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2021 Lori Cameron. All rights reserved.
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Published by LitPrime Solutions 06/18/2021
ISBN: 978-1-954886-63-6(sc)
ISBN: 978-1-954886-64-3(hc)
ISBN: 978-1-954886-65-0(e)
Library of Congress Control Number: 2021911184
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Sales Pitch
Why I feel this book should be published.
These are end times, terrible things are happening in this world. There is such an urgency to reach those living in fear and without hope.
We are entering precarious times in the earths history, and there are lost souls out there who are crying out for help, not understanding what is happening in this world of ours.
I was crying out for help, all the way through until my forties when Christ reached out for me.
In this world of darkness, there is a light. Jesus is the One who can satisfy the deepest yearnings of the human heart. Come unto Jesus as I did, and He will welcome you into His open arms.
The Bible does not teach that the sinner must repent before he can heed the invitation of Christ, Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28
The Lord has been pursuing me for the last two years to get this book written. This was the hardest thing I have ever had to do, however, Christ has led me through each pathway of my life in getting this life story down on paper to be able to help others in need.
As we approach the period of the last conflict, the time of Jacobs trouble, we must be able to get the message of Jesus Christ out there to a growing and tormented people.
This has been my desire in my sermons and now eventually in my book.
This book is dedicated to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
My precious Lamb of God, who has covered me with His Blood and led me on a wonderful journey. The still small voice of the Holy Spirit, who has guided me through many precarious times in my life.
For God, my one true Father, who gave His only begotten Son to redeem me.
I will praise you amid the congregation, I will testify of your unconditional love that you have shown towards me. I will tell of the Faith of Jesus, for all to hear, and come to know as their own personal Savior. Praise the Lord, Amen.
This book is for all those dear men, women and children out there who have suffered at the hands of men and women who want coercive control over them. May this book be a blessing to you all whatsoever you have suffered through and be inspired to know that there is indeed a light at the end of the tunnel.
A true inspirational testimony of what Jesus has done in the life of:
Lori Cameron.
If I had only known that the Lord was my Shepard and that Jesus loves His little children, how different might my life have been?
Knowing that we are sons and daughters of God and that He wants to lead and guide us in our lives.
How many childrens lives might have been changed. Knowing that they were loved, children who longed for a hug, a tender word, had the comfort of knowing a loving parent.
Jesus says, Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart: and you shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Matthew 11: 28-30
Come unto Jesus, for the road I traveled in the end, was never lonely, my Savior has been always with me, for, I held onto Him and never let go.
The Growing Years
I grew up near the beautiful coast of Dublin in Ireland. There was a lot of beauty outside, however, there was darkness in the home. My earliest memories were not at all pleasant. My mother was standing at the top of thirteen stairs, with me, screaming at my father, I do not want her, you have her, catch!! My father was pleading with my mother, Anna, put her down. Then my own voice screaming as I was thrown down the flight of stairs to my father.
My mother was a hysterical alcoholic and would continue to be like that throughout my years knowing her.
Sitting on the front steps of our house one summer, my mother said to me, You were supposed to have been a boy, I was going to call him Patrick, I never wanted you. My name was Patricia.
My mothers parents lived at the top of our street. This one day, when we went to visit them, I was told to sit on my grandads knee. Oh, the horrors of what he was doing to me, unbeknown by my mother or grandmother. I started to squirm but was told to behave myself. My grandfather had his hand in my knickers and was fingering me. This sickening feeling is still with me to this day. I managed to get off from his knees and ran to a chair. My mother and grandmother scolded me and told me to get back, but I refused. I was told I deserved a good thrashing. Back at home in the kitchen, I tried to tell my mother what grandad had done to me, tears filling my eyes, but my mother rebuked me and told me again that I deserved a good thrashing.
My brother was born when I was four years old, my mother finally got her Patrick, but that was to be his middle name. I loved my brother, right from the beginning. Yes, we had our squabbles, however, that was normal for children.
When I was five years old, I kept getting sick from earache and sore throat. Unbeknown to me plans were being made regarding this.
One day, mum said that grandmother was going to take me on a bus to meet dad and that he was going to take me shopping. I used to love meeting dad and going out with him, however, when we finally got off the bus, dad was not there and grandmother said that he would meet us over by a large building, that was in front of us. When we reached the building, grandmother rang the bell and a nurse came out, took me by the hand and closed the door. I was on my own with this stranger, Where is my daddy, I cried then, as I was taken to a bed, I started screaming. I was so traumatized that I lost my voice. All these strangers around me, then I remember other children in their beds lined up to go into this big room. I had my tonsils and adenoids out.
Mum and dad came in with ice cream for me, but I could not talk, it would be long after I was home before I would speak again. The trauma had so paralyzed me. Friends would come in to play snakes and ladders with me, but I could not talk to them. Then one day, I got out of bed and a shrill scream came out of my mouth, and I could not stop crying, then, I started to utter a few words.
My mother and fathers marriage were not a happy one. There would always be rows and tension at the meal table. My dad kept a carving knife by him at the table, and if I or my brother went to reach across the table to get something, we would have the carving knife slapped across our knuckles.