I dont normally read books on angels as I find many of them too saccharine, but I found Wendy Erlicks book The Gift of an Angel direct, authentic and sometimes very moving. Wendy has a knack of expressing profound truths simply, and her book should appeal to beginners and advanced spiritual workers alike.
Cilla Conway, author and creator of The Intuitive Tarot, and the Devas of Creation cards
This is a book to grace any bookshelf of anyone interested in practical, everyday spirituality and in making a personal connection with the angelic realm. An easy read and very inspiring.
Colin Tipping, author, Radical Forgiveness: A Revolutionary Five-Stage Process to Heal Relationships, Let Go of Anger and Blame, Find Peace in Any Situation
A wonderful inspiring and heartwarming story.
Michael Mann, publisher, Watkins Books
Wendy is a talented angel channeler whose authentic voice promotes intuition, love and healing.
Etan Ilfeld, owner, Watkins Books
First published by O-Books, 2016
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Text copyright: Wendy Jane Erlick 2015
ISBN: 978 1 78535 005 4
Library of Congress Control Number: 2015946044
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For my sons Josh and Zack for being with me on this journey.
This book would not have been possible without the support of family, friends and colleagues.
Sincere appreciation goes to the owners of Watkins Media, Etan Ilfeld and Marianna Ilfeld, for their support and belief in my Divine abilities; to my Editor and friend Leah Kotkes for being a miracle in my life; to Michael Mann, publisher of Watkins Media for his early encouragement; to Elizabeth Radley of O-Books for her speedy and comprehensive editing; to all of the staff of Watkins Books for their kindness and encouragement; to Tobe Aleksander for initial editing, and suspension of personal belief and organization; to Melinda Tenty for rescuing me many times with kindness and without judgment; to her daughter Natasha for being patient; to Shelley Dorfmann and Berl Goldbart for their sound friendship and practical support; to Raphaela Cooper for believing in me from the beginning; to Tracey Byles-Walker for amazing and unstintingly generous support and friendship; to Alison Abrams for helping to restore me to myself; to Ivan and Denise Green for giving me a space in which to write; to Eamon and Alison Osment for looking after our dog Lily while I was writing; to Peter Bently and Lucy Curtin for helping me write the first synopsis; to Marianna Komarovsky for Skype Healing when needed; to my friend and colleague Jugal Sharma and his wife Audrey for their integrity and support that has spanned many decades. To Ruth and David Willis for thirty years of friendship through thick and thin as well as this book; to Kim and David Howard for friendship, plus encouragement; to Sue Matto for many cups of coffee; to Liam Scales for patient kindness; to Helen Erlick for her act of generosity; to my mother Barbara for encouraging me to follow my dreams.
Presently the Mage said, speaking softly, Do you see, Arren, how an act is not, as young men think, like a rock that one picks up and throws, and it hits or misses, and thats the end of it. When that rock is lifted the earth is lighter, the hand that bears it heavier. When it is thrown the circuits of the stars respond, and where it strikes or falls the universe is changed. On every act the balance of the whole depends. The winds and seas, the powers of water and earth and light, all that these do, and all that the beasts and green things do, is well done and rightly done. All these act within the Equilibrium. From the hurricane and the great whales sounding to the fall of a dry leaf and the gnats flight, all they do is done within the balance of the whole. But we, in so far as we have power over the world and over one another, we must learn to do what the leaf and the whale and the wind do of their own nature. We must learn to keep the balance. Having choice we must not act without responsibility. Who am I though I have the power to do it to punish and reward, playing with mens destinies?
Mage Light, page 361, The Earthsea Quartet by Ursula Le Guin (Penguin, 1993)
Dearest One,
You must write your book as soon as it is possible; there is urgency to the message contained within. It is needed to bring light and give hope.
Although you do not recognize the fact you have been courageous, this book will have contained within it the potential to allow other people to shine, to speak their truth and find their own courage in supporting the Divine.
The Great Shift that you personally will experience in early 2013 will prepare you and also grant you the abilities to support and guide those that come to you to undergo their own transitions. This time of change will be a difficult but crucial time of change that will benefit you greatly; and in time others who you help will come to their own realizations about the worth and the advantages associated to their own transition. You will be an inspiration to all those that seek you; you will support and comfort them as they make the inevitable transition from material to spiritual and then find their sense of priority and balance between the two realms. For in our generation and the future the two realms have to coexist; the world can no longer be led by materialism alone.
Step into your power and truth in order to assist others. Many humans are suffering and are confused as they shift the dimension of their experience to integrate the material and the spiritual. They believe that they are disconnected and alone. This is not the case. Your purpose is to remind them of the abundance and joy. Every person is a miracle. Every person has the right to dance in his or her power. Each person has the right to laughter in his or her lives.
Channeled Message to me from my Personal Angel Celestial Bell, July 2012, Devon, England
The Gift of an Angel interweaves two stories, the story of my personal journey to accepting and utilizing my psychic ability, and the exploration of the channeled messages I have received all my life.
Until July 2012, when I received a channeled message from my Personal Angel advising me to write this book, I had resisted a working relationship with the psychic world and the responsibility that accompanies it; all my life I had been in conflict with this gift I knew I had which I had attributed to Gods grace.