Healing and medicine are two very different disciplines and the law requires the following disclaimer: The information in this book is not medicine but healing, and does not constitute medical advice. In case of serious illness consult your practitioner of choice.
Copyright 2007 by Brett Bevell
All rights reserved.
Published in the United States by Crossing Press, an imprint of the Crown
Publishing Group, a division of Random House, Inc., New York.
Crossing Press and the Crossing Press colophon are registered trademarks of Random House, Inc.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Bevell, Brett.
The Reiki magic guide to self-attunement / Brett Bevell.
p. cm.
1. Reiki (Healing system) I. Title.
RZ403.R45B48 2007
eISBN: 978-0-307-76857-5
For Helema Kadir, and all who are working for world peace.
I OWE GRATITUDE TO Pan, Jesus, the Goddess Sekhmet, Ra Ta (Edgar Cayce), and the Deva of Reiki for inspiring and guiding me through this process. I owe gratitude as well to Ric Weinman, founder of VortexHealing Divine Energy Healing, and Merlin (the Avatar), the source of the VortexHealing lineage, for adding a VortexHealing energetic upgrade to what was already an effective process of Reiki attunement made available to all who read this book. And I deeply wish to thank my shaman friend Carolion, and fellow Reiki Masters Hethyrre, Michele Denis, and Noelle Adamo for all their support, advice, and encouragement, as well as for allowing me to experiment on them and with them over the past decade.
THE BOOK YOU HOLD in your hands is magical. Magic in esoteric terms is the focusing of mental, psychic, or spiritual energy through ritual, prayer, or other means to effect outcomes in our lives that are in accordance with our personal will or Divine will. The word magic also connotes a sense of wonder, as in having a magical childhood. This book is magical because if used properly it will enhance that sense of wonder in your life, and take your consciousness to the furthest reaches imaginable. Most importantly, however, this book is magical because it has a unique power, the power to connect you to Reiki attunements that have been sent through the time/space matrix. These attunements are as eternal lines of light, existing through time, and can be intersected and invoked by repeated sacred words offered in this text. The attunement process offered through this book has been refined and researched since 1995, and has proven to be as effective as an in-person Reiki attunement. Many will question both the technique and ethics of this book. It is revolutionary, and thus breaks down barriers that presently are comfortable for some, barriers that also prevent the mass awakening of humanity to this wonderful and easily accessible gift called Reiki. The potential exists to make Reiki a part of our daily lives and a common aspect of human living, to bring Reiki into our homes, into our food and water, into almost every aspect of our being. I have written The Reiki Magic Guide to Self-Attunement to see Reiki evolve beyond simply being a healing tool offered in privately paid for sessions, and become instead a commonly understood aspect of our existence, which unfolds toward an even greater awakening of our potential as peaceful spiritual beings taking ownership of our spiritual inheritance. This book presents one possible pathway toward this goal.
Reiki Lineage and Evolution
R eiki is a form of hands-on energy healing that comes from the Divine. It is an intelligent healing energy that flows through anyone who has received a Reiki initiation, which is called an attunement. Once a person is attuned to Reiki, he or she has the ability to use this energy for healing themselves or others, an ability that remains for an entire lifetime. Some often confuse Reiki with psychic energy, which it is not. If you were to think of it in terms of a form of radiation, psychic energy radiates from each of us individually, whereas Reiki radiates from the Divine, but is allowed to flow through people who are initiated into the Reiki lineage. Thus, Reiki has an intelligence as well as compassion and a healing quality much greater than that of any individual human being. It is as limitless as the Divine source from which it comes. During Reiki sessions, the energy always seems to know where to go and what to do, unlike psychic energy, which needs to be consciously directed. The beautiful thing about the Reiki lineage of healing is that it does not require you to be psychic or intuitive or have any special abilities. Once you are attuned to this sacred energy, all you have to do is desire it to run through your own hands into whomever or whatever you intend to heal.
The First Reiki Master: Dr. Mikao Usui
The present Reiki lineage on this planet began through the efforts of Dr. Mikao Usui, a Japanese healer and the worlds first Reiki Master, who lived from 1865 to 1926. Dr. Usui believed that humanity had once had a vast spiritual ability to heal, like the healing performed by Jesus and Buddha that is mentioned in sacred religious texts. His search to rediscover the source of this healinga search that lasted for approximately seven yearsincluded researching sacred texts, meditating, and eventually praying and fasting on a sacred mountaintop for twenty-one days. At the end of this twenty-one-day period, Dr. Usui had a mystical experience in which he was Divinely blessed with a wonderful healing gift, a gift that Dr. Usui called Reiki, a Japanese word that literally translates as Universal Life Force. When Dr. Usui received this initiation from the Divine, he saw bubbles of light coming down from the heavens, and these bubbles of light opened him to be able to flow what he called Reiki out of his hands. Shortly after his mystical experience, Dr. Usui injured his foot while coming down from the mountain where he had been fasting. He placed his hands on his foot and through Reiki healed his injury. From that day forward for the remainder of his life, Dr. Usui pursued a life path of healing in which he used Reiki to heal others, taught Reiki to those interested in learning it, and opened a Reiki clinic where other Reiki Masters were trained so that the lineage could live on after his death.
There is much speculation about the exact history surrounding this mysterious man. Some of what is written about him perhaps is legend, while other elements are truthful. Whether he was a Christian minister (as some books say) or a Buddhist monk (as other sources say) is speculation. What all written sources about Dr. Mikao Usui do confirm is that he was a man engaged on a mystical path who discovered a spiritual source of healing that he called Reiki.
In my own personal experience as a healer and teacher of Reiki, and as one who respects all spiritual traditions, I honor Dr. Mikao Usui for bringing Reiki to this planet, for offering it as a simple yet powerful healing tool that all are capable of learning. What is important is not so much what his own spiritual practices were, but that he went deep enough into them to get close enough to the Source of all things so that he could then bring forward this wonderful healing energy we call Reiki.