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Arin Murphy-Hiscock - The Green Witchs Grimoire: Your Complete Guide to Creating Your Own Book of Natural Magic (Green Witch)

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Arin Murphy-Hiscock The Green Witchs Grimoire: Your Complete Guide to Creating Your Own Book of Natural Magic (Green Witch)
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Murphy-Hiscock, Arin, author.

Title: The green witchs grimoire / Arin Murphy-Hiscock, author of The Green Witch.

Description: First Adams Media hardcover edition July 2020. | Avon, Massachusetts: Adams Media, 2020.

Series: Green witch. | Includes bibliographical references and index.

Identifiers: LCCN 2020014947 | ISBN 9781507213544 (hc) | ISBN 9781507213551 (ebook)

Subjects: LCSH: Grimoires. | Witchcraft. | Magic.

Classification: LCC BF1558 .M86 2020 | DDC 133.4/3--dc23

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A grimoire is an organic, evolving piece of art and magic.

It is a record of magic, spells, and rituals, and also a reflection of your spirit. Your grimoire serves as a record of your work, a journal chronicling your development, a place to note down interesting bits of knowledge, a resource for information, and a collection of your learning and ongoing educationits a manual, a dictionary, and a collection of inspiring ideas all in one. It is both an inspiration and a tool.

The Green Witchs Grimoire will help you create your own grimoire, where you can record information like moon phases, seasonal information, and also spells, rituals, observations, and other practices to help you keep a history of your practice of green witchcraft. A grimoire is especially important for the green witch because unlike many other paths, the path of the green witch rests on your philosophy of living and how you interact with the world around you. For this reason, your prayers, rituals, and spells must be personally meaningful, and creating a record of this personal practice is key to living a fulfilling life as a green witch.

Creating a physical grimoire is an act of love and reverence for yourself, for the natural world around you, and for your path. It will deepen your understanding of how your practice evolves, and how you yourself develop and grow spiritually. Using this book as your guide, you will create your ideal grimoire. The first part of this book will help you create and craft your grimoire, from deciding on your paper and ink colors to organizing your content. The second part will then guide you through using your newly created grimoire in your green witch practice.

Your grimoire will be a balance between something beautiful and something practical. Grow your grimoire from the ground up with this guide, and learn how to use it to support your spiritual journey as a green witch.

NOTE This book is aimed at green witches who have some grounding in energy work and spiritual practice. As such, we wont be going over how to do basic rites or spells. Instead, Ill refer you to The Green Witch to learn about or refresh your familiarity with general practices.

How to Use This Book

Building a grimoire is a valuable practice that can enhance your understanding of your personal practice and development. It reflects your choices from the ground up, from vague concept to physical collection of information and records.

This book is not a grimoire itself. It has some information you can transcribe into your own grimoire but it doesnt function as a grimoire. Instead, its a how-to, a guide to outlining and planning your own collection of knowledge and reference.

Theres nothing wrong with consulting existing collections of spells and rituals, whether theyre published or privately assembled. Seeing how other people have chosen to organize their books can be eye-opening and offer you a different way of looking at how you record information. In the end, however, in order for your spiritual practice to gain the full benefit from your grimoire, it should be as personal as possible.

Your grimoire can and will become a magical tool in its own right. It cant help but become one, through your repeated use and interfacing with it. It will absorb the energy you invest in it, and its contents will trace your spiritual development and experiences. To enable this, however, you have to take it seriously and devote time to it. Make it a regular practice to sit down after a spell, ritual, or meditation session and record specifics as well as your feelings about it. Record your experiences participating in other peoples rituals, or following someone elses guided meditation. Be aware that you are crafting a magical tool.

In the end, as reassuring as a book full of someone elses rituals, spells, and correspondence lists can be, your own collection will be much more powerful and useful to you. Give your grimoire the focus and attention it deserves, and youll discover that your practice can offer you so much more than you might have initially expected.

PART 1 Picture 4 Designing Your Green Witch Grimoire

THERE IS A LOT TO think about before you plunge into starting a grimoire. While you could go where your whims take you, you might run into problems later on if the way youve started doesnt work easily with how you want to include things, add information, or use the grimoire in practical or magical ways.

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