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Greg Lanier - Is Jesus Truly God?: How the Bible Teaches the Divinity of Christ

Here you can read online Greg Lanier - Is Jesus Truly God?: How the Bible Teaches the Divinity of Christ full text of the book (entire story) in english for free. Download pdf and epub, get meaning, cover and reviews about this ebook. year: 2020, publisher: Crossway, genre: Religion. Description of the work, (preface) as well as reviews are available. Best literature library LitArk.com created for fans of good reading and offers a wide selection of genres:

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Greg Lanier Is Jesus Truly God?: How the Bible Teaches the Divinity of Christ
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The question of Jesuss divinity has been at the epicenter of theological discussion since the early church. At the Council of Nicea in AD 325, the church fathers affirmed that Jesus the Son of God is true God from true God. Today, creeds such as this are professed in churches across the world, and yet there remains confusion as to who Jesus is. To some, Jesus is a radical prophetnothing more than a footnote in history. To others, Jesus is the only Son of God, fully God and fully manthe author of history entering history.

Is Jesus Truly God? is an accessible resource, bridging the gap between the pulpit and the pew as it traces the rich roots of creedal Christology through the Scriptures, strengthening the readers understanding of Jesus as fully God and fully man.

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Table of Contents

Is Jesus Truly God?


abiding in Christ,

Adonai ,

adoptionist Christology,

Ancient of Days,

angel of the L ord ,


called gods,

refuse worship to them,

worship Jesus,

anointed one,




Barth, Karl,

Bauckham, Richard,

Benedictus (song),


binitarian Christianity,

Bird, Michael F.,

body of Christ,

bowing down to Jesus,

bridegroom metaphor,

calling on Christ,

Chalcedonian Definition (AD 451),

Christ. See


emerges from Judaism,

not binitarian,

Christian life

deeply Trinitarian,

as union with Christ,

Christological monotheism,



church discipline,

Clement of Alexandria,

coming of God theme,

communion with Christ,


Cyril of Alexandria,

Daniel, vision of heaven,

David, on Messiah/ christos ,

dawn metaphor,

day of the Lord/ kyrios ,


divine Christology,

divine conceptual metaphors,

divine metaphors,

divine prerogatives,

ascribed to Jesus,



early Christians, worship of Jesus,

early Christology,

Elohim ,

eschatological prophet,

eternal subordination controversy,


exaltation-humiliation-exaltation arc,

Ezekiel, on glory of the Lord ,


begetting the Son,

declares Jesus as my Son,

oneness with the Son,

Filioque ,



first and last,



manifest in the flesh,

metaphors for,

oneness of,

sends fire from heaven to earth,

separation from creatures,


see also

gospel of Christ,

Granville Sharp Rule,

Greek philosophy,

heaven-earth distinction,

Hengel, Martin,

Holy Spirit

and earthly ministry of Jesus,

personhood of,

proceeds from the Father and the Son,

sending of,

horn of salvation metaphor,

human Christology,

human Messiah, expectations of,

human rulers, divine language for,

Hurtado, Larry,

husband metaphor,

I am statements,




Irons, Charles Lee,


on glory of Jesus,

influence on New Testament authors,



as firstborn son,

in the wilderness,

Jehovahs Witnesses,


birthplace of,

coming from heaven,

descended and reascended,

divine prerogatives,

divinity of,

as embodiment of Israel,

exaltation of,

in the exodus,

forgives sins,

glory of,

as God of the Old Testament,

as great high priest,

humanity of,

humiliation of,

as ideal human,

as image of God,

intercessor in worship,

as Lord/ kyrios ,

as mediator,

on my Father,

not a demigod,

not an angel,

oneness with the Father,

own identity as divine Son,

preexistence of,

recipient of worship,

relation to Holy Spirit,

as sent into the world,

sonship of,

sovereignty of,

as theos ,

transfiguration of,

use of Abba,

use of Son of Man,

veneration of,

in wilderness sojourn of Israel,

will execute final punishment,

as wisdom of God,

worship of,

as YHWH,

see also

Johannine Comma (1 John 5:7),

Johannine thunderbolt,

John the Baptist,

Julius Caesar,

kenosis theory,

king like David,

LifeWay Research,

light metaphor,

Ligonier Ministries,

lion of Judah,

Lord ( Adonai ),

Lord ,

Lord, fuzzy use of,

Lord/ kyrios ,

Lords Prayer,

Lords Supper,


Magnificat (song),


Marana-tha ,

messenger precedes YHWH,

Messiah, as human,


Messiah/ christos ,



monogen s ,



of New Testament,

of Old Testament,


mother bird metaphor,


Mller, Mogens,

my beloved Son,

name of Jesus,

name of YHWH,



New Testament

assumes deity of Jesus,

assumes the Trinity,

monotheism of,

Nicene Creed (AD 325),



old covenant promises, fulfillment of,

Old Testament

monotheism in,

reading Jesus in,

only begotten,

ordinances venerating Christ,


on Damascus Road,

on Jesus Christ before all things,

on manifested,

prayer to Jesus,

on riches of the Son,

on sending of Son into the world,

use of Shema,

Pliny the Younger,


praying to Christ,

preaching Christ from all Scripture,

predicate nominatives,

priest in the order of Melchizedek,

prophetic fulfillment,

proskynein ,

Ptolemy, King, as son of Ra,


root of Jesse,

Rosetta Stone,

royal sonship,

salvation, as Trinitarian,

Sanders, Fred,

second and greater Adam,



shepherd metaphor,

singing to Christ,


in ancient Israel,

Creator of all things,

intrinsic to God of ancient Israel,

made known the invisible God,

preexistence of,

in the Psalms,

as radiance of glory of God,

relation to Father and Spirit,

riches of,

as theos ,

unique relation to the Father,

Son of David,

Son of God

as divinely begotten Son,

functional title for human messiah,

from heaven,

as indicative of divinity,

as messianic,

as royal title,

at work in the Old Testament,

Son of Man

in Daniel,

enthronement of,

sons of the gods, ancient monarchs as,

speech-act of God,

Spirit of God,

Sprout of David,

star of Jacob,

stone/rock metaphor,

suffering servant,


manifest in the flesh,

use in ancient world,



Trinitarian Christology,

and essence of God,

as giver and content of revelation,

in ministry of Jesus,

oneness of,

at Pentecost,


union with Christ,


walking with Christ,

Wedgwood, Josiah,

Westminster Confession of Faith,

wisdom, in creation,


all things made through,

made flesh,

as theos ,


of Jesus,

as Trinitarian,


Bates, Matthew W. The Birth of the Trinity: Jesus, God, and Spirit in New Testament and Early Christian Interpretations of the Old Testament . Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015.

Bauckham, Richard J. Jesus and the God of Israel: God Crucified and Other Studies on the New Testaments Christology of Divine Identity . Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2008.

Bauckham, Richard J. The Throne of God and the Worship of Jesus . In The Jewish Roots of Christological Monotheism: Papers from the St. Andrews Conference on the Historical Origins of the Worship of Jesus , edited by Cary C. Newman, James R. Davila, and Gladys S. Lewis, 4369. Supplements to the Journal for the Study of Judaism 63. Leiden: Brill, 1999.

Bird, Michael F. Are You the One Who Is to Come? The Historical Jesus and the Messianic Question . Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2009.

Bird, Michael F. Jesus the Eternal Son: Answering Adoptionistic Christology . Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2017.

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