A Womans I Ching
Diane Steins Guide to Goddess Craft
The Womans Book of Healing
All Women Are Psychics
All Women Are Healers
Casting the Circle
Lady Sun, Lady Moon
Prophetic Visions of the Future
The Natural Remedy Book for Women
Natural Healing for Dogs and Cats
The Natural Remedy Book for Dogs and Cats
Essential Reiki
On Grief and Dying
Healing with Gemstones and Crystals
Healing with Flower and Gemstone Essences
We Are the Angels
The Holistic Puppy
Essential Energy Balancing
Essential Energy Balancing II
Essential Energy Balancing III
Reliance on the Light
Pendulums and the Light
Essential Psychic Healing
Diane Steins Essential Reiki Workshop
Visit Diane Steins website at www.dianestein.net for books, jewelry, workshops, and more.
Healing and medicine are two very different disciplines and the law requires the following disclaimer: The information in this book is not medicine but healing and does not constitute medical advice. In cases of serious illness consult your medical practitioner of choice.
Copyright 2007 by Diane Stein.
All rights reserved. Published in the United States by Crossing Press,
an imprint of the Crown Publishing Group, a division of Random House, Inc., New York.
Crossing Press and the Crossing Press colophon are registered trademarks of Random House, Inc.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Stein, Diane, 1948
Essential reiki teaching manual : a companion guide for reiki healers / Diane Stein.
p. ; cm.
1. Reiki (Healing system)Handbooks, manuals, etc. I. Title.
[DNLM: 1. Therapeutic Touch. 2. Teachingmethods. WB 18 S819e 2007]
RZ403.R45S744 2007
eISBN: 978-0-307-78380-6
Illustrations by Ian Everard
R eiki is an amazing healing system. It offers the ability and opportunity to train a competent hands-on healer in an afternoon, or a teacher of healing in three intensive teaching sessions (plus some practice and commitment of the students own). No other system of metaphysical healing can offer this. If you want to be a homeopath, an herbalist, an acupuncturist, a crystal healer, or a flower essence practitioner, it takes years or a lifetime of study and experience to become a good one. This is also true for most other healing disciplines, where competence takes significant amounts of study, training, and time. A well-taught three-day Reiki teaching weekend, however, provides the foundation information and training, while the students experience and willingness to use what she has learned do the rest.
I am the author of Essential Reiki: A Complete Guide to an Ancient Healing Art (Crossing Press, 1995) and have been teaching Reiki since 1990. The book has over 300,000 copies in print and is available in many languages. Diane Steins Essential Reiki Workshop DVD (Crossing Press, 2007) puts some of the Essential Reiki information into a DVD format. I have studied, practiced, and taught a variety of metaphysical healing methods, besides Reiki, since 1983, but since first being attuned to Reiki I in 1987 it has been my primary teaching and healing focus. The reason for this is in how quickly and easily Reiki training creates competent and dedicated healers. I have trained thousands of healers and practicing Reiki teachers since attaining my Reiki III in June 1990.
Despite the technological focus of our age, healingand healers and teachers of healingis needed desperately. We are in a time of personal and planetary crisis, a time of Earth changes, when the chaos of the planet and the stress and violence endemic in our own lives are overwhelming. No one is exempt and everyone is in painpeople, animals, forests, countries, the Earth. Though new beginnings come out of pain and chaotic end-times, there is at present no relief in sight and nowhere to turn for help. Governments have no answers and are often part of the problem. Traditional religions have failed in compassion and failed to meet the needs of modern times. Medicine has its place, but its drugs, invasive surgeries, and cold technologies are only the answer in limited instances. For the most part, we are on our ownno one has the answers to offer us and we can only find them within. Healing has much to offer, if the information and the healers are available.
There never have been enough healers or enough teachers to train those who wish to become healers. Some of this is the legacy of the Inquisition in Europe (formally from 1478 to 1834, but actually, in effect, a century earlier) when millions of women who had healing ability were executed. Their deaths broke the chain of oral training and teaching that extended back thousands of years.
A more current reason for the lack of healers is the result of a computer-connected world where traditional ways are rapidly being devalued and erased in favor of modernization, homogeneity, speed and expedience, and technology. Old and proven non-technological ways are being replaced and cultures destroyed, leaving nothing real to take their places. Reiki can fill a part of this void, and practitioners and teachers are desperately needed.
At the time that Essential Reiki was written, there were 750 teaching Reiki Masters in the world, about 250 of whom lived in the United States. Today, with the information made simple and easily available, the cost of training reduced considerably, and the growing number of teachers made possible by Essential Reiki, there are many thousands more all over the world. This is as it should be. In my understanding, Reiki was brought to this planet when people were brought here. The skill is hardwired into our genetic makeup and Reiki was meant to be universalmeant for everyone to have. It is a part of our creational birthright. In the years since the release of Essential Reiki, the number of people who have Reiki has exponentially multiplied, but we have not yet achieved universality.
The intent of this book is not to teach Reiki but to teach Reiki healers how to teach Reiki. For full subject information and the complete students guide, refer to Essential Reiki: A Complete Guide to an Ancient Healing Art. This book is a how-to for Reiki teachers and healers, with the hope that the information and guidance for teachers will result in many more people teaching this miraculous healing skill. I offer here the results of years of experimentation and experience in developing and using the teaching methods. These methods have become tried and true over fifteen years of use in hundreds of classes and with thousands of students. I know what works and will present the material for any Reiki-attuned individual who chooses to use it.
The information is designed to help Reiki teachers and healers who are getting started in teaching or in a healing practice to become more effective healers and teachers. It offers a structure to follow, completes your Reiki education, and fills in what you need to know beyond the students classwork in a Reiki teaching weekend. It is written to make teaching easy, to expand the scope of current teaching methods, and to tempt Reiki students and healers to become teachers. It also offers basic advice for Reiki healers who wish to start a healing practice. With experience, you will find your own methods, but those of this book are a basis and beginning, a starting place, and many or most of the methods that follow are to keep.