Angelic Reiki
The Healing for Our Time, Archangel Metatron
Christine Core

Copyright 2011 by Christine Core.
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To Kevin Core,
my beloved husband who now graces us with
his loving presence as an aspect of the Archangel Yophiel.
The Great Invocation (Short Version)
From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let Light stream forth into the minds of men.
Let Light descend on Earth.
From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let Love stream forth into the hearts of men.
May Christ return to Earth.
From the centre where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide the little wills of men
The purpose which the masters know and serve.
From the center which we call the race of men
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.
Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.
Words given by The Ascended Master Djwhal Khul to Alice Bailey. (Lucis Press)
Throughout the whole of the writing of this book I have felt the presence of my Beloved late husband Kevin with me. It was his wish, right to the end to write this book and, my Love, you have. I am deeply grateful for this amazing support.
Here on earth my gratitude goes to Petra Mourtzoukou who put her own life on hold for three months in order to come and stay here in Egypt with me giving me constant help and support. Her devotion to Angelic Reiki continues to be invaluable. My gratitude also goes to Steve Minchin for his devoted hour of proof reading. Also my thanks and appreciation goes to Amandha Vollmer for her support with editing. These lovely people have given their time and skills freely in service and dedication to embracing as many people as possible in the arms of The Angelic Kingdom of Light. I am humbled and honoured by their support. Thank you and Bless you.
I always wondered how it would happen, the start of this book. Kevin first promised to write this book nearly five years ago now, at the request our Angelic Reiki students who thirsted for more of his wealth of information and the beautiful, simple and pure spiritual principles that underpin Angelic Reiki. But on the physical plane, Kevin isnt here now. He left this incarnation on the 2nd of June 2009. The last three years our lives together have been dedicated to healing through cancer and it is that profound experience that has given me deeper insights into the disease and healing process. So I sit here in his office, his Angelic Reiki Master Crystal on the altar, to write the book that he never did in physicality.
Today, 22nd of August 2009, is probably the most poignant and bittersweet day of my life. I have said I am sat here to write the book, but Im not sure that is totally true. It will be interesting to see who does write this book. I awoke in our villa here in Luxor at 3.33 this morning and realised that the room was full of purple light. I got up feeling refreshed and wide awake and sensed a voice that said Its now time to write the book.
Kevin had felt that it was very much part of his lifes purpose to write this book and Im sure he will have a special input. About two months before he died a dear friend of ours, Alex, came to visit. She told me later that she had asked him why he was hanging on and not allowing death to take its course. She asked, Is it leaving Christine? He had replied that it was but also he wanted to write the book. Well my Love we are writing it now.
This will inevitably be a book of many sources. Kevin has returned to his essence as an aspect of the Archangel Yophiel and will bring a radiant Angelic Love, but this will not be the only source from which this book is channelled. Archangel Metatron was the original guiding source of Angelic Reiki and I am sure will be the main guiding Light. The Ascended Master Djwhal Khul will also be a potent and loving messenger.
Since its birth in the spring of 2002 Angelic Reiki has spread quickly and as I write it is represented in twenty-three different countries around the world.
This book is dedicated to Kevin Core, with great gratitude for his unwavering commitment and dedication to truth. It is also dedicated to all those who have spread this gift of the Wisdom and Love which is Angelic Reiki.
My Story
Although this is part of the first chapters of this book it is the last one I write. To write a book is to share, not only the message and information but of oneself. I feel that in order to answer the questions What is Angelic Reiki and where did it come from? it is important for me to share something of Kevins and my own story. It is reasonable for the reader to want to know something about the founders and channels. All of spiritual knowledge and wisdom is equally available to everyone. It is, though, our responsibility as human beings to receive theses Divine gifts and create something with them here on this Earth. We each follow our own dharma , lifes purpose, in the way we collaborate with spirit. All of the ingredients that are brought together for a healing system are available to everyone. The way in which these are woven together depends upon the insights, wisdom and understandings of the weaver.
My family background was rather paradoxical and it is amazing for me to observe how this played out in the positive and negative experiences. It was deeply spiritual on one hand and on the other very challenging. My father experienced a spontaneous healing of chronic asthma in his early twenties and therefore gave me a belief in healing and of how the Will of the Divine governs everything. Even though this was in the 1940s and 50s there was an understanding of creating ones own reality. I can recall, at about the age of twelve and thirteen, engaging in deep philosophical discussions about the nature of God and creation. I did not receive any childhood vaccinations and have only once in my life taken any antibiotics and that was only for a few days. School was a nightmare. I was a dyslexic child before dyslexia was recognised. Reading was very difficult, writing all back to front but I was enchanted by the patterns I could see in number and shape.
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