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Arin Murphy-Hiscock - Power Spellcraft for Life: The Art of Crafting and Casting for Positive Change

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Arin Murphy-Hiscock Power Spellcraft for Life: The Art of Crafting and Casting for Positive Change
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Your intrepid guide to the art of spellcraft, Power Spellcraft for Life takes you on an in-depth magical journey of personal fulfillment. Youll explore the hows and whys of spellcasting, learn step-by-step how to build your own successful spells, raise positive energy to power them, and make your dreams come true.
With Wiccan expert Arin Murphy-Hiscock as your guide, you will learn how to:
  • Correctly time your spells for precise results
  • Increase power and accuracy with the careful use of correspondences
  • Successfully adapt spells from books to reflect your personal needs
  • Learn powerful spells that will help you better your life/li>
    • and more.

    • Power Spellcraft for Lifeprovides you with a deeper understanding of crafting and casting, allowing you to hone your skills; power up your energy; and create productive, positive change in all areas of your life.
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    FOR LiFE

    The Art of Crafting and Casting
    for Positive Change


    Power Spellcraft for Life The Art of Crafting and Casting for Positive Change - image 1

    Copyright 2005, F+W Media, Inc.
    All rights reserved. This book, or parts thereof, may not be
    reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher;
    exceptions are made for brief excerpts used in published reviews.

    Published by
    Provenance Press, an imprint of Adams Media,
    an imprint of Simon & Schuster, Inc.
    57 Littlefield Street, Avon, MA 02322. U.S.A.

    ISBN 13: 978-1-59337-272-9
    ISBN 10: 1-59337-272-8

    Printed in the United States of America.

    10 9 8 7 6 5 4

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
    Murphy-Hiscock, Arin.
    Power spellcraft for life / Arin Murphy-Hiscock.
    p. cm.
    ISBN 1-59337-272-8
    1. Charms. 2. Magic. I. Title.
    BF1611.M78 2005

    This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional advice. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought.

    From a Declaration of Principles jointly adopted by a Committee of the
    American Bar Association and a Committee of Publishers and Associations

    This book is available at quantity discounts for bulk purchases.
    For information, please call 1-800-289-0963

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    No work is ever created in a vacuum. There are several people who helped me reach where I am today:

    To everyone at Le Melange Magique, and Debra in particular, without whom I wouldn't be working with Adams Media;

    To everyone at Provenance Press and Adams Media, especially Danielle and Courtney, who have encouraged and supported me;

    To t! and the Tough-Love Muse of Montreal, who have kept me creatively honest and writing for a combined total of eighteen years.

    To my Black Forest family, including my wonderful Coven of the Silver Deer, and Triskelene Crow Moon;

    To all my students, past and present, who were the original participants in various courses on spellcrafting and cultural magic, through the Crescent Moon program and independent workshops;

    To my fellow Daughters of the Flame, whose light and love warm my life and heart in service of our Lady Brid;

    To all the friends who have told me that I should play to my strengths, especially MLG, who, as part of his informal career-path therapy, told me to write a book;

    To my beloved parents, who supported my choice of pursuing a B.A. and M.A. in English Lit, and then my paradoxical insistence on working for minimum wage in a bookstore;

    And to my wonderful husband, partner in life, love, and magic, who makes me dinner, washes dishes, and helps me understand how fine I am to him.



    The very word suggests a mystical art with secrets hidden from ordinary men and women. You already know that you want to learn more about this art. Otherwise, you wouldn't be here. Power Spellcraft for Life is a manual designed to help intermediate practitioners learn more about the art of crafting and casting spells, and how those spells can be used for positive change within their lives. Spellcraft isn't about hidden secrets; it's about learning to use the knowledge you already possess and the information you will acquire through experience for the betterment of your life.

    Perhaps you've read a couple of spellbooks already, and you want to know why and how spells are crafted. How does one determine a problem, craft a spell to address it, include correspondences to fine-tune the energy to power it, cast it at a favorable time, and enjoy the benefits of success?

    It may be that you're dissatisfied with the spellbooks that you've read, and you're not quite certain why. As a result, you might be looking for more information to help you develop your own spells, tailored to you and to your unique situation.

    You might have cast a spell from a book in the past that didn't have the effect you were hoping for, and you want to know why it didn't work. Or, maybe that spell did work, and you want to know how. Power Spellcraft for Life addresses all these topics, and more.

    The majority of spellbooks on the market give you pages of spells for all sorts of purposes, with lists of ingredients, directions, and words to say. I call this cookbook craft. A spell isn't like a recipe for lasagna. A spell is more than a list of ingredients, directions on how to mix them, and a sure outcome. It isn't as simple as adding A to B to obtain C. That's chemistry, not spellcraft. What differentiates spells from chemistry and cooking is the inclusion of you, your will, and your intention. All these things have an important influence over spellcrafting and spellcasting. You have an enormous amount of control throughout the process, and over the outcome. This fact is probably why you've chosen to read a book on spellcraft, and not a chemistry text: you're looking for some sort of control over your life.

    Of course, there are random and unknown factors in spellcasting, just as in cooking and chemistry, which affect the outcome. The personal factor of spellcasting is unique, however, and this factor is what classifies spellcraft as an art more than a science.

    There's something else that the cookbook craft crowd is missing. This is the factor of spiritual and personal evolution. In order for your situation to change, the common element over which you have the most control is yourself. Magic often transforms the caster instead of the environment around the caster. Spellcraft isn't just about bringing home a bigger paycheck or finding the love of your life; it's about growth and evolution, making the career choices that lead to that bigger paycheck, accepting that the love of your life will have a few flaws and accept your flaws, too. Spellcrafting is about reassessing your life, isolating the obstacles, and striking a new balance.

    Spellcrafting is the process of creating a spell. Spellcasting is the act of putting it into motion. Casting is, in fact, one of the final steps of spellcrafting, for the moment you begin to craft your spell is the moment you begin an active process.

    Make no mistake: as a spellcaster, you are a part of the active process of change. You cannot interact with the energy of the world on a daily basis, at the depth required by spellcrafting, and not be changed by it. As you read through this book and deepen your understanding of the adaptability and benefits of spellcasting, you will see your entire life begin to reflect your inner changes.

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