Copyright 2020 Kari Beyer Cover Design: @vanessamaynard Published by: Big Moose Publishing PO Box 127 Site 601 RR#6 Saskatoon, SK CANADA S7K3J9
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ISBN: 978-1-989840-03-0 (paperback) ISBN: 978-1-989840-04-7 (e-book) Big Moose Publishing 03/2020
Thank you to all that have been on and helped me on my journey. There are too many to name. To my partner in life and love, Greg, thank you for your honesty and support always. Brin, Simon and Ruby thank you for trusting me to take care of you. I am glad you are flying.
Mom and Dad, thank you for this new relationship. Gloria Stefanson, thank you for being you and sharing your gift with me. Katie Bell thank you for your pushes! Vicki Page, thank you for your love and support. Breyann Pollard, thank you for making sense of my writing. If we have had a relationship, you have helped me grow.
The journey to my heart has been a long one.
Every experience scratching the surface a little bit more. Pushing the limits of change has me seeing my heart bursting open. These big changes make it possible for me to see myself a little clearer, with more moments without pain, stress, and overreactions. This word art and art work have been composed to bring healing to all who observe them. Words and art have different affects on people. For example, if I said brown banana you each may have a different story for those words.
Each shape may look different to each person. One shape may look like a smile to one person but a wave to another. With all of these observations there is a lot of emotion that comes up too. These words and art pieces are created to work on many levels. The words can be read many times with different meanings or a new outlook from the first to last time. These compositions can be read as an entire collection or individually.
It took me over a year to read the whole collection at once, so pace yourself. As you read, observe, or listen to the words and art pieces make sure to: 1. Give yourself the space to look inward. See what emotions, memories, attitudes, or places these individual pieces bring up. If you would like to see how I use words and art then look at the back of the book under Personal for examples. This is only one way to do it.
Enjoy your own process. 2. Take breaks and breathe when you are feeling stuck, have emotions come up, or need to let the words filter into you. Observe how you feel with no judgement. 3. 4. 4.
These words and art are for you. I have written and painted them with the intent for them to be for all who observe them. This does not mean they are for you every day, or perhaps they are. 5. Read these words at different times in your life. You may see different meanings or receive different insights, depending on your frame of mind or how you have grown.
The paintings can be observed in different ways. Here are some suggestions): 1. When looking at a painting the first question is which way is up? Turn it the right way for you. 2. What do you see? 3.
Put the art work where you can observe it. See if it changes. 4. Repeat steps 1&2 whenever you notice it again. Healing comes in all forms. This form comes out of pain, my love for poetry, art, mindscape, and also from the idea that we all need a gentle universal way to heal.
We are all perfectly made. The knowledge that healing can be flowing through words, art, moments of breathing and grace can bring us all to a different mindset and let the healing take place. Gentle healing does not mean that you wont find moments of hardship. Give yourself the space you need to allow for your body mind to readjust. Our mind is a powerful tool- your physical and mental body may need gentleness, support and space to catch up to your heart. There is also the aspect of frequency.
Words, colours and shapes all have frequency. White light goes into a prism and the rainbow comes out. This is measurable. Our voices have frequencies that are measurable too. Our body sends off frequencies as well. We draw people to us who possess matching or opposite frequencies.
We are drawn to our jobs, houses, our friends, music, and many more. Sometimes these relationships between us and other humans, animals and things bring us stress and pain because of the frequencies and in spite of them. This book is written and art composed to deliver you healing frequencies of love, observation and gratitude. These frequencies can help your body heal, align and reconnect. From the ages of 0-7 we make a fundamental set of beliefs. These beliefs have helped us to survive and keep us safe.
They were made from the perspective of our younger self and a lot of them are emotional and limiting. They are causing us pain and stress. In having these limiting beliefs we attract our jobs, houses, possessions, friends, money, music, etc. These things, experiences and people contain a message to help us to break apart our limiting beliefs and allow us to become less emotional about our decisions. Making decisions from our child-like beliefs can be very emotional. In reading this book, choosing healing and self-care you are making the decision to heal those beliefs that have been limiting you and give yourself the ability to make choices from a place of wisdom and acting in the present moment, not the past.