Auras, Chakras,
and Energy Fields
What They Are To You and How Your Angels and Guides Work Through Them
Sylvia Lavey
iUniverse, Inc.
New York Lincoln Shanghai
Auras, Chakras, and Energy Fields
What They Are To You and How Your Angels and Guides Work Through
Copyright 2007 by Sylvia Lavey
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Human beings have always marveled at their conquests in being able to conquer one continent after another, or travel and explore celestial planets, but few give little thought as to what lies within their very being their soul and their spirit.
For these two areas are where the real conquests exist, and where each person can find the real meaning to life, not as we have been told by society, but what we know through experience from what is, and what has been, that will make the real difference within ourselves and in the long run within every society on this planet and beyond.
Until each human being can fully understand themselves by knowing what lies within, there can be no real peace within or without.
It is through peace that the divine dwells, where real assistance takes place, and where miracles happen.
Sylvia Lavey Author
We are what we repeatedly do.
Aristotle (384 BC322 BC) Ancient Greek Philosopher, Scientist and Physician
Everything around us is made-up of energy. In chapter three of my book titled Synchronicity I mention how philosophy views this very concept.
In fact, the human body could be thought of as being electrical energy. Impulses that carry signals throughout the human body carry messages that help govern the life inside and outside of our bodies.
The physical body also has a subtle body (or ethereal body), an aura, and it extends out two or more feet from the physical body in most healthy people. Not everyone can see it so they are not aware of its existence. But, most people have felt it, especially when someone gets too close and their energy is not compatible. This is usually because the other person is ill, uses drugs, over indulges in alcohol, or from karma. Human instinct is to move away immediately, out of the other persons energy field when this happens.
It is the subtle body that makes up the human aura that is fed through the chakras. It envelops the physical body through various layers. Much like the layers of our physical body which has a skeleton, soft tissue, and skin, the ethereal body has it own layers and each layer is a different color. Every persons ethereal body is different, just as no two people have the same physical make-up.
There are seven, well known, major chakras that are part of the human body. They project out two or more feet to help form the human aura. Following is a brief description:
1. Crown chakra on the top of the headits color is usually white, but most often is seen as violetit projects straight up into the air and down through the spine. (Known as the Seventh chakra in the human body).
2. Brow chakra in the middle of the foreheadits color is mostly indigoit projects forward as well as backward through the head. (Known as the Sixth chakra in the human body).
3. Throat chakra in the middle of the throatits color is mostly medium to light blueit projects forward and backward through the neck. (Known as the Fifth chakra in the human body).
4. Heart chakra in the chest areaits color is mostly a medium green it projects forward and backward through the torso. (Known as the Fourth chakra in the human body).
5. Stomach/solar plexus areaits color is mostly yellowit projects forward and backward through the torso. (Known as the Third chakra in the human body).
6. Abdomen/navel area chakraits color is mostly orangeit projects forward and backward through the body. (Known as the Second chakra in the human body).
7. End of the spine /root chakraits color can be mostly red or black it projects forward and backward through the body. (Known as the First chakra in the human body).
The chakras in the human body are known by their numbers according to how close they are from the surface of the earth.
The earths gravity keeps the human body grounded, which forms a relationship between the human body and the earth.
The colors of the chakras and the aura have a luminous shiny color to them, since the energy they are made up from is ethereal matter.
The seven major chakras appear similar to an open flower in the body, but their energy is projected out from the physical body through vortexes into the aura. The energies from the chakras actually look similar to that of small tornados with the very tip being attached to the body, and the open funnel part twisting outward. Since the chakras are constantly moving, spinning, their flower-like shape within the body can be likened to that of a wheel.
So, is it any wonder that when you are around certain people you feel drained; especially if they are ill or are suckers (some people actually feed off other peoples energies)?
The bodys aura is made up from major chakra energies and other energies from minor chakras. The minor chakras are scattered throughout the torso and head, and are located in the knees, palms of the hands and the arches of the feet.
I first became aware of the chakras in my body in the mid 1970s when I started taking yoga classes. Through meditation and breathing techniques I was able to feel them. This did not happen while I was in any of my classes, but while I was meditating alone at home.
In addition, having heard lectures on chakras and the human aura, as well as the experiences mentioned in my book Synchronicity, all helped make me more aware of the energy fields around me, and I began to actually see my chakras and their colors.
I remember while meditating one time and thinking that I wanted to see the colors of my chakras. I focused my attention on the spots in my body where each chakra was supposed to be located starting at the top of my head. When I got to my second chakra I was immediately shown a circle made of bright orange carrots.
I actually laughed out loud . I wondered if I was hungry and my body was telling me something.
Then I realized that after I had seen the preceding chakra the color was yellow and I thought to myself that the color was the same color of yellow as a banana .
So, I got a response when I looked at the next chakra which was not only orange but matched my thought with a food, too. I mention this experience because, as I have learned, thoughts will also affect the aura.
So, be careful what you think about, because you are setting up thought forms in your aura.
Just think about this for a moment. And, remember what has happened around you that may have caused you to have a really good day verses a bad one. It could have been what you allowed yourself to give thought to.
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