Also by Doug Fields
Among others...
Congratulations... Youre Gifted!
Creative Bible Lessons on the Life of Christ
Help! Im a Student Leader
One Minute Bible
Purpose Driven Youth Ministry
Speaking to Teenagers
What Matters Most
For a comprehensive list of the 50+ books
Doug has authored and coauthored, please visit
2008 by Doug Fields
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Unless otherwise noted, Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved.
Scripture quotations marked MSG are from The Message by Eugene H. Peterson. 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000. Used by permission of NavPress Publishing Group. All rights reserved.
Scripture quotations marked NIV are from the HOLY BIBLE: NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Fields, Doug, 1962
Refuel : an uncomplicated way to connect with God / Doug Fields.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-8499-2054-7
1. Spiritual lifeChristianity. I. Title.
BV4501.3.F54 2008
Printed in the United States of America
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I would like to dedicate this book to the people who call Saddleback Church their home. I love being one of your pastors! I love teaching you the Bible. I love your passion for learning. I love your concern for your neighbors. I love your commitment to pursuing God in all areas of your lives. I love your dedication to givingand giving generously. I love talking to you and hearing about what God is doing in your lives. I love you! Im living the dream of pastoring people (young and old) who want to connect with God. Thank you for being church to me and my family. I cant imagine serving anywhere else.
I have never really done anything worthwhile without tapping into the help and community of othersthis book is no exception. I am deeply grateful for several friends who played instrumental roles in reading the manuscript and offering me suggestions that made this a more helpful book. Thank you, Brian Bird, Marcus Brotherton, Marla Christian, Lisa and Steve Gladen, Angela Griffin, Craig Hodgkins, Mike Howerton, Tom Holladay, Buddy Owens, Jana Sarti, Ross Schaffer, Rob and MaryLynn Vollmer, and Linda Vujnov. Im also indebted to my agent, Greg Johnson, for believing that I have something to offer. Heartfelt thanks to my pastor, friend, and mentor, Rick Warren, for believing in me and allowing me the privilege of teaching at Saddleback Church (where this material first developed). I always acknowledge my kids because they are the loves of my life and have taught me more about God than anyone. My prayer is that youTorie, Cody, and Cassiewill grow up to live out the principles in this book. I love watching your faith growyou all inspire me. Finally, the depths of my thanks go to my wife, Cathy, who models what Ive written and maintains a connection with God and a confidence for living that I havent seen in anyone else. Im so grateful for you, and Im blessed to journey with you!
Within one week of getting his drivers license, my sixteen-year-old son came to me feeling discouraged. Hed been thrilled to pass his driving test, but now his body language was unusually lifeless as he approached me. He said, Dad, I need to talk to you about my car. Immediately I thought he was going to tell me about a speeding ticket or a fender bender or something that would cause him pain and cost me money. Instead, I discovered that his flat persona resulted from his need for additional cash to refuel his car. His weekly gas budget only lasted two and a half days, and now his tankand his walletwere empty. He was shocked at how few miles he could travel on one tank of gas. Sadly he said, Dad, I gauged it all wrong. I had no idea Id go empty so soon.
His older sister had blessed him with the family hand-me-down car (which she got from her greatgrandmother) before she went off to college. Now, sixteen-year-old Cody Fields, varsity athlete, at the height of impressing every living creature under the age of eighteen, was the one driving the 1990 Buick LaSabre. If you dont know this model, just think tank. To suggest it isnt fuel efficient would be an understatement. Then add the color maroon to it, throw on a few stickers (such as I [heart] Kenya), several little dents, and two missing hubcaps. While Cody doesnt adore the car, hes wise enough not to complain, because it would trigger Dad Lecture #317: Gratefulness.
When he was learning to drive, hed jump in and out of the family car without ever considering the implications of a low fuel level. To his inexperienced mind, cars always seemed to have enough. He had been taught the basics of pumping gas but never really connected the price of gas to his own wallet and what happens when you unexpectedly and all too quickly reach empty. He was definitely not the first young driver to admit, I had no idea Id go empty so soon.
Codys experience was very similar to how many Christians feel: living on empty, in need of spiritual refueling, and not exactly sure what to do. But unlike an empty automobile tank, followers of Jesus can be spiritually empty yet appear as though nothing is wrongand some are great actors. For example, I can pretend all is well without confessing my emptiness or bringing others into my need for refueling. Its very easy to live as if my spiritual tank is full. I can just put my life in cruise mode. Ill be the first to admit that its not spiritually healthy, but I can do it easily. So can you. Unfortunately, cruise mode is common practice for too many Christ-followers, and I want that to change. Im hoping you do too.
Followers of Jesus can be spiritually empty yet appear as though nothing is wrongand some are great actors.
Over the course of my own spiritual journey, Ive become very aware that if I dont connect with God on a regular basis, I run out of passion and become spiritually empty. Just like the gas in my sons car, my spiritual life drains more quickly (and more frequently) than I anticipate. And its not a pretty sight.
When Im spiritually empty, my life sputters. Things feel different. Not good differentbad different. Im shallow, confused, and anxious. Again, I can pretend to be full and fool others, but my emptiness is embarrassingly apparent to me. When my needle is nearing the red, there are some obvious warning signs:
Im more selfish with my time.
Im impatient.
I lack compassion for those who are hurting.
Im more vulnerable to temptation.
I begin to act like I deserve certain things.
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