First published in 2013 by Weiser Books
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Copyright 2013 by Geoffrey and Linda Hoppe
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Chapter 1
All That Was
And so it is, dear human, dear angel, that we begin. Take a deep breath as we embark on a journey to understand how we got here. Together we will go back into All That Was, back to the very, very beginning in order to understand the journey of the angels, the experiences that we've had, the inner look at our soul, the outer expression of our Self, in order to understand what has brought us to this point.
Why Remember?
As we embark on this journey, it is not about going back in time, because there actually is none, and it is not about going back to figure out all of the details about the past. Rather, it is about understanding where we have come from and why this time on Earth is so important. When you understand why you have chosen the experiences that you have chosen, why you have gone through the situations, challenges, and joys that you have gone through, then you can go forward into the new times and into the realization of your Self as an expression of Spirit. You can go forward in your life free of karma, free of destiny, and free of the path that has brought you here, for today you begin a new awakening.
Today you can awaken to the realization that Spirit has always been within, and that there is no line separating you from Spirit or from your angelic roots. There is no obstacle course you must get through. There is no test that you have to take. There is only a choice to make: Are you ready to move into your full expression, into the I Am-ness of your being? Are you ready to get off of the path of the past in order to go into a future that can be anything you choose to create? For it is said that the future is the past, healed.
In this new awakening, your tomorrow is the understanding and acceptance of everything that has come in all of your yesterdays. From this moment on, your choices can come from your heart and soul, instead of having to make amends for your past and fearing who you really are. Your choices no longer come having to remedy something that happened in the past, for now you can come to the acceptance of all that you have been and all that you are, in order to move forward into your full realization of Self.
Beginning the Journey
As this journey begins, understand that there are guiding angelic beings who are with you every step of the way. The message of this book, and the consciousness within the message, is coming from yourself, as well as from Tobias of the Crimson Council, and it will be as clear to you now as the day it was first presented. In this journey that will bring us from Home all the way to your present moment, we invite you to open your heart. We invite you to open to the true soul level, because your soul already knows this material. It may know it in a different form and different words, but your essence already understands.
We're going to ask you to step aside from the mind as you read in order to allow your heart, your soul, the expression of the God within you to come forward. We invite you to allow yourself to remember, and to accept and love yourself during this entire journey.
We're going to tell this as a story, not to be taken literally but as a way of understanding the energies, so that when we talk about Spirit you understand and feel the essence. When we talk about Mother-Father God, we invite you to feel the combination of the masculine and feminine energies coming together in wholeness and Oneness. When we talk about the King and the Queen, these are metaphors for the masculine and feminine within, but they are also metaphors for the royalty that you are and always have been.
We're going to write in metaphors and stories, but beyond the words that we share, allow yourself to resonate with the essence.
Take a deep breath now and remember the Is-ness.
Take a deep breath and, guided by the angelic beings who are with you right now as you begin this journey into the history of your soul, let yourself open up and feel the experience.
Before the Beginning
And so it was, beyond time and space, that there was this thing called Spirit. It was Oneness. It was complete unto Itself. Spirit knew nothing other than Itself. It simply existed. It simply was.
Remember here that there is truly no time. Instead, in the realms of the angels and of Spirit, things are marked by experience. So during this journey you can replace your linear timeframe with the timeframe of Spirit, which is experience. Experiences follow one after another, after another; that is how time is known by Spirit.
So at the beginning of all experience, at the beginning of All That Was, there was Oneness. There was Is-ness. There was Completeness.
We use the term All That Was because it is no more. No longer can you go back to that original Oneness; it is but a memory. No longer can you return to what we call Home, because Home has changed so much. No longer can you try to get back, because back is now here. Was now Is.
Take a deep breath and feel the energy of All That Was.
Feel the energy of Spirit in completion.
This completion went on for what would seem like an eternity in human time, but actually it was in no time at all. Then, in a moment of sheer brilliance, passion, and love, this Was-ness asked Itself, Who am I?
And what happened then is the history of All That Was and All That Is. When Spirit, Oneness, Love, and Completeness asked that single question, Who Am I?, Its energy burst forth in an incredible brilliance of Self-love, Self-wonderment, and a desire to express Itself such as it had never known or needed to do.
When Spirit, the original, Eternal One, said, Who am I?, It instantly created a mirror of Itself so that It could see who It was in order to answer Its own question. And in that mirror the Oneness gazed into Its own heart and instantly fell in love. It fell in love with all that It had been and all that It could ever be. The Oneness fell so deeply in love with Itself that It manifested Its expression.
You see, up until now All That Was never expressed Itself; It just was.
It never contemplated Itself; It just was.
It never had a desire to know more about Itself; It just was.
But now that the question Who am I? had been asked, It created Its own expression, and today we call that the King and the Queen, the Mother-Father God. The Oneness created the incredible ability to see Itself through Another, to experience Itself through the expression of Itself, and now we have the metaphor of Spirit as the King and the Queen.
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