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Arin Murphy-Hiscock - 18 Mar

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Arin Murphy-Hiscock 18 Mar

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As every good hedge witch knows, the best magick is made right at home. This book shows them how to transform their homes into sacred spaces, where they can:* Create magickal cookbooks of recipes, spells, and charms* Prepare food that nourishes body and soul* Perform rituals that protect and purify hearth and home* Master the secrets of the cauldron and the sacred flame* Call upon the kitchen gods and goddesses* Produce hearth-based arts and craftsWith this book, witches learn all they need to know to make home a magickal place to live, work, and play.

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The Way of the


Arin Murphy-Hiscock

Copyright 2009 Simon and Schuster All rights reserved This book or parts - photo 1

Copyright 2009 Simon and Schuster
All rights reserved. This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any
form without permission from the publisher; exceptions are made for brief
excerpts used in published reviews.

Published by
Provenance Press,
an imprint of Adams Media, an imprint of Simon & Schuster, Inc.
57 Littlefield Street
Avon, MA 02322
Provenance Press is a registered trademark of F+W Media, Inc.

ISBN-10: 1-59869-974-1
ISBN-13: 978-1-59869-974-6 (paperback)
ISBN-13: 978-1-44050-430-3 (EPUB)

Printed in the United States of America.


Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
is available from the publisher.

This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional advice. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought.

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Interior illustration by Elisabeth Lariviere.

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This one is for the chosen family, with specific nods to:

Pasley, Jeff, Devon, and Tallis

Janice and Taras

Ceri and Scott


The Way of the Hedge Witch Rituals and Spells for Hearth and Home - image 2 Acknowledgments

It's appropriate that this book focuses on family and homebased spirituality, because family and chosen family were key in my life as I wrote it.

A hearty hurrah goes out to Janice for her support throughout this book. Not only did she allow me to use her easy bread recipe, she came over every Friday to work on her own manuscript in the kitchen, cheered me along the way, and kept me focused. Ceri, Pasley, Rob, Daphn, Lu, Rosy, Bodhifox and the rest of the regulars gave me ongoing encouragement that I really needed during this project while I struggled with the development of fibromyalgia and had to drastically reassess my work habits and schedule. And thank you to Miranda for being the best caregiver a little boy could ask for. Thanks also go out to everyone who said, Hearthcraft sounds intriguing, what does it mean? and was patient when I didn't answer them because I either couldn't put it into words at the time, or forgot about the question because I was busy with the book.

Andrea Norville at Provenance Press was an enthusiastic supporter when I took her original idea of cauldron-focused magic and spun it into something completely different, and cheerfully gave me an extension when I asked for one. The anonymous copyeditors and proofreaders have my undying thanks as well for their help.

Love, as always, to Ron and Liam, who had to deal with meals and home maintenance on their own more than I'd like to admit because I lost track of time as I worked.

The Way of the Hedge Witch Rituals and Spells for Hearth and Home - image 3 Introduction
Hearth and Home

Many people follow a home-based spiritual path that can't be clearly defined or identified as an existing Neo-Pagan path. Hedge witch is one term that is sometimes encountered when reading about followers of paths such as this. In some circles it has the connotation of one who engages in traditional shamanic practice involving spirit journeys or trancing, often with the aid and support of herbal knowledge. In other circles it is another term for a solitary nature-based spiritual path. Wise women, cunning men, and other such practitioners were sometimes called green witches or hedge witches, and they worked to heal individuals, communities, and any malaise in the natural world. Very often they worked out of their own homes, making those homes repositories and sources of healing energy and knowledge, both collected and crafted.

A hedge borders properties, separating private land from public land and order from chaos, and this is one of the main themes of this book. The hedge is more than a physical barrier: it is a symbol of spiritual protection from the stresses of the outside world. Inside this protective enclosure you can create a rejuvenating environment, one that is spiritually supportive and nourishing. In traditional shamanic practice the hedge is perceived as a barrier between the world of men and the realm of the spiritual world, a boundary to be crossed while in shamanic trance in search of solutions and information. Whereas shamanic work is a fascinating subject and worthy of study, it isn't what I've chosen to focus on in this book. Instead, it explores the home and hearth as representative of valuable knowledge and energy that can be used to deepen and enrich your spiritual path, whatever that may be.

Like The Way of the Green Witch, this book seeks to help you develop your own home-based spiritual practice. While The Way of the Green Witch focused on using the energies of the natural world to support your spiritual practice, The Way of the Hedge Witch explores the energies of hearth and home and how they can enrich your spiritual work and life. I've chosen to focus on the concept of hearth and home throughout this book because it's a concept that is often overlooked in books about solitary nature-based practices. Solitary alternative spiritual paths often look beyond the home to what lies outside it to focus on the natural world. Creating a solid and supportive place to work from both spiritually and in everyday life a literal home base is a step many people don't think to take.

The home is the center of power for an individual and family. It is a place of refuge, renewal, and creativity, where we begin and end each day. It is a place where we are nourished, rested, and otherwise strengthened. The home reflects the individuals who live within it on several levels, including a physical level (choice of dcor and arrangement) and spiritual level (the energy or feel of a home). The home is the primary root of your family's energy and spirituality. If you work to honor and strengthen that center of power and renewal, making it as peaceful and spiritually nourishing as possible for you and your family, then you are working to create and maintain a place of peace and a source of energy.

The concept of the home as spiritual center is found in many cultures and throughout many eras. The home, and in particular the hearth, has often served as a point of connection for gods and humankind. Many people today seek some sort of practice through which they can empower their homes to serve as part of their spiritual philosophy. There is little existing literature on the subject of modern hearth-based spiritual practice and magic, an oversight that this book seeks to correct.

This book explores the idea of home-based spirituality using two symbols as joint keystones: the cauldron, and the flame. The cauldron is a traditional representation of abundance and hospitality. It is also a symbol of rebirth, mystery, creation, and transformation, making it the perfect symbol to use as a focus in hearth and home-based spirituality. The flame is a symbol of life, activity, the Divine, purification, and creativity, making it an excellent partner for the cauldron.

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