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Ilchi Lee - The Solar Body: The Secret to Natural Healing

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Ilchi Lee The Solar Body: The Secret to Natural Healing
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    The Solar Body: The Secret to Natural Healing
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Experience a powerful, natural way to vibrant health that has transformed millions of people worldwide! A bestselling author and the founder of mind-body practices with phenomenal success, Ilchi Lee now presents the secret to maintaining your natural healing power at an optimal level. The secret is hot, because its about raising your body temperature and keeping its perfect energetic balance. In this condition, you let your bodys systems work at their best. With the simple visualization, movements, breathing, and observation of the mind that make up Ilchi Lees Solar Body Method, anyone can enjoy the vibrant health that we all deserve. Like the sun that generates life-giving heat without fail, you can craft your body into a Solar Body that self-charges with limitless energy. Tap into the hot secret to becoming a Solar Body. Get renewed passion and zest for life, and a glowing vitality that reaches beyond your physical health.

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The Solar Body The Secret to Natural Healing - image 1
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Our original mind is bright like the sun,
and seeks its own brightness.
ChunBuKyung (The Heavenly Code), ancient Korean text

The Solar Body The Secret to Natural Healing - image 3

BEST Life Media
6560 State Route 179, Suite 220
Sedona, AZ 86351

Copyright 2015 by Ilchi Lee

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

Please understand that this book is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness. The information in this book is intended for educational purposes only, not as medical advice. Always check with your health professional before changing your diet, eating, or health program. The author and publisher disclaim any liability arising directly or indirectly from the use and application of any of the books contents.

First paperback edition: July 2015
Library of Congress Control Number: 2015934608
ISBN-13: 978-1-935127-75-8


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I n Sedona, Arizona, where I live, many wildflowers and grasses grow and give off intense life energy under the hot desert sun. Of these, lately I am bewitched by sage. If I put a sage leaf in my mouth and chew it, my body grows warmer and my head clearer. The fragrance and life force of the leaf seem to circulate through my blood vessels, bringing vitality to my whole body. Im moved by renewed wonder as I vividly feel the changes caused by sages encounter with my body.

What has given this pungent plant its special qualities? Where did the gentle texture of the sage leaf, the white fuzz covering the back of the leaf, and this refreshing aroma come from?

The power that makes sage into sage is no different from the power that causes the sun to rise and set, the power that makes my heart beat automatically, and the power that causes the salmon to swim upstream, breaking its body on its way to spawn. All these powers ultimately come from the same source.

The breath of the Tao dwelling in perfect form even in a single leaf of sagethis great power and life force of naturegrants sustainability and stability to everything that exists. It is what enables the whole to maintain harmony and balance. When an organism is sick because it has lost its balance, this power is manifest as the natural healing ability that restores balance, returning the organism to a healthy state.

This book contains my proposal for how to use this great restorative power of lifeour natural healing abilityto live a healthier, happier, and more meaningful life.


We are learning new things every day as we live in a world where we can obtain information more quickly and easily than ever before. The medical arts are gradually developing, and the number of hospitals, doctors, and medicines is increasing. Yet around us, more and more people are sick. Our possessions and knowledge are growing, but were losing our connection with the great life force that dwells in all things. This life force is the power that makes sage into sage, the power that makes human beings human, and the power that enables each and every one of us to realize our own value and to become who we truly are meant to be.

Losing our connection with this power means losing our connection with ourselves. And as this has happened, weve gradually lost our healthy life rhythm and our self-control. Weve come to depend on hospitals and medicines for everything instead of respecting and relying on the natural healing power within us, and working to maintain and recover our own health.

This tendency extends beyond us as individuals to society and the earth as a whole. As our relationship with the life force connecting all things has weakened, our relationship with other people has become superficial. Weve come to the point of competing and fighting rather than helping and protecting each other. This goes for our relationship with nature, too. Our natural environment is being destroyed ruthlessly because weve lost much of our ability to sympathize with other life-forms and with the earth itselfthe foundation of our lives.

What we can be thankful for is that this life force itself continues to exist perfectly, despite the fact that our connection to it has weakened. Our bodies have a system for providing support, enabling life to maintain itself in optimum condition and to perfectly express its values. If we just avoid getting in the way, good health manifests itself as an obvious and natural phenomenon. A body that has lost balance wants to return to good health, because health is the most natural state of life.

Restoring our connection with the great life force and recovering our natural healing ability doesnt mean simply becoming physically healthier. It means restoring our purest and most natural essence. In the most fundamental sense, it means recovering the true, original nature of humanity. When we are reconnected with this absolute power that brings balance and harmony to all things, we find that our own sense of harmony and balance has been revived within us.

I believe the key to solving everything from individual problems to the global environmental crisis or political and religious conflicts is to be found in restoring this link with the great life force. By recovering our natural healing ability and the goodness of human nature, we can create a truly peaceful, sustainable world. And I dont believe that these are things that social institutions or prestigious experts can do for us: they must happen within each and every one of us.


In this book, I am presenting the new concept of the Solar Body. What do I mean by this? Solar Body refers to someone who creates her own health and happiness by recovering her natural healing power, making herself shine brightly like the sun.

It doesnt take complex technology or tremendous effort to recover natural healing power and achieve a Solar Body. The Solar Body isnt about creating an amazingly muscular physique, or developing an enviably slender waistline. Its about reviving a sense for the balance and harmony that exist perfectly within us.

The secret of natural healing powerthe heart of the Solar Body conceptis found in a linking of three elements: body temperature, breathing, and the power of the observing mind. When, by concentrating our minds, we feel our body heat and observe our breathing, we recover the desired balance of body temperature, with the head cool and the lower abdomen warm. Breathing naturally grows deeper and slower. The life energy in our bodies is activated and circulates, and our natural healing power manifests best in this state.

In this book, I introduce some simple but powerful methods of meditation and exercise for maximizing natural healing power. The Solar Body Method is made up of Sunlight Meditation, to receive solar energy directly from sunlight; Solar Energy Circuit Training, for total transformative healing with focused awareness; and Solar Body Exercises, for increasing body temperature and recovering optimal energy balance through movement.

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