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Library of Congress CataloginginPublication Data is Available:
ISBN 9781119815365 (Hardback)
ISBN 9781119815389 (ePDF)
ISBN 9781119815372 (ePub)
Cover Design and Image: Zero Degrees Media
Author Photo: Lily Ro Photography
Dedicated to the man who taught me the true meaning of One More, my father, Edward Joseph Mylett, Jr.
THE POWER OF ONE MORE IS THE CULMINATION OF A PHILOSOPHY I've been developing for more than 30 years.
At its core, The Power of One More is about your willingness to do one more rep, make one more phone call, get up one hour earlier, build one more relationship, or do one more thing for whatever your situation calls for.
You can find your best life by doing one more than the world expects from you.
I wrote The Power of One More to transform your life by adopting strategies I've successfully used time and time again. By living a One More life, you can completely change your relationships, finances, emotions, the way you do business, your outlook on life, and more.
You were not born to be average or ordinary. You were born to do something great with your life.
I know this about you.
The Power of One More is a dynamic contract between us. It's an important exchange of ideas and knowledge. Depending on who you are, what I'm about to teach you will impact each one of you differently. By changing how you think and act, you'll find answers in those areas of life that matter most to you.
The beauty of all this is that, most times, the answers are relatively simple.
But for whatever reasons, you may not have been able to see them or resolve them on your own. Figuring out where to begin can feel daunting. Most people are under the impression there are a thousand different things they must do to change their lives. Nothing could be further from the truth.
I've learned, and you will too, that one more thing is often all it takes. And frequently, it's only one more step away from where you are now.
Begin with ONE MORE.
You're a lot closer to changing your life than you think. Youre one more meeting, one more relationship, one more decision, one more action, or one more thought from leading the life you deserve. The Power of One More challenges you to become hyperfocused and addicted to searching for the one mores in your life. The more you begin to see them and then execute the actions to realize them, the more your life will change.
The individual thoughts and actions you take don't need to be profound. However, when you compound these small thoughts and actions and stack them up on top of each other, the resulting changes over time are profound.
I'll teach you to keep promises to yourself, creating an internal belief system that you are destined for a better life than what you have now. When you implement One More strategies, you live by a set of principles above and beyond those of most other people.
This is not just a how to succeed in business or a how to succeed in your relationships book, although, for some, it will be. For most of you, this book will have several applications. That's why you should think of this as a how to succeed in your life book. Your challenge is to take these strategies and apply them to the areas of your life that matter to you.
There are no wasted words on these pages, but some parts of this book will connect with you more than others. Certain principles will challenge your ways of thinking, beliefs, and values. And several will land on you like a ton of bricks and change your life forever. I've purposely designed these strategies to be universal as well. You're going to read about principles that apply to all people in every area of life.
You can take lessons from each chapter whether you're a worldclass athlete, a CEO, a rapidly rising star in the business world, a parent, or still in college. Some of you will use this book to transform your life completely. Others will focus on insights to enhance specific parts of your life that are lacking or troublesome.
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