Unravel your Divine Assistance.
Amelia Bert
NUMBER SEQUENCES AND THEIR MESSAGES- Do you get a glimpse of repetitive numbers? Do you noticenumber sequences like 1111, 222, 44 often? They are not random,they bring you messages. They are Angel Numbers and in thisbooklet, you will learn all about them. Unravel them; discovertheir Divine Guidance.
. THE BOOK OF DIVINE MESSAGES - This book shares 365 divinely guided messagesfor daily assistance or instant support. Instructions of use: Clear your mindand ask what you want you need assistance with. Flip through thepages of the book and you will be guided to stop to the rightmessage for you at that time.
THE GUIDEBOOK TO YOUR INNER POWER: This book presents spiritual practices in a step by stepprocess to help you unleash your inner potential. Discoverexplanations, techniques and secrets in a broad how-to guide forall.
THE TRUTH OF ALL THAT IS - Thisspiritual book, links all the peaces together, by revealing thetruth of the cosmos. Find the light and presence of the Angelsbeautifying your life as you right along their words.* An amazon best seller. (Also available in Spanish: La verdad te todo loque es).
COLORING TO LIFE: DESIRES AND EMOTIONS - This is not your usual coloring book; it provides you with 28unique coloring sketches that present ultimate wishes and desirableemotions. As you color them, you invite their frequency to mergewith your own, and ultimately manifest them into yourlife.
COLORING TO LIFE: ARCHANGES AND ASCENTED MASTERS - This is not your usualcoloring book; it is infused with spiritual power from 27Archangels & Ascended Masters. As you color, these lightedentities surround you, sharing their energy with you for instanthealing, guidance and spiritual power.
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Copyright 2016 by Amelia Bert
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First Printing: April 2016
Table ofContents
Copyright 2016 by Amelia Bert
Table of Contents
When do the Numbers bring messages?
Behind the Numbers
If all Number patters appear
Interpreting Numbers
Ways to work with Numbers
Alternative Number Meanings
You have glanced at the clock and noticed thenumber 11:11, must commonly than others. If you pay attention tothe numbers all around, they will begin to speak to you, guide you,and bring messages from above. Number sequences are a form ofDivine communication. As you embrace them and understand how theywork, you will find a personal guidance to your path.
The moment you begin to notice the numberrepetitions, and learn what they mean, you welcome Divineassistance in your life. The more you notice them, the more youwill discover those number patters in Divine synchronicities. Theyare not random; they try to capture your attention to bring forthassistance.
You have noticed them also, since you nowhold this book and if you are like me, you are curious to know whatmessages they bring you. For this I have created this bookalongside with the Angels, to help you understand the messages thatthey bring.
I am an Angel Intuitive, after months ofmeditation I crafted my spiritual connection and I understand AngelEnergy. I learn from them, and in return I pass on their Divineteachings to those who are ready to receive the messages. This bookcame as an answer to so many people that were asking me to explainnumbers that they have seen. I asked the Angels to tell me whatnumbers signify and how to work with them. They began narrating,and this book came to life. It was completed in only three days,yet it contains so much wisdom and covers all you need to knowabout the subject.
As you read along number patterns may appearmore frequently. This is because you become more receptive and youcan understand them in more detail. People use divination toolssuch as cards or pendulums, but if you understand how the numberswork, you might not need any other way of communication.
In this book I will instruct you how tounderstand and work with numbers to receive Divine messages. I hopeyou find it as useful as I have.
Nothing is ever random.
Unravel your Divine Assistance
When do the Numbers bring messages?
Any number may be a message as long as itappears more than three times in a short period of time. You maynotice one, or even five digit numbers appear repeatedly and gatheryour attention. They may be in the form of a time, a streetaddress, a bill amount, a product price. You surround yourselveswith numbers every day, and for this it is easy for them to captureyour attention.
Nevertheless, numbers pass through our eyes,but they rarely pass through our focus. When they do, they conveymessages. Numbers that are repeated patterns such as 1111, or 444,pass on through our attention more easily than others, and forthis, they appear more often. Still, as I mentioned before, numbersthat gather our conscious attention repeatedly, are also a sign;numbers such as 123, 465, 80, and so forth bring a messages aswell.
When you see a number repeating itself, payclose attention to your thoughts and actions. What are you doing atthat moment, what are you thinking? It may be a reply, an answer, aguidance based on your actions and thoughts.
Moreover recall if you have you beenwondering something lately? Are you going through a big change inyour life? Are you trying to solve a problem? If you do, and younotice a number pattern, it may bring the answer to yourinquiry.
On the other hand, if you want the numbers toreveal a message to you, you can easily work with them, to pass ontheir messages from the Ether. It is always soothing to know thatsomeone looks after you in this way.
Behind theNumbers
Numbers are so easily to be conveyed simply becausethey are everywhere, for this your spiritual team enjoys sendingyou numbers, more often than any other sign. Yes that's right, yourspiritual team, you think they just dropped you in this physicalreality and forgot you existed? Well you are wrong. You have a setof spiritual beings watching over you, guiding, inspiring andassisting you. They are mostly Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels.If you have any questions about them and about how they work withyou that is a different book. I recommend you check out my otherbook: The Truth of All that Is: The Angel book to Enlightenmentand Personal Transformation to answer those questions: Here is thelink: http://ameliabert.com/
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