W icca
For Lift
A Complete guide to Mastering the Craft on Jour Own
Arin Murphy-Hiscock
Adams Media
Avon, Massachusetts
Copyright 2005, F+W Media, Inc.
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Published by
Provenance Press, an imprint of Adams Media,
a division of F+W Media, Inc.
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ISBN 10: 1-59337-353-8
ISBN 13: 978-1-59337-353-5
Printed in the United States of America.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Murphy-Hiscock, Arin.
Solitary Wicca for life / Arin Murphy-Hiscock.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 1-59337-353-8
1. Witchcraft. 2. Magic. 3. Rites and ceremonies. I. Title.
BF1566.M79 2005
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As I write this, you have been two months in the womb, and we know you only through love and dreams. By the time we hold this book in our hands, you will have been in our arms for one month, and we will not be able to imagine a time without you in our lives.
May the God and Goddess bless you, support you, and guide you every step of your life.
Practicing Solitary Wicca
Sacred Space
Advanced Circle Casting
Spells, Energy Work, and the Solitary Wiccan
Simple Rituals
Enriching Ritual
Crafting Rituals
Sabbats and Esbats for the Solitary Wiccan
Rites of Passage
The Power of Words in Ritual
Spiritual Archetypes
Drawing Down and Aspecting Deities
Growing as a Solitary Wiccan
T hanks go out to the level 3 and 4 students of Crescent Moon School, both past and present, who were the reason I came up with much of this material, and whose notes provided me with a chance to look at how I had taught it; and to my teaching colleague Scarlet, who, when asked what she thought should go into an intermediate to advanced book on Wicca, promptly said, All the stuff we're teaching now.
The team at Provenance Press makes the process of writing, revising, and publishing a book a joy. Thanks particularly go out to Danielle and Bridget, and my anonymous copyeditors and proofreaders, for helping to make this book the solid resource and guide that it is.
The Black Forest Clan has supported me throughout this project, as they have throughout my other work. Love and strength go out to each and every one of you, wherever you are in the world at this moment.
My family and friends encourage and support me through every project, be it birthing a book or a baby. You all know how thankful I am to have you in my life. Special thanks to Ceri, who gave me valuable feedback at an important time.
My husband is a constant in my life for whom I am eternally grateful, upon whom I lean, and from whom I draw strength during the creation of every book I write. Thank you, beloved.
W icca 101 material outlines the Wheel of the Year, introduces the concept of working with the God and the Goddess, and presents the basic tools of ritual. After reading and working with that material for a few years, what is a Wiccan to do when the bloom fades? Wicca 101 books greatly outnumber the texts offering a more in-depth look at the intermediate position, along with more advanced practices. Solitary Wicca for Life is designed for solitary Wiccans who have read their fair share of beginner books and are looking for something more.
Solitary Wicca for Life takes a fresh approach to the intermediate Wiccan challenges. We're going to take a look at the various elements of Wiccan practice and ritual in more depth than a 101 book does. I'll offer you a different point of view and suggestions on how to vary your practice, and challenge your existing notions of what Wicca is and what constitutes Wiccan practice. This book separates and explains many rites and practices that are presented to beginning Wiccans as fact or faits accomplish. In no way is this book a must-do or a manual to be followed to the letter; rather, it is a reflection on the practices of eclectic Wicca for those who work alone. It is designed to help you work through the discouraging plateau that so many intermediate Wiccans reach.
As a beginner, you learn something new every day and experience new sensations and feelings as you explore your newfound spirituality. After a year or two of practice, this steep growth rate levels off, resulting in a practice that can seem dull at times, and a belief that you are no longer learning or developing spiritually.
Welcome to the intermediate Wiccan challenge. You are not alone.
For a solitary Wiccan, this period can be particularly hazardous. Many intermediate solitary Wiccans give up because of lack of support and structure in the advancing study of their magical practice and spiritual expression. Solitary Wicca for Life is a book for advancing solitary Wiccans who wish to enrich their basic practice by building on the basics, and who wish to expand their practice without feeling as if they have to turn to a coven environment. With this book, you will have the opportunity to re-examine the various aspects of your practice, to look at the fundamental Wiccan elements of practice, and to form a new perspective.
Whether you've been a practicing solitary for a few years or whether you've recently branched out on your own from a group, you, the intermediate Wiccan, have reached the point where you want to know more, to really understand the how and why behind each basic step in Wiccan practice. You are ready to learn how to craft your own rituals step by step, reflecting your personal interpretation of the Wiccan practice. You are most likely seeking additional methods through which you can explore the ever-evolving relationship with the Divine in the form of God and Goddess, and ways in which you can further relate to nature. In intermediate to advanced spiritual work, we very often find ourselves returning to the foundations of our practice to broaden and deepen our understanding, which in turn allows us a stronger base from which to explore further.
A Note on the Contents of This Book
Beginner texts tell the practitioner to perform a ritual without explaining the steps and how they relate to the Wiccan mythos. This book explores simple and complex rites step by step, and reveals the inner working of rituals to enhance celebration for every solitary practitioner.
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