
Through poetry, lush visual imagery, fascinating case histories and crystal clear explanations and point locations, John Kirkwood brings the body, soul and spirit of Five Element acupuncture to life. A labour of love and devotion, this is a book clinicians, students and patients of traditional Chinese medicine have long been waiting for. I will use it in all my teaching and will cherish my copy for years to come.
Lorie Eve Dechar, author of Five Spirits: Alchemical Acupuncture for Psychological and Spiritual Healing
The Way of the Five Elements is an original and immensely practical addition to the growing literature of Five Element medicine. In addition to his lively descriptions of each element, John Kirkwood offers something new: explorations of individual acupoints that highlight their elemental qualities. In choosing a small handful of powerful points for each element, Kirkwood offers readers a highly accessible way into the very complex system of acupuncture points. Novice readers and journeyman practitioners alike will find insights and ideas for acupressure treatment of themselves and their clients.
Gail Reichstein Rex, acupuncturist and author of Wood Becomes Water: Chinese Medicine in Everyday Life and Earth Acupuncture: Healing the Living Landscape
The Way of the Five Elements
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The Way
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52 weeks of powerful acupoints for
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First published in 2016
by Singing Dragon
an imprint of Jessica Kingsley Publishers
73 Collier Street
London N1 9BE, UK
400 Market Street, Suite 400
Philadelphia, PA 19106, USA
Copyright John Kirkwood 2016
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Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
A CIP catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
ISBN 978 1 84819 270 6
eISBN 978 0 85701 216 6
Notes on the Text
Throughout I have capitalised Element, Five Elements, Constitutional Element, Extraordinary Vessel, and the substances of Qi, Blood and Essence in order to distinguish from the more common usages of these words.
I have italicised Chinese words such as shen and jing but not Qi, yin or yang, which have more fully entered modern usage.
In 1991 I was very fortunate to study with Bob Duggan, Diane Connelly, Julia Measures and John Sullivan, teachers of the Traditional Acupuncture Institute (TAI) who were presenting their SOPHIA program in San Francisco. This year-long training, in five parts, introduced me to the sophisticated model of the Five Elements and to ways in which this perspective can be utilised in everyday life to bring health and balance.
I discovered that these Elements are not constituent parts like chemical components, but rather they are five unique vibrations that arise from the void, the Tao. Similar to the way light refracts into a spectrum of colours, the nature of the universe divides into distinct notes or vibrations. These vibrations pass through and inhabit all aspects of our material world. Everything resonates with these Elements.
One of the easiest ways to understand the Elements is through the qualities of the seasons which offer a direct experience of the nature of each Element. If we study the associations of an Element in its own season, there is an ambient energy that both highlights and supports the exploration.
I was so impressed with this model that I took it into my life and began to look at my own physical body, psyche, emotions and later my spiritual life from this perspective. Each year I delved more and more deeply into myself, learning through the Elements about my functioning, my strengths and struggles, where I am out of balance and where I am balanced.
After the SOPHIA program ended, a number of us who had completed the course decided to carry on meeting to continue the exploration. Out of this arose the whimsically named Five Hands Clapping group. We offered our own experiential workshops to the public and found that real healing was taking place in the participants, including ourselves. When the workshops finally ran their course, we continued to meet seasonally, setting up an environment that would echo the qualities of the season and the Element in order to understand more about ourselves through this work.
After I returned to Australia in 2006, I brought this perspective of living with the Elements into my acupressure classes, a quinterly newsletter, a blog and now this book. At each stage I have found that in order to bring the work to others I have, of necessity, plumbed my own depths to deeper and deeper levels. My physical health is better than it has been in the past, despite my advancing age; I am far more aware of and comfortable with my emotions; I have deep understandings about the connections between the different strands of my life; and I have come to know my true nature more fully and how this manifests uniquely in this location.
I hope that in this Five Element work you will find understanding, insight, inspiration, healing and balance. As I have.
Adelaide Hills
March 2015
Landscape of the Five Elements
How to use this book
This is a book that is meant not just to be read, but to be lived, explored, pondered and played with.
For the past 25 years, since I became closely acquainted with the Five Element model, I have been living my life as best I can by following the rhythms of nature, allowing them to teach me about myself. About my physical health, my preferences and dislikes, ideas and beliefs, emotions and even my spiritual journey. At the completion of each year, I come back to where I started in the seasonal cycle, but I am not the same person who started the year. I have changed at all levels, and the next cycle is altogether new. The work is not a repetition but a widening, deepening spiral of experience and understanding.
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