Isabel Barney
About the Author
Melissa Alvarez, writing as Ariana Dupr, is an award-winning author of paranormal romantic suspense who also writes metaphysical nonfiction under her real name. Melissa is a member of several Romance Writers of America chapters, is a publishing expert at Moonspinners Ask the Experts (Writers Digest Top 100 Website), a spirituality and publishing expert at, and has appeared on numerous radio shows as a guest or host. She lives in South Florida with her husband and three boys, six dogs, and seven horses. She and her husband are breeders of champion KFPS Friesians and ECHA Barock Pinto horses.
Llewellyn Publications
Woodbury, Minnesota
Copyright Information
365 Ways to Raise Your Frequency: Simple Tools to Increase Your Spiritual Energy for Balance, Purpose, and Joy 2012 by Melissa Alvarez.
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First e-book edition 2011
E-book ISBN: 9780738727769
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Llewellyn Publications
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: Awareness
: Your Spiritual Path
: Releasing Negativity
: Self-Transformation
: Your Higher Self,
Soul Responsibility
: Colors and Crystals
: Manifestation
: Intention
: Conscious Living
: Peaceful and Stress-Free
What is frequency? It is the intensity of our spiritual energy within our bodies. It can be low, high, or just sort of in between. Each of us has our own unique frequency, which exists in direct relation to the culmination of all our lifes experiences (past and present), outside influences, internal joy, and overall happiness. Where we choose to focus our attention and thoughts is what determines what level our energy is residing on at any given time.
The term frequency is relatively new in the metaphysical community. Previously this internal energy was called personal vibration, vibrational level, or vibrational rate, and many people still use these terms interchangeably, including me. Its only been in the last few years that weve taken the word frequency from the scientific communitywhere it is generally used in physics to mean the number of regularly occurring events of any given kind in a unit of time, usually one second or the number of cycles or completed alternations per unit of time in a wave or oscillationand applied it to how we perceive changes in our personal vibrational rate. If you consider our internal energy in this way, as frequency, then the more regularly occurring positive events, the faster our energy will oscillate. The faster our energy moves, the higher its rate of frequency. So if were trying to bring more positive factors into our lives, then were increasing the number of regularly occurring positive events, thereby raising the energy within our body.
If you harbor negative feelings like fear, doubt, jealousy, envy, impatience, insecurity, imbalance, hatred, or judgment, you will live on the low end of the energy spectrum. This is because youre focusing on the negative in your life instead of the positive. Someone with an abundance of positive feelings like joy, happiness, elation, centeredness, love, peace, harmony, balance, kindness, compassion, and understanding will be at a higher frequency because they are focusing on the positives in their life. When you are able to look inside your own soul and see yourself for who and what you truly area spiritual being with lessons to learn in lifeor when you look at the spiritual laws of the Universe and see the bigger picture, you are elevating your spiritual energy. Youll feel it; youll know deep inside that you are different or have transformed your emotions because you attuned yourself with the principles of the Universe. Personal spiritual growth creates, nurtures, and elevates your frequency.
Have you heard the saying What goes around comes around? You can apply this same concept to frequency. What you send out to the Universe comes back to you, magnified and multiplied. If youre sending out feelings of love, youll receive an abundance of love in return; if youre sending out feelings of hate, youll get plenty of hate in return. Like attracts like. You can block what God and the Universe intend for you by living in negativity, but if you release those negative thoughts and feelings and live your life to the fullest, you may just surprise yourself.
Doing energy work specifically to raise your frequency doesnt mean you can never get angry or upset. Everyone has fears, worries, and doubtsits part of human nature. Theres nothing wrong with experiencing these normal emotions. We are on the earthly plane and must experience them to grow spiritually. Its when you allow these emotions to rule you that the problem begins. When you regularly act and react from a place of negativity, youre treading on thin ice. Emotions like anger and fear can get a foothold in your being and start you on a downward spiral toward unhappiness and discontent.
Intention is the biggest factor in controlling frequency. Im going to say that again because its very important: Intentionyour reasons for doing what you do, acting the way you act, and treating people the way you treat themis the biggest and most powerful way to control and elevate your frequency. Every intention carries a vibration with it, and that vibration can immensely affect your overall life.
How do you control your spiritual energy through intention? Through the emotion of love. Thats simple enough to say but much harder to carry out. Ive learned, through metaphysical experiences, that we carry our emotions with us when we pass over. If love is one of the emotions we carry with us, shouldnt it be the basis for all that we do while were alive? Whether its love for another or love for yourself and your own spiritual growth, it is still love. If everyone acted from a place of love, there wouldnt be any bigotry or hatred left. However, its easy to get caught up in the moment, to let your ego and negative emotions take over. If you can learn to control your emotions while acting from a place of love, you will have taken a giant leap in maintaining and raising your frequency. Its a lifelong learning process. Remember that your emotions are going home with you to the Other Side. Consciously choose to base your actions and reactions to people and the situations in your life from a place of love instead of anger, jealousy, or bit terness.
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