an intimate relationship? Hereis the bottom-line on trust in an intimate relationship it isfirst and foremost about comfort. Comfort that removes inhibitions,that makes it desirable to give fully, comfort that allows you toappreciate more, comfort to let you be your best in yourrelationship. That is the kind of trust and the only kind that isviable in an intimate relationship; that is the kind of trust youshould want in your relationship. That is the kind of trust I wantto speak to you about.
Thank you so much for downloading my book,the 3rd in the Bikini Relationship Rescue series.Once again, I am so eager to share all that I have learnt from myown relationship transformation journey. In book 2 of the series Idescribe in full what inspired this journey after being sofrustrated with my own marriage for far too long. I did my fairshare of reading, of listening to others, trying to seek outsolutions for my relationship issues. Eventually I came to therealization that if I really wanted the type of marriage I aspiredfor, I had to turn a lot of my own thinking upside down and facereality, so to speak. That realization led me to begin my ownrelationship rescue journey, rescuing my marriage from themediocrity that had taken it over.
It is a journey that has given me tremendousinsights into my own thinking and into my own beliefs about what anintimate relationship should be. It has highlighted what is reallyimportant in an intimate relationship, and how to really get tothat place where instead of experiencing the mundane, I experiencethe extraordinary, every day.
In Book 2 of the series 6 Principles ToCompletely Transform Your Marriage Into Extraordinary, Ishared the story of my friend who became cynical about this wholeissue of trust as a result of being hurt one time too many.Eventually she came around to understanding the real value of beingable to have and foster trust in her intimate relationship and whatthis trust should look like, but not before some convincing on mypart that she had no other option but to get to that place if shewanted an extraordinary relationship.
It is not that some of us do not understandthe value of trust in our relationship - we certainly do. The realproblem I find is that trust has become this fearful place wheresome of us would prefer to not venture too far given thevulnerability we feel when we have this sense of trusting a bit toomuch. It is as if trusting too much takes you to the edge whereyou know you are bound to fall over into an abyss. Wow, that is notsomewhere anyone wants to be peering over the edge of an abyssalways in fear of someone pushing you over.
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