Dont Thin k,
Just Love
My story about how I came to love from the emptiness of mind
Aleksandra S. Kelc
![Dont Think Just Love My Story about How I Came to Love from the Emptiness of Mind - image 1](/uploads/posts/book/397123/image/26203.png)
Copyright 2016 Aleksandra S. Kelc.
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ISBN: 978-1-5043-6373-0 (sc)
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2016912421
Balboa Press rev. date: 08/31/2016
Reader Comments
Dear Aleksandra, your book Dont Think; Just Love took me on a friendly journey into the experience of love. In a simple way, by sharing your life experiences, you are opening up our hearts while reminding us that love is an always available choice that we should consciously take. The more we chose to go with love, the stronger hold it takes within us and shines unto others.
Suzana Lecnik, life coach of the Phyllis Krystal Me thod
Dont Think; Just Love is an important and much needed gift to the world that stands at a crossroad. It is enough if we look around and see how much pain the world has suffered because of decisions made by the human mind. Its decisions dont go hand in hand with the decisions of the heart. The reign of the mind has to withdraw, in order for the heart to take its place and safely lead the humanity to its rightful home: the world of values, compassion, unity, and love.
Also, now that we have learned that there is no end, we are eagerly looking forward to Aleksandra Kelcs next creation.
Natalija T. Koprivnikar, LLB
It is a matter of course that all of us relentlessly think about something all the time. We might as well ask,
Is it possible to stop thinking?
Sure. If only we allow ourselves to do that.
But why would we stop in the first place?
Because only a silent mind is able to hear the voice of love.
So what should we do with all these thoughts in our head?
Lovingly tell your thoughts to take a rest for a while, and let your heart speak instead.
The main theme of the book is how to live and be the love itself. The author shares with us her own personal experiences through which she has learned how to act with love, how to live as love. All of us who know Aleksandra are very well aware that she really puts her heart into everything she does. She is truly walking her talk and it is a pleasure to learn from her experiences. I recommend you use the opportunity and read what she has to offer. You will be thrilled. Perhaps you will finally learn how to love yourself.
Blanka Cizek, BA
While accumulating deeper knowledge and experience of life, Ive realized that it was something others around me didnt have. So I decided to share my experiences. That is how this book came to be. First it was a diary, where I was writing down the inspiring outcomes of the situations to which I was consciously applying love. Then I arranged these inspiring moments by specific topics which gave them a broader meaning.
I started working in the field of personal growth in 2006, because more and more people would spontaneously entrust their personal problems to me. At first I wasnt comfortable with it and I was wondering why would they turn to me of all people. Apparently, people around me knew that I had answers in me long before I was aware of that. In order to further study this field, I enrolled in the School for Spiritual Studies managed by Elena Danel. During the years of counseling, spending time with people who would share with me their deepest pain, I gained a lot of experience and skills, which are also the basis for my present work.
While I was working on this book, I wanted to go deeper into understanding my own purpose. Then my friend Stane suggested that I should read Cutting The Ties That Bind , written by Phyllis Krystal. My first reaction was Not another method! because I had been already studying a number of books by various self-development authors. But the simplicity of Phylliss book truly impressed me and removed my doubts. My friend Suzana, who was teaching this method for several years, suggested that I study the method, so I went to Munich in autumn 2011 to attend the classes conducted by Phyllis Krystal.
I apply all the knowledge that I received from Phyllis Krystal to my own personal development and to the work with clients. That is the way I enrich and widen my experience. I work with positive symbols, guiding the steps to remove attachments to parents, the steps to let go of the negative qualities, thought patterns, and programs. I am grateful for the opportunity to learn how to set boundaries and say no. I learned to interpret dreams that give us insight into our subconscious. For two years, I was actively studying my own dreams, writing them down sometimes even in the middle of the night, and learning how to interpret them. The method delighted me because its simplicity escapes the control of our mindas it is the simple things that our mind cannot grasp. Phyllis Krystal herself is an embodiment of unconditional love. This can be confirmed by anyone who had a chance to meet her. She is my role model.
My sincere thanks to my husband, Branko, for always accepting me the way I am.
Thank you, Phyllis Krystal, for teaching me lovingly and unconditionally.
Thank you, my friends Blanka, Klavdija, Natalija, and Mihael, for your loving support and encouragement to make decisive steps toward being who I am.
Thank you, Suzana, for the prosperous cooperation in spreading the method.
Thank you, Severin, for the expert comments regarding the English translation of the book.
I started to write while in the process of cultivating and pacifying my mind. This was not a predetermined process; it happened quite spontaneously. It seemed that the time was right for me to experience this. It was an intense physical pain that prevented me from thinking and brought about the inner transformation, leading me to the very essence of my heart. Also, my work with the yin-yang symbol, that I will describe later, helped me reach the heart. Prior to that, I was inclined to overthinking and avoiding the use of emotions, feelings, and my femininity. When the two energiesmale, the mind, and female, the feelingsfinally merged into one, I felt the warmth of light in my heart. Ive been experiencing myself as a whole ever since.
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